Even Eating Disorders Can Be Treated In Luxury

Sunset Malibu, an exclusive treatment center on the California coast, has long been a transformational force in the field of rehabilitation and recovery. Now, Sunset is announcing its redoubled efforts in the fight against anorexia and bulimia.

An eating disorder is a disease, whether its anorexia or Binge Eating. Like any disease, it can only be eradicated by professional medical treatment. Sufferers who try to get better without the help of eating disorder treatment specialists are invariably doomed to fail. In the end, healing is not and cannot be a solitary undertaking.

The importance of professional expertise, in turn, lies at the very heart of Sunset Malibu’s eating disorder treatment philosophy.

With its world-class caregivers and elegant accommodations, Sunset Malibu is an unparalleled recovery destination. The center caters to upscale residents from every corner of the globe. Now Sunset is renewing its commitment to its core values, with the goal of delivering life-changing eating disorder treatment to all individuals who seek it. At Sunset Malibu, the client’s personal needs always come first.

“Eating disorder treatment is an enormously delicate process,” said Sunset Malibu owner Richard Taite. “To be successful, treatment must be administered by people who know exactly what they’re doing. Our eating disorder specialists at Sunset Malibu are leading figures in their respective fields, which helps to explain why our clients enjoy such a robust rate of success.”

It is that emphasis on clinical excellence that makes Sunset almost unique among its competitors.

Every eating disorder treatment facility pays lip service to the importance of caregiver expertise. But many institutions fail to put that principle into practice. Indeed, the most high-priced clinics in Los Angeles routinely devote insufficient resources to their eating disorder treatment personnel. Predictably, those clinics rarely help their clients achieve lasting recovery.

Under the circumstances, argues Taite, such shortcomings are inexcusable.

“Eating disorder treatment saves lives,” Taite said. “At Sunset Malibu, we understand the depth of trust that our clients put in us, and we take our responsibility with the utmost seriousness. Simply put, we see it as our duty to be the best in the world at what we do.”

It’s no secret that eating disorders ruin lives. To succumb to anorexia or bulimia is to be stripped of one’s dignity, and one’s sense of self-control. Sunset Malibu has a long history of helping clients rebuild their lives from the ground up. As the center’s successful graduates have learned firsthand, no gift could ever be more precious than that.

Contact Details: As with all co-occurring disorders, Sunset Malibu treats eating disorders as a co-occurring disorder with drug and or alcohol abuse. Sunset Malibu is a luxury Eating Disorders Treatment and addiction treatment center located in Malibu, California. For further details about Sunset’s treatment strategies, for example Treating Anorexia, accommodations, or other general facts, please call 1-800-332-9202 or visit our Web site at http://www.drugrehabsunsetmalibu.com/.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

Rehab Is the Only Way to Recover Successfully

Sunset Malibu, an exclusive treatment center on the California coast, has long been a transformational force in the field of rehabilitation and recovery. Now, Sunset is announcing its redoubled efforts in the fight against depression-related addiction.

Addiction is always at least in part a psychological disease. The logical corollary, of course, is that addiction treatment must always promote psychological, as well as physical, healing. The best rehab facilities are those which most capably serve the emotional and psychiatric needs of their clients. In the end, there is no more effective path to meaningful and sustainable recovery.

These considerations are at the heart of Sunset Malibu’s holistic treatment philosophy.

With its world-class caregivers and elegant accommodations, Sunset Malibu is an unparalleled recovery destination. Whether a client needs Cocaine Rehab or meth rehab, the center has always catered to upscale residents from every corner of the globe. Now Sunset is renewing its commitment to its core values, with the goal of delivering intensive emotional therapy to all individuals who seek it. At Sunset Malibu, the client’s most pressing needs always comes first.

“Addiction recovery has to happen from the inside out,” said Sunset Malibu owner Richard Taite. “Our clinical psychologists use advanced dual-diagnosis techniques to assess each client’s mental health, and how it is affected by his or her substance dependency. We’ve found that that sort of holistic approach can make a world of difference.”

