9th Annual Patients as Partners® Europe Event to Focus on Advancing Patient Involvement in Clinical Research

NEW YORK, NY, United States, 11-Feb-2025 — /EuropaWire/ — The Conference Forum has announced the 9th annual Patients as Partners® Europe event, set for May 20-21, 2025, at the Royal National Hotel in London. This event provides a unique platform for pharma R&D professionals and patient advocates to discuss how patient involvement can reduce risks and inefficiencies in clinical research while advancing the development of new treatments.

Alfred Samuels, a patient advocate and co-chair for 2025, emphasized the importance of recognizing patients as experts in their conditions, which leads to more successful trials and better healthcare outcomes.

Keynote speakers include:

  • Harry Verbunt, who will share his post-cancer clinical trial experience and suggestions for improving trial access.
  • Peter DiBiaso, discussing the importance of placing patients at the center of research.
  • Dr. Temi Olonisakin, offering patient perspectives on support in clinical research.
  • Lea-Isabelle Proulx, PhD (Roche), on reducing patient burden through improved protocols.
  • Beyza Klein (Johnson & Johnson), on embedding a patient engagement strategy.
  • Dr. Catherine Coulouvrat (Sanofi), discussing how patient experience data informs product tolerability.
  • Marisa Minetti (Chiesi Farmaceutici), on leveraging patient archetypes in protocol development.
  • Gisela Linthorst (Azafaros), on involving the patient community in early clinical trials.

Pharma companies such as AstraZeneca, Boehringer-Ingelheim, GSK, and others will also present case studies on advancing patient partnerships.

The event will explore critical topics including patient-informed research, decentralized trials, increasing trial representation, and reducing patient burden through technology.

Patients as Partners® Europe is co-produced with patients, R&D, academia, and non-profit organizations to advance patient involvement and access. For more details, visit PatientsAsPartnersEU.com.

About the Conference Forum: The Conference Forum is a life science industry leader in organizing conferences, webinars, and digital content, driving efficient medicine development and patient access. Learn more at theconferenceforum.org.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

A Transformative Journey: A Patient’s Experience with Dr. Papaioannou’s Expertise in Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

THESSALONIKI, 10-Dec-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Facial rejuvenation is often seen as a way to regain youthful vitality, but for one patient, it was more than just a cosmetic procedure—it was a journey of self-discovery and renewal. After years of stress, sleepless nights, and the effects of gravity, this patient felt that their appearance no longer reflected how they felt inside. Seeking a solution, they turned to a highly recommended but lesser-known surgeon, Dr. Papaioannou, based in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This decision to travel from the US to Greece for a deep plane facelift was not taken lightly. The patient had heard whispers of Dr. Papaioannou’s artistry, a surgeon known for his precision and attention to detail, but not one who sought fame or attention. Intrigued, the patient researched the surgeon extensively, finding glowing reviews, impressive before-and-after photos, and credentials that promised a high level of expertise.

When the patient finally arrived at Dr. Papaioannou’s clinic, they were immediately reassured by the serene atmosphere and warm, welcoming staff. The surgeon himself exuded a quiet competence, taking the time to listen to their concerns and hopes without rushing or overselling. The plan was clear and tailored to their unique needs—an approach that set the tone for the entire experience.

The surgery itself was smooth and efficient, carried out with care by an experienced team. The patient woke up feeling hopeful, excited to see the results. The transformation was remarkable—beyond just smoothing out wrinkles or tightening skin. Dr. Papaioannou’s skill was evident in the way he had restored a youthful luminosity without changing the essence of the patient’s appearance. The deep plane facelift, combined with a brow lift, eye bag removal, and lip lift, achieved a harmonious balance of facial proportions, revitalizing the patient’s spirit as much as their face.

The recovery process exceeded expectations. Unlike many facial surgeries, there were no complex bandages or compression garments to manage, and the ability to move freely from day one was a pleasant surprise. Swelling gradually subsided, revealing the delicate artistry beneath. The patient’s friends and family noticed a change, sensing a newfound energy and radiance.

Several months post-surgery, the results continue to improve. While the final transformation will take up to a year, the patient already sees a reflection of the vibrant, youthful self they feel inside. Confidence and self-esteem have soared, and the patient now feels rejuvenated and ready to embrace life with a renewed sense of self.

More than a skilled surgeon, Dr. Papaioannou is described as an artist who understands the deep connection between appearance and inner well-being. His expertise has not only transformed the patient’s face but has also rejuvenated their life. With immense gratitude, the patient considers Dr. Papaioannou a hidden gem in the world of plastic surgery, urging others to trust their instincts and embark on the transformative journey that he can offer.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Goodspace Anxiety Aid and Richard Reid Collaborate to Support Men’s Mental Health for International Men’s Day

SYDNEY, NSW, Australia, 2024-Oct-25 — /EPR Network/ — In recognition of International Men’s Day, Goodspace Anxiety Aid has teamed up with celebrated TV personality and mental health advocate Richard Reid to help raise awareness about men’s mental health. Throughout November, Goodspace is offering a 20% discount on its unique anxiety-relief gum to help support those experiencing stress and mild anxiety. The promotion is available online at www.goodspacegum.com using code MEN20.

Goodspace Anxiety Aid is formulated as a fast-acting, chewable gum that combines five natural ingredients known for their stress-relief benefits, including KSM-66 Ashwagandha, Green Tea, and Passionflower. Engineered to release active ingredients gradually through the gums and cheeks, Goodspace delivers calming effects quickly and conveniently.

Richard Reid, known for his TV appearances on Today and Studio 10 and as an advocate for mental health, is using his voice to help break the stigma around men’s mental health. Reid has spoken openly about his personal struggles and the impact of mental health on his family, and he continues to encourage others to discuss their own experiences.

“Men often face the pressures of mental health in silence,” Reid said. “Partnering with Goodspace Anxiety Aid is a way to help guys feel supported, knowing there are simple, effective options for everyday stress relief. I hope it starts conversations that matter.”

Goodspace gum is widely available at over 1,000 locations across Australia, including Coles and WH Smith. The gum is a convenient option for those looking to manage anxiety on the go, designed to provide fast and effective relief without the need for water or pills.

A spokesperson for Goodspace added, “We’re thrilled to partner with Richard Reid for this campaign. His dedication to mental health awareness is inspiring, and we believe Goodspace can be a useful resource for men facing daily stress.”

Goodspace Anxiety Aid retails for AUD $9.99 and is intended for adults 18+. The discount code MEN20 is valid until November 30. Always read the label, follow directions, and consult a healthcare provider if symptoms persist.


OMRON Introduceert Nieuwe Bloeddrukmeters met Intelligente AFib-Detectie in Europa

KIOTO, Japan, 21-Okt-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd. kondigt de lancering aan van drie nieuwe bloeddrukmeters in Europa: M6 Comfort AFib, M7 Intelli IT AFib en X7 Smart AFib, voorzien van de Intellisense AFib-technologie. Deze geavanceerde apparaten detecteren automatisch atriumfibrillatie (AFib) tijdens een reguliere bloeddrukmeting, zonder extra stappen.

Intelligente AFib-detectie
Met het Intellisense AFib-algoritme, dat gebruikmaakt van kunstmatige intelligentie, wordt AFib nauwkeurig opgespoord tijdens elke meting, wat het proces aanzienlijk vereenvoudigt. AFib, een hartritmestoornis die beroertes kan veroorzaken, wordt vroegtijdig gedetecteerd, waardoor preventieve zorg toegankelijker wordt.

Klinische validatie
Het algoritme is klinisch getest met resultaten die een gevoeligheid van 95% en een specificiteit van 98% laten zien. Dit bevestigt de betrouwbaarheid van de technologie.

