Individualized Drug Rehab Model Results In Greater Addiction Recovery Rates

For every industry, change is inevitable. Within the medical and addiction treatment field, not only is change inevitable and expected, but it is also necessary in order to provide the best possible treatment and outcomes for patients.

One drug rehab in New England has been dedicated to providing cutting-edge treatment options for individuals suffering from addiction by utilizing current accepted methods of treatment and combining them with more non-traditional approaches, resulting in individualized drug addiction treatment options for its patients.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has long been regarded as the model for addiction treatment centers worldwide. From its beginnings, Mountainside has complimented its core treatment offerings with other non-traditional forms of addiction therapy. By doing so, they were among the first to offer true, comprehensive drug addiction treatment that is uniquely created for each individual seeking help.

“When we first began our program, we weren’t seeking to do something different simply for the sake of being different,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “Our goal has been, and always will be, to offer the most effective treatment program for those suffering from various types of addictions. And, based on empirical data, we’ve found that the best way to accomplish this is through individualized treatment options. It’s common knowledge that if an individual doesn’t need physical symptom management, their treatment plan won’t include it. But, suppose Yoga or Tai Chi isn’t something that is a good fit for a person? Should we force those things on them simply because it’s one of our treatment options? The answer is a resounding: no. Including something in a treatment plan simply because it is available would be counterproductive to what we’re accomplishing, and that is: better than average long term sobriety success rates.”

For more than 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has led the way in offering an individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment program.

Via EPR Network
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