Try Narconon Holistic Drug Free Drug Addiction Recovery Program for a Permanent Solution

It doesn’t make sense to treat drug addiction with a drug, so Narconon VistaBay doesn’t do it. The Narconon holistic drug rehab program instead focuses on detoxification of the addict’s body as part of an approach that also addresses the reasons for the addiction in the first place. The peaceful setting of Narconon VistaBay – beautiful Placerville, California – also contributes to the high success rate of the facility.

Try Narconon Holistic Drug Free Drug Addiction Recovery Program for a Permanent Solution

Narconon VistaBay begins by creating a personalized program for each client. First, an addict must rid his body of drug metabolites. With prolonged drug use, a person’s body loses the ability to rid itself of all drug residues. These residues, or metabolites, are stored in fatty tissue and released into the bloodstream months, even years, after the initial drug use. Metabolites trigger mental and physical cravings in an addict, even if he has long been sober. The Narconon holistic drug rehab program includes daily sauna therapy and exercise, plus vitamin supplements, to rid the addict’s body of drug metabolites. The results are immediate: reduction or elimination of cravings and improved mental abilities.

Once the client has cleaned up his body, the staff at Narconon VistaBay begins to help him clean up his behavior. Through cognitive therapy, the addict studies his addiction lifestyle and thought processes. He also examines his relationships with friends and family. Once the client fully recognizes and accepts how his behaviors lead to a life of addiction, then he learns new life skills that will help him to cope as a sober member of society and to regain his self-worth. Supervised hiking and shopping trips in and around the small town of Placerville help the client rejoin society at a slow, peaceful pace.

Via EPR Network
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