Category Archives: Healthcare Information

Prescription Drug Abuse And Addiction Treatment Facilities Offering Recovery For Life

Prescription drug rehab is no longer an ‘add on’ at drug rehabilitation facilitation centers. It has become an essential part of any treatment center that is keeping with the times. Prescription drug addiction has increased dramatically in the past 5 – 10 years. The easy availability of prescription drugs is one reason that the problem has escalated. A recent news report revealed that one in four adults has prescriptions to 4 or more drugs. Abuse of drugs often begins in an attempt to enjoy increased benefits of these legally prescribed drugs.

Prescription Drug Abuse And Addiction Treatment Facilities Offering Recovery For Life

As a tolerance is developed an addiction grows and eventually there is an unexpected need for prescription drug rehab. California is leading the way in providing prescription drug recovery for life.

April, 2010 – Prescription drug rehab has become a required component of any quality drug treatment facility. With prescription drug addiction on the rise, this need is expected to continue into the future. One of the reasons for the accelerated growth in prescription drug addiction is the easy availability of prescriptions to drugs.

It has been estimated that one in four adults have legal prescriptions to four or more drugs. While most use their medications according to suggested schedule and dosage, others abuse the drugs. This often starts out innocently, in an effort to enhance the beneficial effects of the drug. But over time a tolerance develops and as it does, an addiction grows. Eventually the individual is in need of prescription drug rehab. California has seen an alarming increase in prescription drug addiction and therefore, is leading the way in offering cures that last a lifetime.

Prescription drug addiction treatment centers have found that a holistic approach is the most effective way to address the growing need for providing recovery for life. The Narconon Program is the top choice of the leading centers specializing in prescription drug rehab treatment. This program is comprehensive in nature and as such, it addresses every aspect of the individual participant. Personalized treatment plans are generated after a thorough assessment is completed. The plans are fluid. They are changed according to individual needs of each client.

The Narconon Program has four essential phases to its approach. The first phase is detoxification. This is completed with the aid of exercise, sauna, and vitamins. The second and third phases focus on education. There is a spotlight on teaching self-control. This includes providing the clients with tools to help them deal with triggers. Additionally attention is given to building self-esteem. This helps to insure that clients have the sense of worth and confidence to move forward with their lives. The fourth phase is follow up care that helps graduates make a seamless transition back into society. The Narconon Program is considered to be one of the best approaches to prescription drug rehab. California is the leader in offering facilities that utilize this program.

Successful Prescription Drug Rehab requires a comprehensive approach to the addiction problem. This will insure that body, mind, and spirit are healed before the client graduates from drug rehab. California has experienced a significant increase in prescription drug addiction. That has resulted in the state taking an aggressive approach to finding programs that offer recovery for life. The most successful of these prescription drug addiction treatment centers employ the Narconon Program.

Via EPR Network
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Non-Invasive Procedures Help Reduce Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

Get ready for a pain-free life if you’ve been suffering for years from a frozen shoulder. Adhesive capsulitis plagues hundreds of thousands of people every day, but now victims finally have hope. Who knew you could lead a pain-free life with the help of just two books, an exercise band and a DVD? It’s time to stop living in the dark ages and embrace the science of the twenty first century, letting the Neil-Asher technique lead the way.

Non-Invasive Procedures Help Reduce Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

The unique aspect of this technique focuses on the body’s ability and capacity to heal itself. It’s the most basic way of healing your body and its secret lies in its simple way of thinking. Healing is not dependent on drugs or surgery; this method works by stimulating new pathways in the brain, rapidly reducing injury and spasms, and increasing strength and power. Using a varied set and a specific sequence of manipulations and pressure points of the shoulder joints and soft-tissues, it’s a hands-on holistic form of healing. In effect, what it does is ‘fool’ your brain and therefore your body into healing itself.

Where physical therapy tries to improve the range of motion by forcing the shoulder through the blockage, the Niel-Asher technique is a method of natural sequences of applying pressure to specific points, which eases the stress and pain. When we get shoulder injuries, the brain responds by ‘switching off’ normal muscular co-ordination. There are a number of problems that arise when this happens, and the chief and most common one is a frozen shoulder. The Niel-Asher technique works by stimulating a sequence of reflexes and sending new messages to the brain.

The frozen shoulder syndrome might start off as a niggling pain that can build up to stiff joints and ultimately partial immobility. Steroids and operations have had little or no effect and this is where the natural and holistic method of Mr Simeon Niel Asher proves to be a winner, guaranteeing at least 80 percent reduction in shoulder joint pain.