De nieuwe bloeddrukmeters zijn sinds september 2024 beschikbaar in heel Europa. Voor meer informatie, bezoek de website van OMRON Healthcare.

Over OMRON Healthcare
OMRON is wereldwijd leider in medische apparaten voor thuiszorg, gericht op het verbeteren van de gezondheid en het voorkomen van hart- en vaatziekten.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

OMRON lance en Europe ses nouveaux tensiomètres avec technologie de détection de la fibrillation auriculaire

KYOTO, Japon, 21-Oct-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — OMRON Healthcare Co., leader mondial des technologies de la santé, annonce le lancement en Europe de ses nouveaux tensiomètres à brassard : M6 Comfort AFib, M7 Intelli IT AFib et X7 Smart AFib, dotés de la technologie Intellisense AFib. Disponibles depuis septembre 2024, ces appareils innovants permettent aux patients hypertendus de détecter automatiquement la fibrillation auriculaire (FA) lors des mesures de tension artérielle à domicile.

Détection simplifiée de la fibrillation auriculaire

Grâce à l’algorithme Intellisense AFib, utilisant l’intelligence artificielle, ces tensiomètres détectent les signes de FA directement lors de la prise de tension, simplifiant ainsi la surveillance régulière. La FA, condition cardiaque grave souvent asymptomatique, augmente le risque d’accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Intellisense AFib identifie cette irrégularité avec une sensibilité de 95 % et une spécificité de 98 %, validées lors de conférences médicales prestigieuses en 2024.

Empowerment des patients

Ces nouveaux modèles offrent aux patients un outil essentiel pour une détection précoce de la FA, permettant des interventions rapides pour prévenir les complications. Lucia Prada, Directrice Marketing Senior d’OMRON Healthcare Europe, a déclaré : « Ces dispositifs allient simplicité et technologie de pointe, contribuant à sauver des vies. »

À propos d’OMRON Healthcare

OMRON Healthcare, engagé dans l’amélioration des soins à domicile, propose des produits innovants pour la gestion des maladies cardiovasculaires et respiratoires. Avec plus de 350 millions d’unités vendues dans 130 pays, OMRON poursuit sa vision « Going for ZERO » en éliminant les maladies cérébrovasculaires grâce à ses solutions de santé préventive.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

OMRON Healthcare lancia in Europa i nuovi misuratori di pressione con tecnologia AI per il rilevamento della fibrillazione atriale

KYOTO, Giappone, 19-Oct-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd., leader mondiale nella tecnologia medica, ha annunciato l’introduzione in Europa dei nuovi misuratori di pressione M6 Comfort AFib, M7 Intelli IT AFib e X7 Smart AFib, dotati dell’innovativa tecnologia Intellisense AFib. Disponibili da settembre 2024, questi dispositivi all’avanguardia offrono ai pazienti un metodo più semplice ed efficace per monitorare la pressione arteriosa e rilevare la fibrillazione atriale (FA) da casa.

La tecnologia Intellisense AFib, basata su un algoritmo di intelligenza artificiale (AI), consente di individuare possibili segnali di FA durante la misurazione della pressione, riducendo la necessità di ulteriori passaggi rispetto ai modelli precedenti. Questa funzionalità è particolarmente importante poiché la FA, spesso asintomatica, è una delle principali cause di ictus, e il monitoraggio regolare consente una diagnosi precoce, fondamentale per prevenire complicazioni più gravi.

I test clinici hanno dimostrato l’efficacia dell’algoritmo Intellisense AFib, con una sensibilità del 95% e una specificità del 98%, convalidando l’affidabilità di questi dispositivi. Questo progresso tecnologico offre ai pazienti ipertesi un potente strumento per monitorare la loro salute, riducendo il rischio di gravi patologie cardiache.

Lucia Prada, direttrice marketing senior di OMRON Healthcare Europe, ha commentato: “I nostri nuovi misuratori di pressione rappresentano un grande passo avanti nella sanità preventiva, grazie alla tecnologia AI che può fare davvero la differenza. Siamo entusiasti di offrire ai pazienti strumenti così innovativi per gestire la loro salute in modo più efficace.”

I nuovi dispositivi sono già disponibili in Europa, e per ulteriori dettagli su prodotti e punti vendita, è possibile visitare il sito ufficiale di OMRON.

OMRON Healthcare si impegna da sempre a sviluppare soluzioni avanzate per il benessere delle persone, contribuendo a ridurre i rischi di malattie cardiovascolari in tutto il mondo. Con oltre 350 milioni di dispositivi venduti a livello globale, l’azienda si conferma leader nel settore della sanità domiciliare.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

OMRON Revoluciona el Cuidado de la Salud en Europa con Tensiómetros Inteligentes Equipados con IA

KIOTO, Japón, 18-Oct-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — OMRON Healthcare ha lanzado en Europa los nuevos tensiómetros M6 Comfort AFib, M7 Intelli IT AFib y X7 Smart AFib, que incorporan la tecnología Intellisense AFib. Estos dispositivos detectan automáticamente la fibrilación auricular (FA) durante cada medición de presión arterial, simplificando el control de esta afección en el hogar.

La FA, una de las principales causas de accidente cerebrovascular, afecta a muchos pacientes sin síntomas evidentes. Con la tecnología Intellisense AFib, basada en inteligencia artificial, OMRON ofrece una herramienta precisa para identificar irregularidades en el ritmo cardíaco y prevenir complicaciones graves.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Alpha Lifecare Partners with EchoCare to Introduce Cutting-Edge Remote Monitoring Solution for Elderly Care in Australia and New Zealand

Crestview, FL, 2024-May-15 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — EchoCare, a pioneer in remote monitoring solutions for eldercare and senior living, has appointed Alpha Lifecare as the exclusive distributor for its solution in Australia and New Zealand.

“EchoCare is delighted to be working with Alpha Lifecare as our exclusive distributor in the region to ensure that, as the use of our senior monitoring solution continues to expand, customers in Australia and New Zealand will be able to provide better and more efficient care to their clients. As Alpha Lifecare has one of the strongest footholds in the region for delivering world-class innovative technology to senior living providers to improve resident safety and experience, we look forward to building lasting relationships with customers in the region,” emphasized Rafi Zack, COO and acting CTO at EchoCare.

“We are sure that our partnership with EchoCare will enrich our solutions offerings to our customers, as the Digital Angel Radar, developed by EchoCare, offers the most accurate, non-wearable, monitoring solution available, facilitating early detection, targeted intervention, and effective prevention. The system is uniquely capable of monitoring both behaviours and vitals, without privacy-invading cameras and without requiring any action on the part of the older person. We are pleased to have deployed in a first customer site and look forward to rolling out the solution to many more,” said Luke Craddock, Director at Alpha Lifecare.

Explore further information on the Digital Angel Radar solution: https://alpha.global/fallpreventiondetection/

About EchoCare
EchoCare empowers senior living and care providers to enhance their service with around the clock monitoring for improved outcomes. The system learns the senior’s daily activities, facilitating recognition of changes in behaviour – both physical and cognitive – that might indicate increased risk of falls, or other abnormal situations. It also detects emergencies such as falls, wandering, or respiratory distress, which require an immediate response. The company operates globally, with a focus on the US and European markets.

About Alpha Lifecare
Alpha Lifecare has been delivering and defining solutions for senior care for over 40 years. Their mission is: We make lives better by caring further – helping more people, more often. The company’s technology division aims to deliver world-class innovative technology which improves resident safety and experience whilst also supporting facility teams in enhancing operational efficiencies.


