BERLIN, 14-Aug-2019 — /EPR HEALTHCARE NEWS/ — The Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) today announced representatives of seven health authorities have been invited to speak at the 2019 PDA Europe Biomanufacturing Conference, 3-4 September 2019 in Munich, Germany. The following health authorities have confirmed speakers:
- Danish Medicines Agency
- Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board
- European Medicines Agency
- European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM)
- Swedish Medicines Agency
Mats Welin, Medical Products Agency, Sweden, and Dolores Hernan, European Medicines Agency, will provide an opening plenary talk on Accelerated Access and discuss the results of a 2018 EMA/FDA workshop on quality considerations for early access approaches. Those intrigued by Accelerated Access can learn more in the follow-up session, moderated by Martjin van der Plas, Dutch Medicine Evaluation Board. Welin and Hernan will participate in a panel discussion ending that session.
After a the first-day luncheon, Nanna Kruse, Danish Medicines Agency, will peel away some of the mystery surrounding the forthcoming International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) Guideline Q12: Technical and Regulatory Considerations for Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle Management. In a parallel track, the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (speaker TBD) will intrigue the audience with a review of challenges regulators routinely face with the advent of new vaccines and innovative biologics.
Bright and early on 4 September, the EDQM’s Gwenael Cirefice and the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (speaker TBD) turn the attention to ICH and advances in test methodologies. In a parallel track, Martjin van de Plas returns to the podium to review regulatory ideas regarding quality by design and control strategies. Hernan takes the mic as the conference’s last speaker to discuss EMA’s 2025 regulatory science strategy.
The meeting will close with a panel discussion including all the regulatory representatives participating.
Learn more about the topics that will be examined in-depth and/or to register. https://www.pda.org/global-event-calendar/event-detail/biomanufacturing-conference
Members of the press are welcome to apply for a press pass. https://www.pda.org/about-pda/press-pass-request-form
SOURCE: EuropaWire