What starts off as a minor muscle pull could debilitate into something more painful and agonising. Instead you can let the power of nature heal you, and let your body take charge. Niel-Asher’s books and accompanying DVD guide are easy to follow, and have proven to be effective in reduction of pain. Why live in pain when there is a solution that is safe, non-invasive, and proven to relieve your discomfort and suffering? There isn’t much you have to do except follow the technique and let trained therapists help you lead a healthier life.

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California Drug Addiction Centers with The Highest Success Rates In The Industry

New studies have shown that on average, California drug addiction centers have the highest success rates in the industry. Up to 76% percent of the graduates in some of these facilities remain totally drug free. The commonality among the facilities with the highest rates of success is individualized treatment plans. This personalized approach insures that clients will be treated as individual persons with addiction problems rather than people with addictions. The distinction has been made extremely clear by the Narconon drug rehab program. Addressing the whole person, including the causes, thought processes and methods of addiction are important elements of this approach to drug rehab. California is not the only state that has documented higher success rates among rehabilitation centers that offer a personalized approach to treatment. The Narconon program has proven its value and is now being implemented in more and more facilities everywhere.

April, 2010 – Recent comparisons have shown that several California drug addiction centers have a much higher than average success rate. Upon closer look, it is the rehabilitation facilities that utilize the Narconon program which have the highest rates of success. Many of these centers have noted up to 76% and more of the graduates of their programs remain drug free. Considering that the average success rate is about 20% this is an astonishing achievement. The Narconon program focuses on a personalized approach to drug rehab. California rehabilitation centers and others throughout the nation are taking notice of this methodology and the fact that it works even for individuals that have tried other rehab treatments without success.

Drug addiction centers with this incredible success rate use a program that is actually broken into four distinct segments, or phases. The first phase of this type of rehab begins like most others, with detox. However, the Narconon program provides for a sauna-based, drug-free detoxification. This is the foundation to the program and is required before other phases can begin.

Phase II of the program is very similar to therapy offered in other types of drug rehab. California is not different from other states in finding that many people begin a drug habit in order to escape the pressures of everyday living. This phase of treatment has a focus on teaching self-control. This allows individuals face the realities of life and handle the associated stresses without relapsing.

The third phase of the Narconon program requires a continued educational process. This one is directed at building or re-building self-esteem, which also helps to relieve the need for drugs. Phase IV is the follow-up drug rehab. California Drug Addiction Centers program graduates often attribute their success to the quality of the follow up care received. This care provides the ideal way to successfully re-enter society. Support is provided through the first year of recovery.

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Texting Teen Moms Proves To Be A Convenient Source For Support Bloomington-Based Teen Parenting Group Sees Benefits Of Texting New Teen Moms

Nearly half (47%) of US teens say they can text with their eyes closed. That’s how vital texting has become in their lives.

Texting Teen Moms Proves To Be A Convenient Source For Support Bloomington-Based Teen Parenting Group Sees Benefits Of Texting New Teen Moms

This trend sparked the new text4baby campaign, a free health education program from the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition that sends pregnancy tips directly to expectant mothers’ cell phones. The new service will send weekly text messages, timed to the mother’s due date or their baby’s birth date.

The messages, written by government and nonprofit health experts, deal with nutrition, immunization and birth defect prevention, among other topics. To sign up, mothers-to-be can just text “BABY” to 511411.

While the national text4baby campaign is new, Bloomington Hospital has already seen the benefits of texting to communicate with new moms. Bloomington Hospital’s Gina Forrest began integrating texting into her Teen Parenting Group in 2008. Forrest sends tips and reminders directly to her teen mom’s cell phones through text messages.

“I communicate with the mothers through texting because that is the easiest and fastest way to do so. Texting has helped me build a relationship with them. They know that they can text me and I will answer,” says Forrest

For Natalie Wineinger, one of the teen moms in Forrest’s group, having texting as a communication option has been really beneficial.

“As a teen mom, I don’t really have time to pick up the phone. Texting is much more convenient for me,” says Wineinger.

Monroe Smart Start Birth to Five Coalition, a local group dedicated to coordinating existing resources to help children in their earliest years, also sees benefits in using texting to communicate with expectant and new moms. Lois Hutter-Pishgahi, director of Monroe Smart Start, is happy to see this new communication method being used nationally and on a local level because of its effectiveness in sharing information about pregnancy and early parenting with young parents.“We believe it makes sense to utilize existing services rather reinventing them. We realized that this is a very effective way of sharing information about pregnancy and early parenting,” says Hutter-Pishgahi.