Pharma R&D and patient advocacy to discuss patient involvement in clinical research at Patients as Partners® Europe 2024

NEW YORK, NY, United States, 12-Mar-2024 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — The Conference Forum today announced the launch of the 8th annual Patients as Partners® Europe meeting, taking place May 14-15, 2024, at Plaisterers’ Hall, in London, England. Patients as Partners® Europe offers an unparalleled opportunity to hear from pharma R&D and patient advocacy on how patient involvement gets done to drive greater efficiencies and inclusivity in clinical research with better outcomes.

“Patients as Partners Europe brings advocates and sponsors together in a unique forum focused on improving collaborations that result in meaningful impact for patients,” said 2024 co-chair, Victoria DiBiaso, MPH, Global Head, Patient Informed Development & Health Value Translation, Sanofi.

The 2024 keynotes and featured speakers include:

  • Patient Advocate Keynote Derek Stewart, OBE on understanding mental health support in clinical research
  • Patient Advocate Keynote Sarah Zenner Dolan, a former biotech executive on navigating clinical trials as a patient
  • GSK’s Andrew Garvey, Global Patient Advocacy Lead, on what has been working, and what has not, in GSK’s effort to advance patient engagement in clinical trials
  • Pfizer’s Patrick Gallogly, Medical Advisor, Pfizer, on the learnings generated from an industry-first LGBTQ+ oncology advisory board
  • Lundbeck’s Anders Lassen, Senior Director, Patient Insights, on using patient-centric integrated evidence approaches to inform drug development decisions
  • Boehringer Ingelheim’s Annie Gilbert, Global Patient Advocacy Lead, on the pilot program bridging the communication gap by sending trial updates to patients
  • Ipsen’s Oleksandr Gorbenko,​​​​​​​ Global Patient Affairs Director, Neurosciences, on how Ipsen partnered with patient advocacy to create robust patient experience mapping
  • AstraZeneca’s Lisa Kerr, Senior Director, R&D Patient Science, on creating a measurement strategy and business investment case to scale patient-centric R&D approaches
  • Astellas’ Stephen Head, Senior Director, Patient Partnerships, on instilling conscious awareness of the patient into everyday work practices
  • Prostate Cancer Research’s David James, Director of Patient Projects, on demystifying and diversifying clinical trials to engage underserved communities

“Patients as Partners® Europe presents case examples on how patient involvement in clinical research can accelerate medicine development, how it can improve better access, inclusivity and diversity,” said Valerie Bowling, Executive Director.

Key topics to be addressed include:

  • ​​​​The future of patient-informed research
  • Understanding patient preferences in decentralized clinical trials
  • Advancing health equity and diversifying clinical trials to engage underserved communities
  • The patient experience data landscape and returning patient data
  • Turning patient insights into action
  • Mapping and measuring patient engagement
  • Patient burden-reducing solutions and technologies
  • Regulatory requirements and patient engagement in drug development

The 2024 meeting is co-chaired by ​​​​​​​Sanofi’s Victoria DiBiaso, MPH, Global Head, Patient Informed Development & Health Value Translation; Patient Advocate, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Alfred Samuels; and Parexel’s Rosamund Round, VP, Patient Engagement.

About Patients as Partners® Europe:
Patients as Partners® Europe is co-produced with patients, industry, academia, government and nonprofit organizations to establish a well-rounded program that addresses the needs of all stakeholders seeking to implement and advance patient involvement, access and diversity across the entire clinical development continuum. To learn more about Patients as Partners and access the full agenda, visit PatientsAsPartnersEU.com.

About the Conference Forum:
The Conference Forum is a life science industry research, conference development and marketing firm. The company brings the full spectrum of executives together to share ideas and information on how to advance efficient medicine development and delivery, patient diversity and access. They produce trusted conferences, webinars, podcasts, digital editorial and provide marketing services. To learn more, visit theconferenceforum.org.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

IQ Biozoom, a medtech startup, develops non-invasive home diagnostics to measure biomarker levels in saliva with unmatched accuracy

WARSAW, 13-Nov-2023 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — IQ Biozoom, a medical technology startup focusing on developing non-invasive home diagnostics, is set to make non-invasive home testing more convenient with their innovative technology that allows for the possibility to measure the concentration of biochemical substances in liquid analytes such as saliva, sweat, urine or tears. More people around the world will be empowered to monitor the course of various diseases from the comfort of their own home with laboratory precision using saliva analysis. Currently,  non-invasive home tests measuring glucose and lactate levels in saliva and, in the near future, hormones or CRP proteins, are being developed as part of the technology development.

IQ Biozoom’s technology includes a sophisticated biosensor system that integrates inkjet printing technology with advanced semiconductors, specifically thin-film transistors. Although not yet in commercial use, it allows the concentration of a selected biomarker to be determined based on contact between a disposable test strip and a body fluid such as saliva. According to analyses, when measuring glucose concentration in saliva, IQ Biozoom’s cutting-edge technology is up to ten times more accurate than current market standards. This means that even very low concentrations of selected biomarkers in the analyte can be determined with laboratory precision. This can be particularly relevant in those cases where the physiological concentration of a selected substance is very low, or where the mere presence of a biomarker in an analyte is indicative of a health disorder.

Most current blood glucose meters need a finger prick which is usually uncomfortable for patients. IQ Biozoom’s technology enables biomarker levels to be tested with laboratory precision based on saliva analysis, making it a completely non-invasive and painless method.

The solution will enable people with, for example, metabolic and endocrine disorders, to monitor their health and manage their disease, as well as take appropriate preventive care. The devices being developed based on IQ Biozoom’s technology are intended to be used for self-contained, non-invasive home diagnostics, allowing for precise laboratory-standard results.

Monitoring biomarkers and analysing their data retrospectively can help to select the right therapy for a patient. By monitoring biomarkers before, during and after therapy, it is possible to assess whether a patient is responding to treatment. If biomarker levels improve, this may indicate that the therapies are working. If there is no improvement, the therapy may need to be changed. Retrospective analysis of biomarker data can help to personalise therapy, tailoring it to the individual patient. The technology also has applications in personalised sports medicine, particularly in the context of physical performance assessment, training planning and training unit selection. Different athletes may have different lactate threshold which means their training plans should be tailored to their individual body characteristics. Testing lactate levels allows for precise individualisation of training.

Currently, invasive glucometers are the devices of choice for glucose level monitoring. According to the Polish Family with Diabetes report, published by the Association for Diabetes Education SED – 84% of people with type 1 diabetes would prefer to use non-invasive glucose monitoring methods, while 60% skip part of their daily testing due to the need for fingertip pricks. In addition to the discomfort felt, the disruption of the skin increases the risk of an infection. In 2021, IQ Biozoom started developing their innovative technology to non-invasively monitor glucose and lactate levels. Other biomarkers such as cortisol or CRP proteins in the body are in the R&D pipeline.

In the third quarter of 2023, IQ Biozoom obtained funding from the VC Link fund, which supports Polish companies developing breakthrough technologies with global potential. But the seed round is not closed yet with the startup seeking further investment to implement the technology and go to market.

The company expects an even faster growth rate in the near future. The home diagnostics market is growing at 5.6% year-to-year and is expected to exceed $13.6 million by 2033, according to FutureMarketInsight.com.


IQ BIOZOOM Ltd (https://iqbiozoom.com/) develops technology for non-invasive home diagnostics. The company is working on innovative devices for measuring the concentration of biochemical substances in saliva: glucose, lactates, and hormones, to enable people with metabolic and endocrine disorders to monitor their health and manage their disease, as well as applying appropriate prevention. IQ Biozoom technology will be designed for home self-testing. In the near future, the company intends to focus on expanding the technology usage to measure the levels of other substances important for diabetics (diabetes package) and woman (hormone package) ‒ in saliva.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

A groundbreaking paper: Climate change is a key driver of infectious disease outbreaks in Europe

Increasing threat of vector-borne infectious diseases exacerbated by climate change. (Credit: Ingenious Buddy, stock.adobe.com)

BRUSSELS, 5-Sep-2023 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — The Lancet Regional Health – Europe journal has published a scientific paper on 7 August 2023 authored by a distinguished team of international researchers as part of their work in the IDAlert project. Titled “Decision-Support Tools to Build Climate Resilience Against Emerging Infectious Diseases in Europe and Beyond“, this paper introduces a transformative approach to tackle the emergence and transmission of climate-sensitive infectious diseases in Europe, informing cross-sectoral policy while improving the long-term climate resilience of health systems to infectious disease risks.

