Vista Bay Rehab and Bay Area Community Create Family Intervention Success

Family is the constant that everyone should be able to count on. When a family member loses their way, becoming caught in the net of drug or alcohol addiction, Narconon Vista Bay Rehab is the addiction treatment facility of choice for family members who care enough to take action. While the holistic program at Vista Bay Drug Rehab differs radically from most clinical addiction recovery programs, the staff and their ability to reach out to the family of patients is one of the key reasons that vista bay graduates succeed where so many others fail. Testimonial from G.G., a father whose addict son was spiraling out of control is typical of what family members say of the program:

Vista Bay Rehab and Bay Area Community Create Family Intervention Success

“Living at home after his third state rehab stay things went from bad to worse. Our son began to steal money from family and friends. He would pawn expensive household things to support his habit. His cocaine habit had torn our family apart and the decision was made, I would take my own son to jail. I was forcibly placing him in the car when my wife came to me with what she called, the answer. She had contacted a man named Francisco at a place named Narconon. I told her it was just another 28 day rip off, but today I am glad she insisted. My son is still at Narconon, not as a patient, but helping others with their problems. ”

Other testimonials from families in the Bay area community, including those beginning to show up as a video on YouTube, are common. They reflect the fact that Vista Bay offers an extremely effective addiction treatment program (often succeeding where others have failed multiple times) and that the staff and family interaction, whether through intervention, treatment or follow-up after graduation, is both valuable and recognized within the community.

Via EPR Network
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