Because four out of every five teens have a mobile device, Forrest and Hutter-Pishgahi know texting is an effective means of reaching teens like the ones in the Teen Parenting Group.

Forrest texts the mothers to send them reminders about upcoming appointments or meetings. This keeps them updated and less likely to miss appointments. Members of the Teen Parenting Group agree that texting is a convenient way for them to receive information.

“If I don’t know the date for my next appointment, I just text Gina and she can look it up for me. It’s as simple as that,” says Wineinger.

Text messaging represents an enormous yet unused channel for delivering vital health information to those who need it most. Over five billions text messages are sent daily, with texting use higher among women of childbearing age.

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The Benefits Of An Addiction Treatment Program In Malibu

A Malibu addiction treatment program is more successful than an addiction treatment program in other parts of the country. Period. It might seem simplistic to frame the issue in such stark terms, but there’s no sense denying the obvious facts. The truth is that a Malibu addiction treatment program is uniquely suited to meeting the physical and emotional needs of their clients. In the end, no consideration could ever possibly be more important than that one.

You already know what’s at stake in the fight against drug addiction. Now, for your own sake, it’s time to learn just how valuable a Malibu addiction treatment program can be. The day you arrive at a Malibu addiction treatment program will be the day you start rediscovering the world as you used to know it, and yourself as you used to be. The catch, of course, is that you have to be the one to initiate the healing process, by reaching out to people who can help you get where you need to go. Under the circumstances, you can’t afford to wait any longer to finally take the first step.

Malibu’s most successful addiction treatment program has long been the exclusive pain killer addiction rehab destination for upscale clients from all over the world. Now, for your own sake, it’s time to include yourself among the lucky few. To arrive at the Malibu rehab center’s secluded private estate is to enter a world apart, an enclave in which no one and nothing can impede you in your pursuit of recovery. Today really can be the first day of the rest of your life. Here’s hoping you’ll be brave enough to begin the transformation.

Malibu-Rehab offers the most successful and luxurious pain killer addiction rehab program located in beautiful Malibu, California. For further details about our treatment strategies, accommodations, or other general information about drug addiction recovery in Malibu, please call 1-877-736-7506, visit our website at, or contact us at

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Report Shows The Recession Hasn’t Stopped The World From Wanting To Look Good

Flashy television programmes like ‘Nip/Tuck’ and gossip sites like TMZ make it very easy to believe that Los Angeles is the cosmetic surgery capital of the world. But cosmetic surgery is no longer such an‘American’ practice. has studied reports from around the world and has discovered a large number of countries are becoming increasingly open to cosmetic surgery. As breast implants, botox injections and other forms of body augmentation can offer improvements in appearance and confidence, it is no surprise that no country holds a monopoly on these procedures.

The UK is just one of the many countries experiencing a cosmetic surgery renaissance. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons found that, during 2008- 2009, the UK’s total number of procedures rose by 9%. These trends were echoed elsewhere in Europe. In fact, statistics indicate the USA is only 19th on a list ranking cosmetic surgery per capita, being thoroughly outpaced by Switzerland, Cyprus and Spain.

Cosmetic surgery practices are also more open about sharing information now there is no longer a ‘taboo’ surrounding the industry. Earlier this month, New Zealand released its first figures recording the number of procedures that took place in the country in 2008. This data from the New Zealand Foundation for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery suggested 2,739 procedures took place in the country that year, with breast enlargement comprising 16% of the total (matching the worldwide trend of breast augmentation and liposuction dominating the surgical landscape).

While it is useful to learn how many procedures are actually taking place, it is also interest to find out how culturally accepted cosmetic surgery has become. 38% of females polled by Olay Regenerist revealed they would happily have cosmetic surgery, with the common goals being to look younger (37%) or to increase romantic attractiveness (21%).

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Affordable Drug Rehab Offers Renewed Hope For Sobriety

Cost should not be a factor for getting sober and staying that way, but unfortunately that is the reality for many individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

With no end in sight for skyrocketing health care costs, drug addiction treatment is out of the reach for those who just can’t afford the very high daily costs of treatment. Fortunately, over 12 years ago, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center in Connecticut answered that challenge by being one of the first drug addiction treatment centers to offer affordable drug rehab.

Affordable Drug Rehab Offers Renewed Hope For Sobriety

“Living a full life- a life free of drugs and alcohol shouldn’t belong to the privileged few who can afford treatment, “ begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “We’ve always believed that everyone should have an equal chance at sobriety, so we designed a unique and comprehensive treatment program that virtually eliminates cost as a factor. Since we began our program, others within the treatment field began to pay close attention to what we were doing, particularly when the then White House Drug Czar, John Walters, invited Mountainside to Washington to discuss the effectiveness of our program. Since then, our program has become the model for drug rehabs worldwide.”

