Category Archives: Healthcare Information

Why More Women Are Choosing To Have A Breast Lift

The Hospital Group has reported that the number of women having a breast lift has increased by 21% over the last year.

A breast lift, or mastopexy, as it is formally known, is a procedure that suits women whose breasts may be pendulous as a result of a relaxation of the ligaments due to weight loss, age or having children.

The actual size may be fine but the breasts have lost their volume and tone or the nipples may point downward. However, if extra volume is required then a breast uplift procedure may be combined with implants for the best overall result.

A spokesperson for The Hospital Group, said: “More and more woman, post pregnancy, have chosen to have a breast uplift to rebuild their confidence in their bodies. Particularly after breast feeding women lose volume in their breasts and want to get their femininity back.”

During this common plastic surgery procedure, the surgeon will carefully remove a small section of excess skin from each breast to lift the bust line. The result will give the patient’s bust a much more youthful appearance. It is often combined with the insertion of breast implants in patients who have lost volume in their breasts as a result of age, weight loss or breast feeding.

The Hospital Group is one of the UK’s leading providers of cosmetic surgery, number one in obesity surgery and breast uplift experts. So whatever your requirements, you can rest assured in the safe hands of the professionalism and experience that THG has to offer.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has risen to become the UK’s biggest weight loss surgery providers, performing more gastric band procedures last year than the NHS. The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

Via EPR Network
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Avoid Pregnancy Financial Complications with Maternity Health Insurance

Couples who are expecting to embark on their journey of starting a family should purchase pregnant health insurance sooner than later. Thanks to the failing economy, it is becoming harder and harder for pregnant women to obtain a private maternity health insurance policy. A recently published article on recommends couples expecting or planning on having children purchase a quality policy as soon as possible if they’re interested in saving money.

“Raising a child (or multiple children) can be infinitely rewarding, but it is also expensive,” the article, Maternity Health Insurance: What Does It Cover?, states. “Prenatal care, doctor checkups, ultrasounds, delivery, etc., can all drain your savings if you don’t have sufficient maternity health insurance to cover the expenses.”

So how and what do couples benefit from with maternity health insurance? On top of covering the expenses of doctor’s visits, ultrasound exams, hospital stays, tests, prenatal care, anesthesia and newborn check-ups, a quality policy will also cover the baby delivery charge, which can cost between $6,000 and $10,000 alone.

Couples who come across a policy that doesn’t cover the cost of the listed expenses should consult with their health insurance agent on how they can customize it. It is silly to obtain a policy that doesn’t protect against a newborn delivery charge that can place a couple in a financial hole for many years following the pregnancy.

Women who have not yet become pregnant still have time. Start comparing maternity health insurance quotes online today to find the most affordable and convenient policy and ensure a safe pregnancy.

Via EPR Network
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Blonde Bombshell Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace Has Been Voted In The Top 10 Best Surgery Category

Blonde bombshell Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace has been voted in the top 10 “Best Surgery” category in this week’s Heat magazine as part of their cosmetic surgery special.

The Big Brother star recently had a breast enlargement at The Hospital Group, increasing her bust size from a DD to an E.

Aisleyne said: “You hear of people booking in for surgery and not getting the look they wanted, and that was me before.

“I just wanted to get the shape sorted out. My boobs were sitting quite far apart so I wanted something which gave me much more of a cleavage.

“I definitely don’t want them massive like Jordan or super-pert like Victoria Beckham, just something natural which is going to look good in a dress.”

Heat asked 1,000 of their readers to vote on their best and worst celebrity surgery as well as procedures they would most like to have. Liposuction came out on top, closely followed by breast enlargement and nose jobs. Surprisingly, pec implants came in eighth place.

Via EPR Network
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Hypnotist Claims To Be Able to Make Boobs Bigger with the Power of His Mind

A North Yorks Stage hypnotist is claiming that he can help women “think” that they have bigger breasts by just using the power of his mind.

David Knight has recently launched a new CD which tells listeners “Your breasts are growing… growing larger now” and is that confident in his technique that he offers a money back guarantee if listeners are not completely satisfied with the results.

The hypnotherapist is said to have an 85 per-cent success rate, saying: “Every lady’s breasts have been grown by the mind, the mind grows it, so the mind can enhance it.”

However earlier this week Mr Knight’s claims were tossed aside as the BBC program Inside Out demonstrated how easy it is to register as a hypnotherapist.

Although some people may think that hypnotherapy is the answer, breast augmentation offers a guaranteed permanent enhancement.

The Hospital Group, one of the country’s leading cosmetic surgery clinics offers a vast range of surgical implants as part of its new Natrelle range.

With over 500 different shapes, sizes and textures, the Natrelle implant allows for a much more bespoke breast, which the patient has decided upon herself with the help of a dedicated specialist when undergoing a breast enlargement procedure.

In 2008, The Hospital Group saw a staggered 2,200 breast augmentations performed, making them one of the country’s leading breast surgery providers.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers. The Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

Via EPR Network
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Little Sprout Imaging Was Pleased To Be Included In This Months Issue Of Angie’s List Health

Martha Morgan, the Founder of Little Sprout Imaging, was invited to respond to the controversy surrounding the industry and the recent ban of non-medical ultrasounds in the State of Connecticut. Rounding out the “Ask the Experts” panel is Dr. Jacques S. Abramowicz.

Little Sprout Imaging Was Pleased To Be Included In This Months Issue Of Angie’s List Health

Morgan admits that the industry has a less than desirable reputation. Earlier this decade, the FDA and AIUM expressed concern about the use of a medical device by untrained personnel. Yet, centers continue to open across the country with the business owner having learned how to operate the ultrasound machine in 2 days. Pregnant women assume that their state or the federal government oversees the industry. If Moms-to-be understood that 90% of the free-standing 3D centers were operated by laypeople rather than trained professionals, they would seek out the true professionals and consumer demand would settle the industry controversy. If we, as an industry, do not self-regulate; the states may very well legislate us all out of business. The State of Connecticut did exactly that effective, July 1, 2009.

To view the entire article in Angie’s List Health, go to:
Angie’s List Health, October 2009 Issue

Little Sprout Imaging has provided 3D / 4D ultrasounds in Maryland since 2004. Their service model includes medically trained Sonographers and physician oversight. Their high-standards take into account the FDA and AIUM concerns. This distinction earned them the 2006 Smart Woman Bravo! Business Achievement Award as well as the label “Mom and Baby Friendly” in the Greater-Baltimore region. In addition to their responsible business practices, technologically they are a leader in the industry. Little Sprout Imaging introduced webcast ultrasounds to the industry in 2006. Their webcast service; called SproutCast, is offered LIVE and OnDemand.

To sign the Little Sprout Imaging petition to keep 3D ultrasounds elective in the State of Maryland, go to: Click on sign the petition.

Via EPR Network
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Harley Medical Group Reports Big Enquiry Increase In The City

The Harley Medical Group’s City clinic, in the heart of the Square Mile, has historically been one of the 26 clinic strong Group’s leading UK clinics but has seen static figures over the last six months. However, September figures for the Group’s City Clinic, released today, show a 24% month on month enquiry increase, which could result in optimism amongst City workers.

Male patients are driving the September growth at The Harley Medical Group’s City Clinic, which is based at Great Street Thomas Apostle, two minutes walking distance from Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan. Abdominoplasties - tummy tucks – amongst male patients are up 68% year-on-year and male breast reduction – reduction of Moobs, or man boobs – is up 14% year on year for the month of September.

Female execs are opting for Non Surgical Treatments with September bookings up 27% month on month in The Harley Medical Group’s City Clinic.

Both male and female patients opted for Botox last month, which was up 18% last month, year-on-year, as City workers look to stay ahead of the competition in an increasingly competitive climate.

Liz Dale, Director of The Harley Medical Group, said: “There certainly seems to be a renewed sense of optimism amongst City workers, with surgical bookings for the next quarter up by over 20% on last year for our City Clinic.”

The Harley Medical Group, which has 26 UK clinics, last reported a big hike in bookings for its City Clinic three years ago, with the Winter 2005 City Surgery boom then attributed to the City bonus season.

A Harley Medical Group patient who works as a sales analyst at one of the UK’s top five investment banks, said: “Although my job makes it hard to stay trim I made a lifestyle decision to lose weight earlier this year, which left me with a flap of loose skin on my stomach and stubborn fat on my chest. I felt terribly self-conscious and uncomfortable in the gym, which was my main motivation for surgery. I’ve booked in for a tummy tuck and male breast reduction in November. With the total surgery bill coming to around £10,000, I’ll be using my bonus money to fund the surgery.”

Another patient who works for a City insurance firm, said: “I have had botox for five years, usually three times a year. I haven’t had the treatment for over a year as I was really tightening my purse strings, but I feel more confident that my job is safe and so I booked in for botox last week. It was long overdue, I look and feel great.”

Via EPR Network
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Pet Owners Save a Trip to the Animal Clinic and Find Pet Meds Online

Pet owners find themselves as contented as their cats and dogs with more time in their afternoon as they save a trip to the vet. As more and more consumers turn to the online community to find what they need, pet lovers find all their petmeds needs on the web. No longer do they have to make an extra trip to the pet clinic or pet store to find Frontline, Heartgard, Sentinel or any other pet need because they can get it just as easily on the Internet, never leaving their house or the company of their pet. All pet medications are USDA/EPA approved and exactly what they’d expect to find in a vet’s office or pet store.

The Internet creates convenience for everyone, including owners of animals who may find it difficult to work their animal’s needs for pet meds in with their busy schedules. Why should pet owners have to travel to meet the health needs of their pets when the Internet provides every pet medication conveniently at the fingertips? Online pet stores are only as far away as the nearest computer. More and more pet owners realize that the convenience of online pet supply outlets can ease a schedule and provide more time in the day.

The health needs of pets can vary widely and get considerably expensive. With online petmeds, all forms of pet medicine and treatments are available in one location at prices that are considerably lower than a pet shop or vet clinic. The online store saves money by having less real estate and employee expenses to contend with. These savings can then be passed onto the pet owner through lower prices. Not only can pet lovers find everything they need for their pets easier, but the pet meds also tend to be less expensive.

Shipping costs have deterred some potential online shoppers, but many online stores get around this by offering reduced or free shipping. At Petmeds, for example, shipping on all orders over $39 is completely free, adding to the savings with reduced overhead.

About the Author:

Sam Sheppard is a long time pet owner and blogger who finds it hard to find time in his schedule to get all his pet meds for the animals he loves. With online petmeds, Sheppard finds more time not only for writing but for quality lap time for all his furry friends as well.

Via EPR Network
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UK Enjoys Highest Net Income in Europe but Life Quality is Poorest

The UK and Ireland are the worst places in Europe to live, according to the latest Quality of Life Index. While the UK enjoys the highest net household income in Europe, quality of life is the poorest, proving that there is more to good living than money. Long working hours, lower holiday entitlement and a high cost of living all contribute to a poor quality of life in the UK – and it’s not much better for the Irish either:

•Best quality of life can be found in France and Spain. The worst can be found in the UK and Ireland
•Depressing: UK workers can expect to work 3 years longer and die 2 years younger than their French counterparts
•Cost of living: consumers in the UK are paying above the European average for fuel, food, alcohol and cigarettes
•Health and education: the UK’s spend on healthcare and education is below the European average. Only Ireland and Poland spend less on healthcare, but Ireland has more doctors and hospital beds and Poland has more beds than the UK
•Longer life: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden all enjoy longer life expectancy than the UK
•Retirement age in the UK has dropped, but it is still the 4th highest in Europe
•UK enjoys highest net household income, but workers in the UK get lowest holiday entitlement in Europe.

The latest European Quality of life Index reveals that people in the UK are still getting a raw deal compared with their European neighbours. Despite the fact that the UK enjoys the highest net household income in Europe – GBP35,730 a year, which is more than GBP10,000 a year above the European average – this does not translate into a good life. Instead, people in the UK can expect to work longer, die younger and enjoy lower standards of healthcare and education.

The study examined 17 factors in order to understand where the UK sits in relation to nine other major European countries. Variables such as net income, taxes and the cost of essential goods, such as fuel, food and energy bills, were examined along with lifestyle factors, such as hours of sunshine, holiday entitlement, working hours and life expectancy to provide a complete picture of the quality of life experienced in each country.

The findings show that people in the UK and Ireland have the poorest quality of life, while the French and Spanish enjoy the highest. The UK gets the lowest number of days holiday per year, pays the highest prices for diesel and food and spends below the European average (as a percentage of GDP) on health and education. It also has the 4th lowest life expectancy in Europe and workers retire later than most of their European counterparts.

France, which topped the league, enjoys one of the lowest retirement ages, has the longest life expectancy in Europeand spends the most on healthcare Its workers also benefit from 34 days holiday a year – compared with only 28 in the UK – and it comes only behind Spain and Italy for hours of sunshine.

Spain, which topped the league last year, enjoys the most sunshine – but it has more to smile about than just that. The Spanish can expect to live a year longer than people in the UK, enjoy the highest number of days holiday in Europe (41 days a year) and pay the lowest fuel prices. And as if that’s not enough to celebrate, they are paying the lowest prices for alcohol too.

This year’s index does not reveal the full impact of the recession – this can be expected to show next year. However, France officially went into recession in May 2009 and has already emerged again (August 2009). This quick turnaround could see it maintaining a high quality of life despite the economic difficulties facing most European nations. Spain entered recession in February 2009 with no official announcement as to when it is likely to exit. Poland is the only country in the study not to have gone into recession and it is widely expected to avoid it throughout 2009.

Out of the two countries experiencing the lowest quality of life, Ireland went into recession first in September 2008 while the UK officially went into recession in January 2009. Both are yet to exit and the impact on the UK is expected to be severe and long lasting. Unemployment has already hit a 14 year high at 2.47 million workers or 7.9% of the workforce – the highest rate since 1995. Even with the UK due to start recovery shortly, the jobless toll is still expected to rise with the British Chambers of Commerce predicting numbers exceeding 3 million next year.

Importantly, as politicians start to plot a way out of the financial mire, quality of life in the UK could suffer even more. This is because public spending is likely to be reined in so that the amount spent in the UK on education and health could fall. The Labour Government has already indicated GBP2 billion of cuts to come on education but it has so far rejected advice from management consultants to cut the NHS workforce by 10% over the next 5 years. The UK is already spending below the European average (as a percentage of GDP) on both health and education.


The UK is spending below the European average (as a percentage of GDP) on both education and health. The largest shortfall is on health though, where the UK is spending 8.2% of GDP compared with the European average of 9%. Only Poland and Ireland spend less on health than the UK. France is the biggest investor, spending 11% of GDP on health, closely followed by Denmark and Germany.

The UK has 2.1 doctors per 1,000 people and 3.9 hospital beds. In contrast, France has 3.4 doctors and 7.3 beds. Poland, which spends less than the UK on health, has more hospital beds – 5.2 beds per 1,000 people. While Ireland spends less than the UK, but achieves a greater number of doctors per 1,000 and a higher number of hospital beds (2.9 doctors per 1,000 and 5.6 beds).

Lower spending on education and health could also be a contributing factor to the UK’s lower than average life expectancy, which is 4th lowest in Europe. There is some evidence to suggest that people who are better educated live longer and in better health than those who are less educated. This link between education and health cannot be explained by behavioural differences alone and has led scholars to suggest that having the right educational policies could improve a nation’s health considerably.

As well as shorter lives, people in the UK can expect to work for longer than most of their European neighbours too. The average European retirement age is 62 years old, however UK workers can expect to carry on working for 6 months longer than this. Poland has the lowest retirement age at just over 59 years old, closely followed by France. In real terms, these differences mean that UK workers can expect to work 3 years longer and die 2 years younger than their French counterparts.