Climate change is one of several drivers of recurrent outbreaks and geographical range expansion of infectious diseases in Europe. This paper proposes a collaborative approach to develop policy-relevant indicators and decision-support tools. These tools are designed to comprehensively track and anticipate climate-induced disease risks across various domains, including environmental hazard, exposure patterns, and vulnerability factors. With a keen focus on the interconnectedness of animals, humans, and the environment, the framework promises a holistic perspective to address this multifaceted challenge.

The lead author and IDAlert project coordinator Joacim Rocklöv highlighted, “Our decision-support tools offer a multi-dimensional perspective that transcends traditional silos. By examining the nexus of animals, humans, and the environment, we’re unlocking a more comprehensive understanding of disease dynamics a pre-requisite for more timely and effective outbreak preparedness.”

The heart of this novel framework lies in the co-production of early warning and response systems with stakeholders and end-users, as well as tailored tools to assess the costs and benefits associated with climate adaptation and mitigation strategies across diverse sectors. By fostering greater resilience within regional and local health systems, the framework aims to strengthen Europe’s capacity to respond to health crises, even in the face of changing environmental conditions.

As part of its approach, the IDAlert project will integrate multi-level engagement, innovative methodologies, and novel data streams, and tap into locally generated intelligence and empirical insights through case studies. This strategy empowers experts to quantify the effects of climate-induced disease threats in areas undergoing rapid urban transformation and contending with heterogeneous health risks. The ultimate aspiration is to bridge the gap between knowledge and action, delivering an unparalleled integrated One Health—Climate Risk framework that will empower policymakers, healthcare professionals, and communities to mitigate risks and bolster resilience.

About The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Journal:
The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Journal is a prestigious journal renowned for publishing groundbreaking research on health challenges worldwide. It aims to promote the advancement of the research agenda, clinical practice and health policy in Europe with the goal of improving health outcomes for all people regionally and globally.

About the IDAlert project:
IDAlert – Infectious Disease decision-support tools and Alert systems to build climate Resilience to emerging health Threats – officially started on 1 June 2022 is a € 9.18 million project and lasts for five years. The project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme with Grant Agreement number 101057554. More information: www.idalertproject.eu

Note to Editors:
For more information about the paper or to request an interview with the researchers, please contact the IDAlert project: contact@idalertproject.eu.

The full paper, “Decision-Support Tools to Build Climate Resilience Against Emerging Infectious Diseases in Europe and Beyond,” is available on the Lancet Regional Health Journal website:

SOURCE: EuropaWire

AMBROSIA, a new HORIZON-RIA project, aims to develop a portable diagnostic unit for intelligent sepsis diagnosis

ATHENS, 9-May-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — AMBROSIA (http://ambrosia-h2022.eu/) is a new ambitious HORIZON Research and Innovation Action project that was granted under the call of “Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the green deal” and the topic “HORIZON-CL4-2022-DIGITAL-EMER-GING-01-03: Advanced multi-sensing systems”. AMBROSIA envisions to develop a portable diagnostic unit for intelligent sepsis diagnosis at the point-of-care (PoC).

Sepsis is a life-threatening whole-body inflammatory reaction caused by a severe infection. With mortality rates around 35%, sepsis is responsible for 11 million deaths worldwide every year. In economic terms, sepsis represents a primary cost of hospitalization in developed regions, expending up to €9 billion/year only in Germany. The window of opportunity for sepsis management is in hours: the chance of survival drops by 7.6% each hour of disease progression until an appropriate treatment is started. However, early and accurate sepsis detection is hampered due to: i) complex diagnostic criteria requiring screening of multiple targets, (ii) time-consuming methods for identifying the bacterial causes of sepsis, (iii) specimen transfers in centralized laboratories. Meeting this challenging framework can only be accomplished through the adoption of real-time and label-free sensor technologies incorporated in PoC platforms.

This is exactly where AMBROSIA steps in to transform integrated plasmo-photonic RI sensors into a disruptive solution for sepsis diagnosis at the point of care that will offer multiplexed (within a single test) quantification of multiple protein biomarkers and bacteria within a few minutes, providing also real-time disease stage classification and enabling a rapid and precise decision making for medical actuation. Specifically, AMBROSIA objectives include:

1. Development of multi-channel label-free CMOS plasmo-photonic sensors with high-sensitivity and resilience to noise.
2. Hetero-integration of InP-on-SiN through micro-transfer printing (μTP).
3. Development of an AI-based electro-optical read-out exploiting ultra-low power photonic Deep Neural Networks for disease classification.
4. Development of a PoC sepsis diagnostic unit.
5. Experimental validation of AMBROSIA sepsis diagnostic system with real samples.

The project is coordinated by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and is scheduled to run for 4 years bringing together 12 partners strategically compiled from strong industrial and academic organizations including: (a) 4 universities, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR), University of Bourgogne (FR), University of Southampton (UK), and University of Ioannina (GR), (b) 2 research institutes, the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ES), and the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (ES), and (c) 6 companies, Ligentec (CH), SMART PHOTONICS BV (NL), X-Celeprint (IE), Argotech (CZ), microLIQUID (ES), and Biopix DNA Technology P.C. (GR).



Project ID:101093166
Type of Action: HORIZON-RIA
Start Date: 01 Jan 2023
Duration: 48 months
Estimated Project Cost: €4,999,612.17
Requested EU Contribution: €3,689,509.66

Website: http://ambrosia-h2022.eu/


BIOPIX DNA TECHNOLOGY P.C. (https://biopix-t.com)  was founded in December 2019 in order to commercialize a novel molecular diagnostic method, developed by the founding team, for the detection of nucleic acids at the point-of-care. The company targets multiple healthcare-diagnostics related markets through the production of standardized assays for detection and monitoring of Infectious Diseases and Companion Diagnostics. Our mission is to offer portable diagnostic devices to every potential end-user, regardless of financial status, geographical location and training.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Novartis, Lundbeck, and GSK Among Pharmaceutical Companies to Present at Patients as Partners Europe 2023

NEW YORK, NY, United States, 13-Apr-2023 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — The Conference Forum announced that the 7th annual European Patients as Partners® in Clinical Research conference will return to London at the Thistle Hotel Marble Arch on June 12-13, 2023. The event will showcase the progress made by pharma R&D executives with input from patients on achieving greater representation in clinical research, building trust and engagement in communities, and building truly patient-centric R&D organizations.

“We are delighted to be back in person to offer an unparalleled opportunity to hear from pharma R&D and patient advocacy together on how patient involvement gets done to drive greater efficiencies in clinical research with better outcomes,” said Valerie Bowling, Executive Director, Patients as Partners in Clinical Research Europe.

A variety of pharmaceutical companies will report on the progress they’ve made engaging communities and partnering with patients. Sanofi will open with the evolution of patient-informed research and its impact on medicine development. Novartis will be speaking on the organization’s global approach to implementing systematic and consistent patient engagement across the medicine lifecycle with a focus on measurement.

Lundbeck will share how they are generating insights through engagement with patient communities and making patient input actionable for medicines development. CSL Behring will discuss how they are evaluating clinical research sites based on patient-focused principles.

