Over-The-Counter Cough Syrup Abuse On The Rise, Tighter Regulations Considered

Over the past six years, hospitals have seen a nearly fifty percent increase in cough syrup related visits. Dextromethorphan , a common ingredient found in over the counter cough syrups, is being held responsible for those visits.

As a result of the increased abuse, the FDA is considering legislation to regulate the access and distribution of such medicines containing Dextromethorphan, a step which is causing many leading drug manufacturers much angst.

“When we hear of statistics regarding abuse of easily accessible medications, we’re certainly concerned,” remarks a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “And the reason for our concern isn’t just because of the particular substance being abused. There’s a far greater concern for what the abuse of such a medication can lead to. For example, marijuana has always been considered a gateway drug; that is, a drug that opens the door to the use and abuse of more dangerous, illicit drugs. There is the fear that something as easily accessible as a cough syrup could lead to the same result: a move towards drugs that will produce a greater sense of euphoria and cause harm. Many times young adults will think that if this cough medicine makes them feel a little high, imagine what narcotics or heroin will make them feel like, and thus begins the cycle of abuse. Here we have a medication that most households all over America have in their medicine cabinets: a simple cough medicine. It’s disheartening that individuals can find ways to abuse even the most common substances and turn them into something dangerous and, potentially, life-threatening.”

Via EPR Network
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