An innovative approach to drug rehab is necessary to successful recovery and Mountainside’s drug addiction treatment program combines several innovative facets of treatment into one cohesive program. Their sobriety success rates are unparalleled in the field, and they credit such long-term success to their unique and innovative treatment program.

While there are many different treatment philosophies utilized throughout the industry, the one that has been found to be most effective is an individualized approach to treatment— at Mountainside, each person is evaluated and given what he or she personally needs on their journey to recovery. Mountainside pioneered such an approach and has helped thousands achieve long-term sobriety.

For more than 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has led the way in offering an innovative and individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment program. Mountainside’s licensed and certified counselors, social workers and treatment team provide quality, compassionate care to each individual in a tranquil, peaceful environment conducive to optimal recovery.

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Procedures Increase With 40+ Post-Divorce Women

The Harley Medical Group has reported a 9% (year-on-year) rise in women aged 40+ years booking in for anti-aging surgery and non-surgical procedures as an ever-growing number of older women in the public eye get into relationships with men markedly their junior. The group has also noted a spike in the number of divorcees investing in cosmetic procedures to help them find new confidence.

Clinic staff have reported that many female patients aged 40+ are increasingly using divorce settlement money to fund cosmetic procedures. Liz Dale, director at The Harley Medical Group, commented, “We’ve all read about Sharon Stone, Janice Dickinson, and Sam Taylor-Wood embarking on affairs with younger men but it’s not just celebrities who are looking for new relationships in middle-age. Women aged 40-plus are increasingly citing embarking on a new relationship as a reason for undergoing rejuvenation treatments. We estimate that around 30% of our 40+ patients are divorcees.”

Mark Keenan the founder of the online divorce service, Divorce Online, commented: “Women are increasingly factoring in extra money in their divorce settlements for cosmetic treatments. After a stressful, unhappy divorce period many want to overhaul their life and often having a relationship with a younger man helps them feel energised. We are seeing more and more women making the most of the extra money and time they have by, for example, going travelling, buying a car or getting some cosmetic work done – our clients see it as part of the starting-over process.”

Liz Dale concluded, “Women simply want to look as young as they feel – inspired by older style icons like Stephanie Beecham and Susan Sarandon. It’s natural that young men will sit up and take note of these powerful, attractive women who aren’t afraid to get the most out of life.”

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Research: Facebook Users Are Hiding The Fat Facts

According to new research by LighterLife, millions of Brits* are unwilling to upload their photos to Facebook because they’re so embarrassed by the way they look.

Research: Facebook Users Are Hiding The Fat Facts

45% of women surveyed said they would never put ‘fat’ photos online, while 14% of women un-tag themselves in every single photo of them that appears on Facebook. One in ten women admitted to feeling sick when they saw their picture on Facebook and in extreme circumstances 13% avoid being photographed altogether just in case the photos end up on the social networking site.

Sue Dover, Sales and Marketing Director at LighterLife, which carried out the study, said: ”It’s such a shame that people are not choosing to share their Facebook photos, and in extreme circumstances pretending to look like someone they’re not. It’s indicative of the pressure placed on people, particularly young women, in our society to look a certain way that is causing this to happen.”

Faith Johns, a self-confessed de-tagger said, “I often use older photos from when I was a lot slimmer. If I do put up recent pictures then I’ll be careful only to show my face so it’s harder to see my actual size. Being tagged and seeing how big I am has contributed towards me feeling very low about my weight.”

10% of the 2,000 people surveyed by OnePoll admitted putting out-of-date photos online so people think they look as good as they did when they were younger. Interestingly it appears men are more reluctant to give up the past than women. 10% of men were unwilling to put up recent pictures as they were afraid of what old colleagues and friends would say about how much they had changed, in comparison with 6% of women.

One in ten admitted to using a photo of someone else on their social networking profile, like their dog, an avatar or cartoon drawing, to avoid old friends and work mates seeing the ‘real’ them. Whilst one in twenty even admitted to uploading pictures of a better-looking person, like a more attractive friend, to get more attention from the opposite sex.

But it’s not all bad, as 18% only put recent pictures of themselves online to show old friends and work colleagues how much they have changed. And 13% use Facebook to show people how successful their weight loss has been.

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Affordable Drug Rehab Still Within Reach Despite Economic Downturn

With the economy of the US in shambles and healthcare shrouded in a veil of uncertainty, there’s one thing that is for certain: affordable drug rehab still remains accessible. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has stayed true to their roots of offering the highest level of drug rehab at an affordable cost.

“Over 12 years ago, we founded a program that became the blueprint for successful drug addiction treatment worldwide,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “We were determined to offer innovative, individualized treatment at an affordable price . We put together a highly-skilled team of professionals including licensed and certified counselors and social workers , nurses and a psychiatrist and have kept our per diem cost at $360 . We have always felt that individuals should not be precluded from getting the help they need to get sober simply because of cost. When individuals walk out of Mountainside and begin their journey to recovery in the outside world, they know they’ve received the best addiction or alcoholism treatment available, and they haven’t spent their life savings in the process.”

Mountainside’s affordable drug rehab model is recognized for its individualized , holistic and clinical approach to treatment in a setting that is picturesque and tranquil. Mountainside’s personalized approach to treatment still remains the model for affordable drug rehabs worldwide.

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The Harley Medical Group Challenges Traditional Beauty Solutions

The Harley Medical Group is launching a new advertising campaign designed to highlight the more practical solutions offered by cosmetic and non surgical procedures.

The Harley Medical Group Challenges Traditional Beauty Solutions

The UK’s largest cosmetic surgery company hopes to tap into the day-to-day concerns of the ‘ordinary’ person to demonstrate how, contrary to some common perception, cosmetic solutions can give less dramatic and more functional beauty solutions.

The adverts, designed by Medicine Man, include an image of the bottom half of a bikini-clad woman’s body with the tag line “Bad hair day…ever considered laser hair removal.”

Another highlights how on average a woman will shave her legs 11,500 times – suggesting laser hair removal as a safe, permenant and hassle-free alternative.

Liz Dale, Director, The Harley Medical Group commented, “The adverts are now appearing on the back-end of buses across the UK. We deliberately set out create advertising that will make people do a double-take and demonstrate clearly how cosmetic and non surgical treatments can be an effective solution to unwanted hair or the removal of stubborn fat .”

The series of five adverts cover liposuction, breast surgery, lines and wrinkles treatments and laser hair removal.

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FDA Blunder and Cover-up Kills Millions

The World Health Organization (WHO) has just recommended that drinking water contain 25-50 mg of magnesium (Mg) per liter to prevent deaths from heart attack and stroke. American bottled water averages <5 mg of magnesium per liter, while bottled water in the rest of the world averages about 20 mg of magnesium per liter.

FDA Blunder and Cover-up Kills Millions

The FDA and DOJ caused the Mg-deficient-water problem by destroying the American mineral water industry in the 1930’s, in the mistaken belief that pure water was good, and that mineral water was just impure water.

Epidemiological studies indicate that millions of Americans have died due to the FDA’s and DOJ’s destruction of the American mineral water industry. See:

For decades, the evidence has been overwhelming that Americans are very deficient in Mg, as evidenced by the 23% shortfall from the RDI, yet the FDA and DOJ have covered up their blunder, getting a Federal lawsuit dismissed before the evidence could be shown, and keeping silent about the millions of deaths indicated by over 50 epidemiological studies from nine countries.

Now, it is up to the FDA and DOJ to end this travesty, requiring the Mg content of bottled or canned beverages to be put in labels’ nutrition panels, and requiring that all bottled or canned beverages contain at least 25 mg of Mg per liter.

Foods no longer contain as much magnesium as they did a century ago, due to increased food processing and possible soil depletion. Consumers have generally rejected magnesium-rich whole grain foods like brown rice and brown bread, in favor of magnesium-stripped white rice and white bread. Bottled beverages are the most practical way of delivering magnesium to consumers.

Recent studies clearly confirm that water-borne Mg is far, far better in preventing cardiovascular pathologies than food-borne Mg. For more information, go to the Magnesium Online Library at

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Recovery Options For Prescription Drug Addiction

Addiction treatment centers save lives. It might seem melodramatic to frame the issue in such stark terms, but facts are facts. Prescription drug addiction is a ferocious disease, one that can never be overcome without professional help. The only successful prescription drug addiction patients are those who enroll in rehab programs at professional prescription drug addiction centers. In the end, any other course of action is a recipe for failure.

The good news is that there are plenty of prescription drug addiction centers. The catch, though, is that they aren’t all equally capable of serving their clients. As you explore your addiction recovery options, then, it’s essential that you thoroughly research the various clinics available to you. Only by making an informed and intelligent decision can you expect to achieve meaningful and lasting prescription drug addiction recovery.

In the hills above the Malibu coast is a prescription drug addiction center with a lengthy record of clinical success. The center’s exclusive addiction treatment programs and elegant accommodations have long made it the preferred destination for high-profile clients from all over the world. Now it’s time for you to follow in their footsteps. For your own sake, for the sake of the people who care about you, don’t wait any longer to finally do what you must.

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Does Acai Berry Helps In Weight Loss?

Acai Berry is said to be a great weight loss product. A website reveals the truth by a detailed analysis of all aspects to come out with a verdict.

The effectiveness of weight loss pills is always debated. It is true that some weight loss pills help in losing pounds keep it off and improve overall energy. One should not get into something before doing some research. Obviously companies selling products will always says good about their product. did a comparison of some of top diet pills in market considering a range of important parameters.

The parameters for comparison included Company reputation, Product price, Side effects, Ingredients used, Support, Long term benefits, Weight loss power, Money back guarantee, Re-order rates, Shipping and Positive User reviews. These are very carefully selected parameters which provide a common ground for comparing products f r o m different manufacturer each of which had their own claims.

There are many products, says director of website. C9Acai is a super concentrated extract of the Acai berry, and the only supplement to offer 1200mg of this extract per serving. The Acai berry promotes weight loss by many different methods, reducing fat through a multi-pronged attack. Acai berry is also a great appetite suppressant. There are no any side effects even if you take C9Acai for long time. It can be used as weight loss medicine for both, men and women.

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Education Of Dangers Of Gateway Drug Use Leads To Decreased Need For Drug Rehab

When it comes to educating parents on the dangers of gateway drug use, it’s true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Teenagers often times develop the attitude of “it’s only a cigarette. It’s only one drink. It’s only one puff.” Unfortunately, many of those same teenagers fall into a cycle of abuse, with the next hit being greater in quantity and greater in effect than the last one. That’s why it’s so important to educate parents on the dangers of the use of the four major gateway drugs: tobacco, alcohol, inhalants and marijuana.

“There are very few addicts who began abusing hard drugs initially,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “And, that goes for alcoholics as well. An individual doesn’t suddenly wake up one day and think ‘I think I’ll go shoot up some heroine today’ or ‘I think I’ll drink a gallon of vodka today’. It starts with experimentation and generally speaking, experimentation with one of four major gateway drugs. Once those substances begin to lose their psychological, physical and emotional effects the desire for more, swells. The individual then looks at what else is out there to satisfy that hunger for more and, what started off as a seemingly innocent one-time puff of marijuana or a couple of occasional drinks, becomes a downward spiral towards full-fledged drug abuse. The important thing for parents to remember is that it’s never just one innocent puff or drink. Teenagers who begin experimenting, evolve into young adults with a potentially serious problem. It’s important for parents to learn how to talk with their children about the dangers of gateway drug use so that they can prevent the need for future drug addiction treatment.”

One of the most important things a parent can do to prevent their teenager from experimenting with gateway drugs is to model the behavior they are wanting their teenager to exhibit. For example, if a parent who smokes wants their child to abstain from smoking, they’ll either need to kick the habit themselves. They could also get their teenager actively involved in the cessation process: explain the dangers of smoking, why it’s important to quit and also share their struggles as they are trying to quit themselves. As uncomfortable as it may seem and as much as teenagers protest, they really do prefer honesty and nothing is more honest than transparency during the process.

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ClearMed Offers 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Hemroid treatment ClearMed has always come with a 60-day, money-back guarantee. With the recent No. 1 ranking by Consumer Health Reports for the third year in a row, the developers of ClearMed decided it was time to remind customers – both existing and potential – of its No Risk Guarantee program. Those who are not completely satisfied with the hemroids relief of ClearMed can simply return the unused portion for a full refund.

“ClearMed is a product that I am very proud of, and feel excited to share with hemroids sufferers around the world,” says Lawrence E. Kreger, medical researcher for ClearMed.

Simply put, hemroids are veins in the anus or lower rectum that have become swollen because too much pressure has been placed on them, sometimes by straining during bowel movements, other times by sitting for too long. Symptoms include bleeding, anal itching and pain. Worldwide, more than 40 percent of people over the age of 50 suffer from hemroids. In the United States alone, about four percent of pregnant women find they need hemroid treatment. About 20 percent of those suffering from hemroids end up seeking relief through surgery, with the rest using an internal or external hemroid treatment.