Several companies, including Regeneron, the Center for BME Health and Sanofi, will discuss their progress in increasing diversity amongst underrepresented communities in clinical research. GSK will lead a session on understanding barriers to community engagement in clinical research.

Boehringer Ingelheim will discuss the company’s approach to engaging patients throughout the clinical trial and how to leverage those patient insights to improve the process. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals will share how the organization has developed a top-down approach to integrating the patient perspective.

The conference features incredible patient advocate representation, addressing the realities of underrepresented communities to better serve them. For the first time, Patients as Partners Europe will have a patient-led session on supporting mental health for patients in clinical research.

“I look forward to hearing from patients and industry colleagues about what matters most and what has the greatest impact when partnering with patients and their communities on our efforts to new therapeutic options available,” said Deirdre BeVard, SVP, R&D Strategic Operations, CSL Behring and Patients as Partners Europe co-chair.

Key topics for 2023 include:

  • The evolution of patient informed research
  • Increasing diversity in clinical research
  • Patient access to research through digital innovation
  • Understanding barriers to community engagement in clinical research
  • Turning patient insights into action
  • Navigating patient engagement and compliance
  • Mapping and how to measure patient engagement
  • Regulatory requirements and patient engagement in drug development

To learn more about the event, and a full overview of speakers, please click here (https://theconferenceforum.org/conferences/patients-as-partners-europe/overview/)

About Patients as Partners EU
Patients as Partners is co-produced with patients, industry, academia, government and nonprofit organizations to establish a well-rounded program that addresses the needs of all stakeholders seeking to implement and advance patient involvement across the entire clinical development continuum.

About the Conference Forum
The Conference Forum is a life science industry research firm that develops conferences primarily around how to get therapeutics to patients faster. They examine and challenge the complex ecosystem of drug development and delivery, bringing ideas together from a variety of sources to help advance clinical research with common goals that are patient-focused.

They currently offer conferences for pharma/biotech professionals including R&D leaders, CEOs, business development/licensing, medical affairs/safety, chief patient officers/advocates, clinical innovation champions, investors and drug delivery specialists. The company also publishes six newsletters and produces PharmaTalkRadio and virtual events.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

First patient enrolled in an international multicenter clinical study for non-invasive cardiac resynchronization therapy

BOLZANO/ BOZEN, Italy, 19-Mar-2023 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — XSpline SPA, a start-up company incorporated in Bolzano (Italy) and the Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen Hospital in Linz (Austria) today announced the first patient enrolled in a clinical study (ClinicalTrials.govID: NCT05327062) for the cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) guided by non-invasive electrical and venous anatomy assessment.  The international multicenter prospective study will include 150 patients from 16 centers in the U.S. and Europe.

XSpline Cloud provides a cloud-based non-invasive cardiac panoramic mapping technology to select individual CRT treatment strategy and predict outcomes.

Fast and fully automatic Artificial Intelligence based epi- and endocardial segmentation of cardiac structures, including coronary sinus veins, provides clear understanding of individual patient’s anatomy. The electrical assessment is based on a 3D panoramic electro-anatomical map based on 12 -lead ECG only, without requiring multichannel ECG recording or any kind of body surface potential mapping. XSpline Cloud is the first system in the world with AI based identification of the correct target zone for LV lead implantation.

The cloud-platform guarantees full operability with existing clinical standards and data formats; it supports IHE profiles, HL7 FIHR, DICOM, and a broad range of ECG formats. The platform also provides embedded medical grade visualization tools, such as an integrated multimodality DICOM viewer, an ECG viewer with measurement capabilities, a high-performance 3D viewer for segmented cardiac structures and electro- anatomical maps as well as an interactive navigator for LV lead placement.

Dr. Georgios Kollias, M.D., is the principal investigator for the clinical trial in Austria and performed the first procedure on a 71-year-old patient with ESV LV of 154 ml and EF LV of 20%.

“The XSpline Cloud software provides a unique approach to selecting an individualized CRT treatment strategy. It is a comprehensive tool for successful CRT implantation that can also predict outcomes, making the implantation procedure faster, easier, and safer for the patient. We are very pleased to start using this tool in our clinic”, said Dr. Kollias.

“XSpline SPA is supported by an international R&D team of skilled clinicians, mathematicians, and biomedical engineers with the shared goal of improving patient care. We think that the real-time visualization of each patient’s individual anatomy, the precise non-invasive electro-anatomical endo- and epicardial activation map and the interactive navigator will help to increase CRT responders”, said Mr. Werner Rainer, CEO of the company.

XSpline Cloud is an investigational device and not yet approved for commercial use.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

MIGUN LIFE, the original brand of K healthcare, to participate at CES 2023

SEOUL, Korea, 20-Dec-2022 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — MIGUN LIFE (CEO Jacob Hun Cheol Chang), the originator of home medical appliance, will participate in CES 2023 world’s largest exhibition of home appliances which will be held on January at Las Vegas Convention Center in USA, and will unveil year 2023 new products.

MIGUN LIFE set up exhibition booth in Convention Center at Venetian Expo Hall and will introduce MIGUN LIFE’s products and brand to global buyers. The year 2023 new products to be unveiled this time are Re:ach RH01 and Re:ach RH02.

Product Information

Re:ach RH01 is product in a form of mat that allows us to enjoy relaxation and spine treatment. Re:ach RH02 is product in a form of mattress that allows us to enjoy both sleeping and spinal treatment which looks like a regular bed. The main feature of these products is that hidden jade massager comes out and starts spinal massage from one’s neck to hip. More than 10 acupressure rods stimulate blood spots exactly next to spine line. Once the operation is stopped, jade and acupressure rods return to inside of the mat or mattress, then you can have comfortable relaxation and sleep. Each product has leg cuffs exclusively for lower body which has functions for massaging legs and acupressure for soles of the foot. Also, they are evenly equipped with all convenient functions necessary for massage and relaxation such as thermal function, body scanning function, massage function tailored to individual’s body shape, intensity modulation massage function, relaxing music.

Personal thermal therapy appliance which was upgraded through MIGUN LIFE’s unrivaled technology Re:borne, personal ultrasound stimulating appliance Re:vive, high-frequency foot stimulator DAY:RE, these 3 products will be also exhibited.

Exhibition Booth

In the booth, products are placed in relaxed space so that visitors can experience the products comfortably and reception space for business talk are prepared separately. Furthermore, key component which shows MIGUN’s advanced technology, 2 sets of 5 thermo jades (10 thermo jades) will be exhibited with an emphasis on visitors to experience and understand MIGUN LIFE. 2 sets of 5 thermo jades (10 thermo jades) are made of 10 processed natural jades which have thermal function and it moves along the spine line and provides compression and heat.

Purpose of Participation

MIGUN LIFE has purpose to achieve from participating CES 2023. First of all, it is to promote brand and products worldwide to expand our global business in earnest from 2023 which we established 50 countries and for about 30 years. Also, it is to increase sales across the US since the establishment of US corporation in 2000. MIGUN LIFE has export record more than 5 million US dollars in the US, proceeded FDA (Food AND Drug Administration) for approval but also clinical trial at UC Irvine in the US. It explains that if MIGUN LIFE meets demand from American customers, the products will be recognized as differentiated product by going beyond global standards.

An official from MIGUN LIFE said “MIGUN LIFE, the original brand of K-healthcare, will participate CES 2023 to introduce 2023 new products and is asking for interest of MIGUN LIFE’s active role in Korea market but also in global market as well”

Homepage : http://www.migunlife.co.kr
Inquiry : +82-2-6951-2886 / Sales Rep: Andrew Yoon (migunlife_gsales@migunlife.co.kr)
Sales Rep: Andrew Yoon (migunlife_gsales@migunlife.co.kr)

SOURCE: EuropaWire

A British Girl Creates a Special Sign for Women’s Periods to Say “No” to Period Shaming

NEW YORK, 2022-Nov-21 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — In recent years, “menstrual shame” has become one of the most searched topics on the Internet, which caused heated discussion among netizens. Some women said they had never felt ashamed of menstruation and they even could talk about it openly. Some others said they felt period-shame when they were young; however, this feeling gradually disappeared as they grew older…

It is believed that most girls feel embarrassed or even ashamed to talk about periods when they are young. They hesitate to tell others when they feel sick during the periods; they even feel uncomfortable buying sanitary essentials from shops and try to “cover up” the embarrassment with black plastic bags.