That emphasis on comprehensive care is precisely what sets Sunset apart from its competitors.

Many Los Angeles treatment facilities advertise “whole-person” healing programs. The bad news, though, is that very few of these institutions make good on their promises. Indeed, many of the most high-priced rehab centers in California offer wholly inadequate levels of psychological counseling. For their clients, that inadequacy can lead to disaster.

Taite believes that those kinds of shortcomings are absolutely unforgivable.

“There are no second chances in the rehab process,” Taite said. “If you don’t get it right the first time, you may never have the opportunity to it again. At Sunset Malibu, we understand the enormity of our obligation to our clients. We believe that our record of success reflects our commitment to getting in right.”

Drug and alcohol addiction can ruin lives. Addiction treatment programs can help to solve the problem—but only if they help victims heal in body and mind. Sunset Malibu has a long history of doing just that. Those clients who’ve been lucky enough to learn the truth firsthand know that no outcome could ever possibly be more meaningful.

Sunset Malibu is a luxury California Rehab that specializes in drug and alcohol treatment located in Malibu. For further details about Sunset’s treatment strategies, accommodations, or other general facts, about drug or alcohol or even Norco Rehab please call 1-800-332-9202 or visit our Web site at http://www.drugrehabsunsetmalibu.com/.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

When Depression Gets the Best of You Private Treatment Is Needed

Sunset Malibu, an exclusive treatment center on the California coast, has long been a transformational force in the field of rehabilitation and recovery. Now, Sunset is announcing its redoubled efforts in the fight against clinical depression.

Depression is a disease, not a choice. Depression victims don’t decide to be sick. By the same token, they can’t simply decide to get better. On the contrary, meaningful depression recovery can only occur under the supervision of qualified depression treatment specialists. In the end, there’s no other way for healing to happen, whether it’s Bipolar disorder or severe depression.

That emphasis on professional help is at the heart of Sunset Malibu’s treatment philosophy.

With its world-class caregivers and elegant accommodations, Sunset Malibu is an unparalleled recovery destination. The center has always catered to upscale residents from every corner of the globe. Now Sunset is renewing its commitment to its core values, with the goal of delivering physiological and psychological therapy to depression victims. At Sunset Malibu, the client’s needs always come first.

“Depression is an awful disease,” said Sunset Malibu owner Richard Taite. “But effective depression treatment really can solve the problem. Our mission at Sunset Malibu is to change the lives of the clients who trust us with their health.”

That passion is precisely what sets Sunset apart from its competitors.

Many addiction treatment facilities offer depression treatment programs. However, very few of them devote adequate resources to their depression recovery efforts. Indeed, many people feel that most of the highest-priced rehab centers in California provide their depression treatment clients with woefully insufficient care. As a result, these clients rarely achieve lasting wellness.

Taite asserts that such an inferior standard of service is absolutely unacceptable.

“Our clients look to us as their last best hope for healing,” Taite said. “We at Sunset Malibu, we take that responsibility with all due seriousness. We do everything in our power to ensure positive treatment outcomes for each and every one of our residents. Anything less would be a breach of our professional and personal obligations.”

Depression victims don’t need to be told about the perils of the disease. The good news is that Sunset Malibu has a long record of healing minds and changing lives. For Sunset’s clients and their families, it’s hard to imagine that any selling point could ever possibly be more persuasive than that one.

As with all co-occurring disorders, Sunset Malibu treats Major Depression disorders as a co-occurring disorder with drug and or alcohol abuse. Sunset Malibu is a luxury Depression and Anxiety treatment center located in Malibu, California. For further details about Sunset’s treatment strategies, accommodations, or other general facts, please call 1-800-332-9202 or visit our Web site at http://www.drugrehabsunsetmalibu.com/.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases