Glucosamine To Help Protect Cartilage Suggests

Recent research has shown that supplements including glucosamine do in fact protect and build cartilage tissue rather than purely acting as a pain killer designed specifically for joints.

Glucosamine To Help Protect Cartilage Suggests

Glucosamine is a compound that exists naturally within the body. Made up of glucose and glutamine the compound is needed within the body to aid the formation process of cartilage and other body tissues. As humans grow the production of glucosamine slows which weakens the cartilage that serves to protect our joints.

Glucosamine made from chitin, a chemical found within the shells of shrimp, crab, lobster etc, is extremely popular both in sulphate tablet form and in liquids such as sports drinks. Vegetarian glucosamine supplements are also available from many health stores, which may be suitable for individuals with allergies to shellfish. In recent years there have been many studies that questioned the potency of the supplement, which has become popular in many health stores across the world.

Doctors are now beginning to stand by glucosamine in supplement form after recent research has proven that easily accessible supplements do in fact protect and build cartilage rather than just combating pain symptoms. Rheumatologist Dr Rod Hughes, from St Peters Hospital, Surrey, explains that the recent breakthroughs in research conducted in Belgium have shown that previous studies concluding that Glucosamine is merely a placebo must indeed have been inaccurate.

‘The results showed a statistically significant difference which could be measured in thickening of the cartilage,’ said Dr Hughes. ‘Glucosamine is one of the chemicals of which cartilage is made, feeding the chondrocytes which produce the strong healthy cartilage which is the shock absorber of the joints and it’s that which wears out in osteoarthritis.

Successful athletes, particularly those playing high impact sports that place joints and cartilage under huge pressure have often proclaimed the benefits of such supplements.

“Sports men and woman can now feel reassured in their choice to use supplements to strengthen their cartilage and protect their joints. It is never too early to think about looking after your body.” explains Tom Kalton owner of popular health blog

It is always important to understand however that supplements are not an alternative but merely a supportive measure to a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of a well rounded and nutritional diet, as well as sensible workouts that include proper stretching, warm ups and cool downs, are all equally as important and must not be forgotten.

As with any medical problem it is always advisable to conduct your doctor if you are experiencing joint issues. specialises in providing informative and insightful information related to supplements, vitamins, multivitamins and other new health products on the market. Established in 2009 the site has become a trusted and cited resource within the industry.

Via EPR Network
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Vistabay of California Announces their Vista Bay Drug Rehab 1000 Plus Graduate Awards

Vistabay drug rehab is a pioneer in the drug and alcohol rehab industry. The announcement of over one thousand graduate awards is a significant indeed. Vistabay measures their success by attaining a permanent state of sobriety for their clients. The result is a program that has a success rate of 76% compared to traditional 12 step programs, which can have success rates as low as 2%.

Their completely drug free and holistic program has provided successful drug and alcohol treatment for over 42 years. Philosophically, Vistabay rehab does not consider swapping one chemical dependency for a prescription drug as an effective means for treating addiction. The result is oftentimes an addiction to a different drug and by definition does not result in a state of sobriety.

For more information, there are a number of Vistabay videos available on the Internet, which provides more of an illustrative description of the Vistabay drug rehab program. As a non-profit organization, they are absolutely dedicated to helping people become liberated from drug and alcohol addiction.

As a brief description of the program, Vistabay rehab begins with a hot sauna detoxification process. This includes vitamin supplementation and fluid intake. The detoxification process helps to cleanse toxins and chemicals from the body naturally. The process helps to promote increased lucidity and clarity of thoughts.

After detoxification, there are a number of life skills courses that provide essential information regarding a wide-range of topics. The individuals then establish a discharge plan, which acts as a strategic plan for maintaining a life free from drug and alcohol addiction.

Some of the remarkable attributes of the Vistabay drug rehab structure include the open-ended stay duration. This means that every individual can take the amount of time that they require to ensure a drug free life. There are no additional fees for a longer stay, which reduces stress on the individual.

At Vistabay graduates that relapse while following their discharge plan may also return to the facility for up to 30 days at no additional charge. The Vistabay rehab program works. With over one thousand graduates and an exceptional success rate, Vistabay is redefining drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

Vista Bay Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities Go Green

Vista Bay Drug Rehab was perhaps ahead of its time. The holistic and drug free drug and alcohol treatment centers have been green for 42 years. Now it appears that the rest of the culture is catching up to this leading drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility.

Vista Bay rehab measures its success on the individuals that attain a state of permanent sobriety. They have been able to achieve a 76% rate of success toward this goal. While some may consider this number to be an average rating based on scholastic scores, it is really more like a AAA rating when compared to traditional 12-step programs that have success rates as low as 2%.

The Vista Bay holistic program begins with a detoxification process. A hot sauna, vitamin supplements, and fluid intake regime stimulates the body’s natural ability to cleanse itself. The result is a clean mind and purified body that is free from toxins and addictive substances.

With a clear mind the individuals in the Vista Bay drug rehab program are better able to understand and implement essential skills that are developed in the life skills courses. The life skills courses provide a foundation for improved decision making and coping mechanisms for the individuals upon graduation. There are several Vista Bay videos that help to further illustrate the program and may be found online.

With a solid foundation from the life skills courses a comprehensive discharge plan is established to assist individuals as they are integrated back into daily life. The discharge plan is tailored to the individual and provides a strategy for successful long-term sobriety.

As a complement to the holistic program of Vista Bay, they charge only a single fee for their treatment. The single fee includes an unspecified duration at the treatment facilities. This allows each individual to recover on their own time without the added concern of having to pay for an extended stay in the event that they are not ready.

Additionally, the Vista Bay drug rehab program has an option to return to the facility for up to 30 days in the event that an individual relapses while following their approved discharge plan. The non-profit organization definitely goes above and beyond in order to help people in their recovery.

Vista Bay videos are available online in order to help individuals obtain more information about the success of Vista Bay rehab.

Via EPR Network
Healthcare press releases