Periods shouldn’t be taboo!

Sophia McKinstry, a girl from a university in UK, has exquisitely made a “Special Sign for Women’s Periods” to call on people to break the taboo around menstruation, remove the shame and stigma, and urge the society to face women’s physiological periods squarely. The overall outline of the Special Sign for Women’s Periods is like a drop of blood. The upper part is mainly composed of rosebuds, which shows a curling-up female who is lying on her side. The hollow part showing a few bat totem elements combines with the red shadow below to express that the woman is on her period.

When talking about the chance for the creation of the Special Sign, Sophia McKinstry said that she initially just wanted to help girls with period discomfort by designing a special sign, for example, when others see a girl wearing this sign, they will know that she is on her period and may feel tired and uncomfortable. In some cases, she probably needs a little care and understanding like a hot drink for her when eating meals together or avoiding persuading her to drink wine. She saw a piece of news that Melinda Gates liked the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui for her bravely smashing period taboo during the Rio Olympics and noticed various hot discussions triggered by the Indian film Padman. After that, she gradually realized that period shame is a common phenomenon in many countries. Menstruation is perceived as unclean or shameful by girls and other people, which can be seen in all aspects of our lives. Therefore, she began to pay more attention to the topic of menstrual shame.

Sophia McKinstry stated that she wanted to make people understand through her own way that menstruation is a normal and healthy part of life for women and the traditional idea that periods are dirty should be bravely broken. Female periods should be treated equally as other physical phenomena in the society and they should not be taboo. For this purpose, she “encourages people to abandon the traditional secular ideas such as ‘menstrual taboo’ and ‘ menstrual shame’”, and integrate “may every girl does not feel embarrassed or ashamed any more when talking about menstruation” as well as other concepts and appeals into the design concept of the Special Sign.

The Special Sign for Women’s Periods has become globally accepted to mark women’s menstruation and periods. It encourages women to break the taboo of “menstrual shame”, calls on the society to stop hating “menstruation”, and represents care and understanding for women on periods.

The small sign contains infinite power. We believe that it will promote a great spirit, end the long-standing discrimination, and arouse people’s courage to challenge the secular ideas and break taboos, just like the Olympic Rings and Red Ribbons.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

Diabeloop presents the results of the use of its Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) over the past 12 months by 4,162 patients

PARIS, 21-Sep-2022 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Diabeloop, a leader in therapeutic AI applied to insulin delivery, reports today on 12 months of use of its hybrid closed-loop DBLG1 System on a large, multi-country patient cohort. While Time in Range (70-180 mg/dL) still shows constant improvement, time spent in hypoglycemia stays significantly low. Users share how these clinical results, combined with a growing trust in the algorithm has led to fewer interactions with the device and improved quality of life.

New data2: one year living with DBLG1 System
Cohort of over 4,000 patients in 5 European countries

The innovative company Diabeloop, which will be present this week at the EASD Annual Meeting 2022, shares new real-world data on its first Automated Insulin Delivery system use.

DBLG1 System reached the European market a little over a year ago with consistent utilization throughout this period, with merely 1% of users discontinuing use of the product3.

In line with previously presented data4, significant improvement in Time in Range is observed here on a much larger population. The cohort gathers 4,162 patients in five countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands and Switzerland. TIR gain is 17.6 percentage points over a year of real life use.

Pr. Pierre-Yves Benhamou, CMO and President of Diabeloop’s scientific committee and US advisory board, commented:

“When initiating a treatment with DBLG1, it can be expected that the recommended outcomes (i.e., a TIR>70%, a TBR<4% and a GMI< 7%) will be achieved in about half of patients. Currently in Europe, the rate of achievement with standard treatment is only 27%.”

Another significant result is that this improvement in time spent in the target range is combined with a still extremely low occurrence of hypoglycemia: 0.2% < 54 mg/dL, 1.1% < 70 mg/dL. For the patients’ clinical picture and for their overall quality of life, this means less than 20 minutes per day spent in hypoglycemia, whereas the maximum accepted in the international recommendations is 60 mins.

Andrea and Martin, users of DBLG1 System share the benefit they derived from DBLG1 System on their hypoglycemia:

“Before I started using the system, I always had restless nights, because I often got hypoglycemia at night. Now the nights are great, I have to say.”

“I feel safer knowing that I’m not going to start sweating at some point, somewhere, because I have a low. That always made me feel kind of weak. I used to work as a nurse in three shifts, so I wish DBLG1 had been available, because I didn’t really have a daily routine then, where DBLG1 would have supported me.”

Algorithm performance leads patients to entrust it with fuller meal management

In the current commercial version of DBLG1, thanks to the initial parameter (meal ratio) and intuitive food logging functionality, patients:

– have access to meal size pre-configurations (small – medium – large)
– can quickly declare their meal
– personalize the carb intake declaration.

Based on the declaration, the glucose trend at time of meal and incremental patient data, the algorithm will recommend the insulin dose to deliver and manage post-prandial time period.

Diabeloop has already announced it was working on new versions to allow optimal management without declaration. Testimonials and data5 of DBLG1 real-life use however tend to show that patients trust the currently available device’s performance enough to skip some meal declarations and/or to declare approximative carbs quantities, and still get satisfying results.

For example, for the three main daily meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), the patients used the shortcut (small-medium-large) for half of the 45 million meals declared on DBLG1.

It has also been observed that the longer the patients use DBLG1, the less likely they tend to declare meals altogether and the system will regulate itself. On average, one less meal is declared per day after 6 months of use.

Throughout the first 12 months of commercialization, feedback from users has been tremendous, highlighting time-saving, mental load alleviation and overall quality of life improvement.

Eva shares:

“I would definitely say that the mental burden has become less, or that I have to put in less effort to get good values (…) My sleep in general has gotten much better. The blood sugar levels are much more stable. I remember when I would wake up at night or set my own alarm. That has become much better since I have the Diabeloop system. The nights are fantastic.”

Erik Huneker, co-founder and CEO of Diabeloop reacts to these new real-world data and users comments:

“There is nothing more fueling for us than seeing DBLG1 perform over many months while it contributes to people with diabetes various lifestyles and needs. We have now equipped 10,000 patients and look forward to providing more personalization, ever more simplicity of use and more choices…to more and more people with diabetes.”

DIABELOOP AT EASD, September 20-23:
Booth M06
Meet the Expert session, September 21, 10:00 – 10:30 am
Supporting patient empowerment and improving glycemic outcomes with connected pens and artificial intelligence – From DBLG1 to DBL-4pen.
Networking Hub – with Erik Huneker, Pr. Lutz Heinemann & Pr. Pierre-Yves Benhamou
Platinum sponsor of #dedoc voices program

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New AI-powered predictive algorithm offers unprecedented accuracy in diagnosing NASH and liver fibrosis staging

BOSTON, MA, United States, 18-Jul-2022 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Metadeq Inc., a global NASH and metabolic diseases diagnostics company, today announced a breakthrough non-invasive blood test that utilizes two novel circulating proteins to accurately diagnose Non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (NASH) and liver fibrosis, and can score the stages of both diseases, without the need for invasive liver biopsy. The study which details the new blood test – just revealed in Gut, a leading hepatology and gastroenterology journal published by BMJ – was led by King’s College London Professor Geltrude Mingrone, in collaboration with Metadeq.

Approximately one in four people worldwide, or approximately two billion people, have Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and therefore are at risk of developing NASH. NASH is the most severe form of NAFLD, a silent disease associated with fatty deposit build-up of the liver. NASH leads to advanced liver diseases such as liver fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis, and liver cancer, and may ultimately result in death. The annual cost to the US healthcare system alone has been estimated to be over $100 billion per year.

Currently, the only way to diagnose NASH is through the standard of diagnosis, invasive liver biopsy, which is expensive and is associated with significant complications and discomfort. Until now, no reliable blood test has been developed for NASH, nor liver fibrosis. Most importantly, no available test can define the severity (stage), or monitor the progression, of either NASH or liver fibrosis.

Professor Geltrude Mingrone from the School of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine & Sciences at King’s College London, who is one of the most widely cited and influential researchers globally for metabolic diseases and disorders, set out to discover a more accurate liquid biopsy test in support of patient care and in collaboration with Metadeq. The resulting study was published today in leading journal, Gut.

This study identified two novel protein biomarkers, PLIN2 and RAB14, to assist in the diagnosis of patients with NASH and/or liver fibrosis. The ability of these proteins to detect both diseases was tested in cohorts with either NASH and/or liver fibrosis that were confirmed with liver biopsy, the current standard of diagnosis.

“This blood test will allow researchers and clinicians to define the prevalence of NASH across populations, including children and adolescents, avoiding the need for invasive liver biopsy,” said Professor Mingrone. “Critically, it will allow care-givers to monitor the efficacy of NASH treatments over time, reducing screen failures and helping generate better drugs.”

“Since HEPAR-QTM is the only diagnostic modality that can diagnose NASH and fibrosis staging we expect it to be instrumental in the development of new therapeutics for the management of patients,” said Frank Jaksch, Chairman of Metadeq. “We believe that HEPAR-QTM will advance for the benefit of patients the problem of regular screening, that has resulted in late drug failures during clinical trials, since it is now possible to accurately measure the severity of disease in a non-invasive manner.”


The Metadeq predictive algorithm, which uses A.I., provided unprecedented sensitivity (88-95%), specificity (90-100%), and overall accuracy (92-93%) for NASH, and also has near-perfect sensitivity (99%-100%), specificity (90%-96%), and accuracy (98%-99%) for liver fibrosis.

The test results show that the proteins can provide rapid and cost-effective testing to combat the growing epidemic of NASH and liver fibrosis. This could be an invaluable tool in diagnosing and monitoring cases of liver diseases, allowing people to receive earlier treatment, from lifestyle adjustments to surgical and pharmacological interventions.

Currently no NASH drug has been approved by either the FDA or EMA, which may be a direct result of the lack of an accurate, reliable, and non-invasive test. More than 65% of patients who enroll in clinical trials for NASH-related therapies are found to be ineligible for the trial due to screen failure, which causes major monetary losses to companies developing and testing NASH drugs. The improved accuracy and ability to detect NASH staging will help in identifying and enrolling the appropriate people in clinical trials, speeding up the development of NASH drugs.

About Metadeq
Metadeq Corp. is a diagnostics company that provides innovative liquid biopsy solutions for liver and metabolic diseases. For the first time, Metadeq allows people to measure the whole spectrum of liver diseases – from NAFLD, to NASH, and liver fibrosis – with a blood test. www.metadeq.com

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Diabeloop, a high-growth health tech firm that automates the treatment and the management of diabetes, announces EUR 70 million funding

PARIS, 2-Jun-2022 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — Diabeloop secures 70 million euros to pursue its solid and sustained growth strategy.

The company, an Automated Insulin Delivery pioneer, develops machine-learning software for diabetes treatment. Its highly sophisticated algorithms are integrated into easy-to-use products helping facilitate chronic disease management impacting patients’ clinical outcomes and their quality of life.

Diabeloop has seen impressive growth in the last few years with two products on the European market, rapidly approaching 10,000 equipped patients one year after commercial launch and major developments with various device partners.

The first closed-loop solutions commercialized by Diabeloop offer personalized management for Type 1 (DBLG1) and highly unstable Type 1 diabetes (DBL-hu). By connecting a Continuous Glucose Monitoring device (CGM) and an insulin pump, Diabeloop’s world-leading algorithms analyze data in real time and automate insulin delivery. It transforms the lives of people with diabetes by taking over many of the therapeutic decisions that used to fall to patients.

Erik Huneker, founder & CEO of Diabeloop, declares: “Being able in 2021 to bring the benefits of our products to thousands of patients and hearing their enthusiasm, is why all of us at Diabeloop work so hard. The financing round announced today recognizes the team’s successes, and more importantly, the great opportunities ahead.”

The financing round is led by prominent private equity player LBO France. The Venture division of the sustainability-conscious private equity fund is a European leader in digital health, supporting young companies with ambitious projects showing international footprints.

“Diabeloop’s team has developed a unique data driven product that has the potential to revolutionize the daily life of millions of diabetic patients by taking away most of their daily mental burden and significantly improving the control of their disease. We are eager to join the investor base and help the company become a global leader in diabetes closed-loop software solutions,” says Valery Huot, Partner, Head of Venture at LBO France.

International healthcare leader Terumo Corporation also participates in Diabeloop’s Series C round. After entering into development agreements with one another in 2020, Terumo extended this to a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with Diabeloop in 2021.

“We are excited that Diabeloop successfully completed this important milestone and the great opportunities will continue to expand for all corners of the world. Together with Diabeloop, we are committed that we will be able to contribute to all stakeholders by providing patient-centric and personalized solutions,” comments Hikaru Samejima, President of Terumo’s Medical Care Solutions Company.

Innovacom, a key player in the French and European startup community specialized in deep-tech and industrial projects, joins LBO France and Terumo Corporation as new investors.

Comforted by the commercial launch of Diabeloop first devices and the break-through potential of its projects to address a 10-million patients market in the mid-term, previous investors CERITD, CEMAG invest, Kreaxi, Supernova Invest, AGIR A DOM., Crédit Agricole, Odyssée Venture, UI Investissement (Sofimac) and Promontoires all have decided to reinvest.

Additionally, Bpifrance and the historical bank pool are supporting Diabeloop via debt financing.

“We are grateful for the confidence of our existing investors and proud of our distinguished new financial and industrial shareholders. I have full trust in the talent and commitment of the Diabeloop teams to pursue their groundbreaking value creation path for patients and become a trusted leader and partner in the highly reactive diabetes market,” concludes Catherine Dunand, Diabeloop’s Chairman of the Board.

In 2019, Diabeloop secured the highest recorded European financing round in Therapeutic Artificial Intelligence and went on to commercially launch two products, with several thousand patients equipped in less than a year. Their CE-marked data visualization platform accompanies healthcare professionals and patients as a telemedicine and remote patient monitoring solution. High-impact projects such as the adaptation of the core-algorithm to the multi-million users Connected Pen market and development of smart-watch devices also have contributed to Diabeloop’s tremendous momentum.

About Diabeloop
Diabeloop’s mission: Making innovation accessible to people living with diabetes, improving clinical results while relieving them of their constant mental burden.

Created in 2015, Diabeloop is a high-growth company that offers AI-based, personalized solutions to automate the treatment and the management of diabetes. DBLG1 System, Diabeloop’s first medical device for automated insulin delivery (AID) and DBL-hu, its solution for highly unstable Type 1 diabetes management, are both CE-marked and being deployed in Europe. Diabeloop just completed its Series C financing round, securing 70 million euros, to accelerate its commercial roll-out, support its sustained growth strategy and its high-impact projects.