ClearMed is an all-natural, time-release capsule that provides hemroids relief by shrinking and soothing the swollen veins. Unlike other treatments, ClearMed both repairs the tissues damaged by straining and provides soothing and healing agents throughout the day, to ease the discomfort of hemroids.

For mild hemroids, the cost of ClearMed starts at $39.95 for a one-week hemroid treatment cycle. Two weeks of hemroid treatment cost $59.85, saving the user $20. Those suffering from moderate to severe hemroids should consider purchasing the Extra Strength ClearMed package, which includes two weeks of hemroid treatment plus a hemroidal ointment to topically soothe itching, dryness, and burning. This hemroid treatment package costs $89.95.

Those who have found hemroids relief often continue with a hemroid treatment maintenance program. ClearMed offers a package that includes eight bottles of Extra Strength ClearMed plus two tubes of hemroidal ointment, for $159.

To order ClearMed, call 727-328-0859, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST Monday through Friday, or go to All products are shipped discreetly within 24 hours through United States Postal Service Priority Shipping. Next-day Express Shipping is also an option.

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Hemroids Medication ClearMed Named Editors’ Choice For 2009

The votes are in and Consumer Health Reports has named ClearMed as the being the top pick for hemroids relief medication for 2009. A number of factors are considered by the organization during the process of picking a recommended product in any category, making the nod from Consumer Health Reports especially meaningful for any manufacturer or pharmaceutical company. The editorial team starts by collecting all of the products available to consumers in a particular category. In the case of hemroids treatment, this involved over 100 of the best known medications, including top selling national brand name products like Zenmed Zero and Avatrol. After comprehensive testing, consumer feedback is also solicited in the form of surveys. Products are then ranked according to key categories: safety, effectiveness, reorder rates, customer service, quality and value.

According to the editors of Consumer Health Reports, ClearMed came out on top when it came to testing and scored a tough to beat 95.9% approval rating on surveys returned by 285 customers who’d used the product. In naming ClearMed as their top pick for 2009, the editors sent a strong message that there is no medication more effective at providing hemroids relief, whether online or in your local drug store. Also noted in the review was the reasonable price of $39.95 for a treatment cycle of ClearMed, which was singled out as being “…a good value for the money when you consider that hemroids typically clear up within a week.” The fact that the producer of ClearMed also backs the product with a 60 day money-back guarantee says a lot about the confidence it has in the product.

While hemorrhoids are unpleasant and hemroids treatments often messy and ineffective, Consumer Health Reports was very positive about what consumers should expect from ClearMed, including a personal endorsement from the organization’s chief editor:

“ClearMed is clearly helping folks with their bout with hemorrhoids. We received the positive feedback from survey reports as well as actual customers from forums that claim their hemorrhoids cleared up within 1 week. Even our very own editor swears by this product.”

Established in 1999 by two medical researchers, the hemorrhoid treatment medication ClearMed is produced in an FDA-certified laboratory. Combining prescription strength ingredients that research has proven to reduce inflammation while soothing tissue, ClearMed has been named the top pick by Consumer Health Reports for three years running, is recommended by Doctors and over 200 Proctologists for hemorrhoids relief and has no known side effects. Available without a prescription for $39.95, ClearMed offers discreet, next day delivery with a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.

Via EPR Network
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Hemorrhoids Sufferers Rank ClearMed No. 1 Treatment for Third Year in a Row

Consumer Health Reports recently released its annual study and survey of treatments for hemorrhoids, and for the third consecutive year ClearMed has come out on top. Consumer Health Reports included more than 100 hemorrhoid treatment brands in the study, evaluating them on quality, value, reorder rates, safety and customer service. It then asked those suffering from internal, external and bleeding hemorrhoids to rate the top five – Avatrol, ClearMed, Preparation H, Venapro and Zenmed – using the same criteria. The result: More than 95 percent of participants picked ClearMed as their top hemorrhoid treatment.

More than 40 percent of people in the world over the age of 50 suffer from hemorrhoids, with four percent of all pregnant women developing the disease in the United States alone. Hemorrhoids are veins in the lower rectum or anus that have become swollen because of increased pressure, often from straining during bowel movements or sitting for long periods of time. Symptoms include anal itching, pain and bleeding.

Only about 20 percent of those suffering from internal, external and bleeding hemorrhoids require surgery, the rest find that a hemorrhoid treatment will help ease pain and swelling.

