Insurance comparison site Quoteboffin is among those calling for the introduction of training to minimise prejudice towards obese patients.
Obesity is a huge problem in the UK and one that’s on the rise. The fact that the condition is costing the NHS money time and resources every year is widely documented in the media and this can lead to prejudice towards people living with the condition.
Past research has found that this prejudice can also be found amongst medical health care professionals. However, a recent study from the Obesity Journal has found that training can easily influence this attitude.
A spokesperson from Quoteboffin, a life insurance comparison site, announced that the company was among those backing the journal’s calls for implementing the training. They added: “Sometimes people don’t even realise they have a prejudice and they think they are working impartially, however when their actions are looked at more closely, a different picture emerges.
“It’s important that all people receive the medical car, compassion and attention they need no matter what their conditions.”
Via EPR Network
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