Today, Diabeloop gathers the personality, passion, and skills of over 160 talented individuals who work hard to improve the quality of life for every person living with diabetes.

About LBO France
With €6.6 billion of capital raised since its inception, as a key player in private equity, LBO France is supporting growing French and Italian companies for more than 30 years.

Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams:

(i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds, and Small Cap Buyout through the Small Caps Opportunities funds,
(ii) Venture capital through the Digital Health funds,
(iii) Real estate through the French White Stone funds, OPCI Lapillus, impact fund Newstone and the Italian management company Polis Fondi SGR
(iv) Debt, notably in Italy through the Vita Superbonus program to finance energy efficiency in real estate assets
(v) Public Equity through the France Développement fund

LBO France is 100 % owned by its management and employs nearly 70 professionals.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Diabeloop, a medtech firm that automates T1D treatment, presented new real-life results for its DBLG1® System at ATTD2022 in Madrid

PARIS, 28-Apr-2022 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — ATTD 2022 – Diabeloop, pioneer in therapeutic artificial intelligence for diabetes management, presents today new results from a real-life cohort in Germany. The data show a constant improvement in Time In Range (70-180 mg/dL) combined with a significant reduction of hypoglycemia.

DBLG1, Diabeloop’s hybrid closed-loop, showed improvement of Time In Range and reduction of hypoglycemic episodes which allows for better diabetes management and improved quality of life.

Time In Range: a continuous improvement, with even more people equipped

Presented today at ATTD, the latest data from DBLG1¹ real-life cohort demonstrates an increase of 18.4 percentage point in Time In Range (TIR 70-180 mg/dL) on 974 patients.

This significant gain confirms the constant improvement in Time In Range, a key indicator of glucose control, in people living with Type 1 diabetes equipped with DBLG1 System since the WP7² pivotal trial (+12 points), the commercial pre-launch³ (+16.7 points) and the results of the first real-life cohort in Germany4 (+17.1 points).

With several thousand people equipped, Diabeloop’s solution continues to increase the Time In Range and thus improves the associated clinical benefits, such as better glucose control, less complications and improved quality of life.

These significant performances confirm the ability of Diabeloop’s solutions to improve glycemic control of people with T1D, in real-life, in a less controlled environment than in hospital supervised studies.

DBLG1 users in Germany, included in the real-life cohort, benefit from basic support at initialization. This demonstrates the ease of use of Diabeloop’s automated and personalized insulin delivery system and its interface.

Prof. Pierre-Yves Benhamou comments: “From the first study – WP7 which showed an increase in Time In Range of 12 points, to today with +18.4 points following the European commercial launch of DBLG1, the continuous improvement of the TIR is significant. The results observed on the new real-life cohort of nearly 1000 people in Germany are very impactful, with patients with a baseline TIR (70-180 mg/dL) of 54.6% reaching 73% TIR in closed-loop with DBLG1. The other very positive result observed in this cohort is the significant reduction in hypoglycemia”.

A significant reduction of hypoglycemia combined with improvement in TIR

Associated with the increase in TIR, the retrospective data of the real-life DBLG1 cohort show a very significant reduction in time spent in hypoglycemia. Users of DBLG1 whose HbA1c was available at initiation spent only 0.9% of the time below 70 mg/dL and 0.1% of the time below 54 mg/dL5.

This variable has been constantly improving since the real-life WP72 study, which had already demonstrated a halving of the time spent below 70 mg/dL, a gain of more than 30 minutes less spent in hypoglycemia each day. More recently, the first real-life cohort in Germany demonstrated a time spent below 70 mg/dL at 1% and 0.2% below 54 mg/dL(4).

Thus, DBLG1 strongly contributes to reducing the short-term risks associated with hypoglycemia, such as discomfort, dizziness or even life-threatening situations. Diabeloop’s technology, based on artificial intelligence, allows an optimal diabetes management with less glycemic variations responsible for complications, and a life without interruption associated with the chronic disease.

“It is a great satisfaction to see that these new data extracted from an even larger cohort of patients show a simultaneous performance on TIR and reduction of hypoglycemia. Combined with the positive and very concrete feedback from the people equipped, this motivates us to go even further, to address more and more populations affected by diabetes” states Erik Huneker, CEO and co-founder of Diabeloop.

Testimonials: positive impacts in diabetes management, quality of life and mental burden

Since the commercial launch of its first solution in Europe last year, Diabeloop has received numerous feedback on the improvement of diabetes management and clinical benefits.

“I was skeptical about letting my diabetes be controlled by technology. But my diabetologist advised me to try it. My HbA1c dropped from 10% to 7% within two months. DBLG1 has improved my quality of life. I sleep better, I’m fitter, I’m very curious about what the next updates of DBLG1 will bring.” says Martin, living with diabetes for 45 years, equipped in Germany.

“My life has definitely changed with DBLG1. I have much less mental burden. I really noticed that I can have more time for other things and don’t have to concentrate on my diabetes all the time, as long as I take everything responsibly and estimate the carbs of my meals correctly. When I go to parties or some birthdays or other events, I know that DBLG1 always corrects me automatically. I’m really happy!” comments Eva, T1D using DBLG1 in Germany.

“DBLG1 has a “high-fat meal” feature that I use very often, even though I don’t eat that much fat but I don’t eat a lot of carbs either. It allows the delivery of biphasic boluses, adapted to the blood sugar level before meals and it works magically on me to avoid postprandial hyperglycemia!” says Stéphanie, equipped with DBLG1 in France.

Listen to all the testimonials in the first episode of the exclusive podcast Diabeloop Stories on Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/3GNcl…

Come and meet the Diabeloop team at ATTD, booth n°34 in the TechFair area.

CEO Erik Huneker and Pr Pierre-Yves Benhamou will present these results at Diabeloop session “AID pipeline perspectives & clinical outcomes” on Thursday, 28th April from 12:10 in the Exhibition Area.

About Diabeloop
Created in 2015, Diabeloop is a high-growth company that offers AI-based, personalized solutions to improve clinical outcomes for people with diabetes while relieving them of their constant mental burden. DBLG1 System, Diabeloop’s first medical device for automated insulin delivery (AID) and DBL-hu, its solution for highly unstable Type 1 diabetes management, are both CE-marked and being deployed in Europe.

A second round of financing of 31 million euros, concluded at the end of 2019, supported the international commercial rollout of DBLG1 iController and Diabeloop’s ambitious R&D program. Today, Diabeloop gathers the personality, passion, and skills of over 160 talented individuals who work hard to improve the quality of life for every person living with diabetes.


1 Real-life internal data (YourLoops data extract, from September 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021): 974 patients from Germany, who gave consent, equipped with DBLG1 System with Accu-Chek® Insight (Roche) insulin pump, with HbA1c available at initiation.

2 P.Y. Benhamou et al., «Closed-loop insulin delivery in adults with type 1 diabetes in real-life conditions: a 12-week multicentre, open-label randomised controlled crossover trial», The Lancet Digital Health, Vol 1 (1), E17 – E25, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30003-2

3 C. Amadou et al., «Diabeloop DBLG1 Closed-loop system enables patients with Type 1 diabetes to significantly improve their glycemic control in real-life situations without serious adverse events», Diabetes Care 2021 Jan; dc201809. doi:org/10.2337-dc20-1809

4 Data from 152 patients equipped with DBLG1 System with Accu-Chek® Insight (Roche) insulin pump in Germany from April to September 2021 with available HbA1c at initiation, based on [Beck and al. 2019] equation for hb1Ac <=9% and hb1Ac>=6%”

5 Real-life internal data (YourLoops data extract, from September 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021): 1914 patients from Germany, who gave consent, equipped with DBLG1 System with Accu-Chek® Insight (Roche) insulin pump..

SOURCE: EuropaWire