ClearMed is an all-natural hemorrhoid treatment in a time-release capsule that provides relief by shrinking and soothing hemorrhoids. Unlike other treatments for hemorrhoids, ClearMed’s finely milled ingredients work first on the internal issues, repairing tissues that have been damaged by straining. Throughout the day, soothing and healing agents are released to help ease the discomfort of bleeding hemorrhoids and non-bleeding hemorrhoids. There are no reported side effects with ClearMed, even when used for long-term maintenance.

“ClearMed is a product that I am very proud of, and feel excited to share with hemorrhoid sufferers around the world,” says Lawrence E. Kreger, medical researcher for ClearMed.

ClearMed developers are so confident in their hemorrhoid treatment, they guarantee results in five to seven days. If customers are not completely satisfied, ClearMed will return their money through its 60-Day No Risk Guarantee program.

Via EPR Network
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Hemorrhoids Have Met Their Match With ClearMed

Mankind has struggled to deal with the unpleasantness of hemorrhoids since the dawn of time. From the folk remedies dating back thousands of years to the national brands carried in drugs stores and supermarkets today, hemorrhoid treatment has become a big business. Unfortunately, with hundreds of medications to choose from and conditions ranging from mild irritation up to the potentially dangerous condition of bleeding hemorrhoids, consumers have been left wondering what medications actually work and which amount to a waste of money.

Doctors and proctologists treat patients who suffer from hemorrhoids all the time and they frequently recommend ClearMed, a nonprescription medication that’s proven to quickly reduce swelling and irritation, greatly speeding the recovery process while providing relief to sufferers. The editors of Consumer Health Reports, an organization that evaluates various medications in an effort to rank the top picks in various categories (based on criteria such as value, safety, quality and effectiveness), put over 100 of the top selling hemorrhoid treatment medications under the microscope and awarded ClearMed their top pick for hemorrhoid treatment for 2009.

What does it take to earn the top spot when competing against more than 100 of the top selling hemorrhoid relief products, including the best-selling national brand names? Consumer Health Reports conducted extensive testing on all the subject products, then asked customers who’d actually used the various medications to complete surveys to help validate their findings and flesh out what their user experience was like (including variables like customer service and overall satisfaction). As it had in the previous two years, ClearMed came out on top in testing, and it was also the clear favorite of customers, with an unheard of 95.9% approval rating on the 285 customer surveys that were returned. Some customers even noted that ClearMed had been able to heal their bleeding hemorrhoids, while others pointed out that the $39.95 price for a treatment cycle (backed by a 60 day money back guarantee) was extremely competitive. Based on these findings and the test results, Consumer Health Reports named ClearMed its Top Pick for Hemorrhoid Treatment for 2009, a feat the product has now accomplished for three years running.

ClearMed was founded in 1999 by a pair of medical researchers. The company operates an FDA-certified laboratory and offers a 60 day, 100% money back guarantee on ClearMed . The product is recommended by doctors, proctologists hemorrhoid treatment and has helped over 150,000 customers to date. ClearMed has earned top honors from Consumer Health Reports for the past three years, with the organization noting that it was even reported by customers to be effective in treating bleeding hemorrhoids.

Via EPR Network
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Varied Drug Addiction Experts Form Cohesive Innovative Recovery Team

Drug rehabs in America may be plentiful, but rarely are any as unique and innovative as what you’ll find at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . Just by walking onto the grounds of this expansive, idyllic facility, you’ll begin to see that it’s far from ordinary.

From the moment you enter the colonial style architecture, you’ll sense a difference. The facility is tastefully furnished, blending right into the peaceful, private 39 acres it’s situated on. The staff is multi-disciplined and highly skilled in their area of expertise, always exuding the compassion and care that Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is known for.

“Our vision began with focusing on a way to build an evidenced based drug addiction treatment program that was unlike anything currently available,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “We decided that the best way for us to do that was to put together a multi-disciplinary team consisting of licensed and certified counselors and social workers, an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Registered Nurse and a Psychiatrist. Some of our counselors are dedicated to diagnosing an individual’s addiction history; others are focused on relapse prevention, education and issues that are gender-specific. We have a group of counselors that also work within our Mind-Body-Spirit and Yoga program, helping a person deal with the stresses that, often times, can trigger relapse. There’s also a team that is dedicated to focusing on group and individual responsibilities through our Adventure Based Initiatives program. And finally, we have another team that focuses solely on developing a plan for aftercare and continued support. Although each specific group of professionals fulfills a specific role within the recovery process, all work together to form a cohesive team of drug rehab professionals whose cumulative experience is unsurpassed by any other drug addiction treatment center. This team works together with the client to insure that he/she receives an individualized treatment plan that is created specifically to meet his/her needs.”

Via EPR Network
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