Well being

Workers in the UK put in an average of 37 hours a week. Spain, France, Italy and Poland all work longer hours, but they also benefit from more days off. While workers in the UK get the lowest holiday entitlement in Europe – 28 days a year – the Spanish benefit from 41 days a year, the highest entitlement. As a result, UK workers can expect to work an average of 5 days more a year than their European counterparts and 13 days a year more than their Spanish counterparts. Over a lifetime of work (45 years) a Spanish worker could expect to have over 5 years off as holiday, while a UK worker could expect to have just over 3 years off.

Ann Robinson, Director of Consumer Policy at, says: “There is more to good living than money and this report shows why so many Brits are giving up on the UK and heading to France and Spain. We earn substantially more than our European neighbours, but this level of income is needed just to keep a roof over our heads, food on the table and our homes warm. It’s giving us a decent standard of living, but it’s not helping us achieve the quality of life that people in other countries enjoy.

“For too long the focus in the UK has been on standard of living rather than quality of life. As a result we have lost all sense of balance between wealth and well-being. The recession could prove to be a turning point, forcing us to re-evaluate our way of life, get back to basics and to the things that really count. Consumers are already beginning to do this – the Government and its policymakers would do well to follow suit.”

Via EPR Network
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Narconon, Drug-Free, Non-Profit, Drug Rehab Treatment

Narconon Vista Bay goes to the Fair! The Monterey County Fair is one of the largest in the state of California, with an average of 65,000 visitors. Taking advantage of that opportunity, Narconon Northern california had a booth in the middle of the action. The goal was to provide free drug education for children and also mingle with members of the community.

Over the five days of the fair, Narconon drug education material was placed in the hands of over 4000 children. While at the booth, kids enjoyed a prize wheel and gifts, as parents and community members appreciated the positive Narconon approach to drug prevention and education. The informative material offered was enjoyed by all.

Narconon programs assist schools across the country in meeting several criteria for the United States Department of Education, Title IV (Safe & Drug Free School) funds. Trends of youth substance abuse are tracked and monitored, and program presentations and training is modified to meet the ever changing needs of society. Prevention is the goal of drug education.

Perhaps the most unique concept behind Narconon Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment is that it is completely drug-free. The treatment has at least a 70% success rate. It is based on techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard, an author and philosopher. Each single component or phase of the treatment is designed to increase the abilities of the client.

Narconon is a drug-free treatment method that consists of two main stages; detoxification and rehabilitation. Besides nutritional supplements, sauna sessions are an important part of the detoxification stage. Rehabilitation includes specific courses designed to increase communication skills, study skills, orientation to the environment, understanding of moral principles, and preparation for work.

With a success rate of 76%, the “Narconon Drug Rehab” is backed by a ‘Graduate Assurance Plan’. The plan promises graduates following approved discharge plans that relapse within six months of the program, will be re-admitted at no charge. “Narconon Prescription Drug Treatment” is available for a flat fee, and the duration is based on need, not insurance coverage.

Via EPR Network
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The Young Are Being Hit Hardest By The Strains Of Modern Life

PruHealth has revealed that the old adage of ‘being over the hill’ in later life may need to be revised as it seems the stresses and strains of modern life are hitting the younger generation the hardest.

The latest research from PruHealth, the health insurance provider that rewards policyholders for being healthy, has found that today’s 20-somethings feel three years older than their birth certificate states and the average 30-something feels their actual age, but the average Brit aged 40+ feels 11.5 years younger than their actual age.*

However, 20-30 somethings seem to have energy levels closer to those of retirees. More people in their 20s and 30s have a dip in their energy levels throughout the course of the day than any other age group, while 12% of 30-somethings don’t feel energetic at any point during the day at all – compared with only 6% of people in their 60s.

The research highlights how people in their 20s and 30s live unhealthier lifestyles than those in their 40s and 50s, which could be the reason for the younger generation’s sluggish energy levels and feeling older than their years. The top three reasons for lower energy levels were identified as an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and not getting enough sleep. However, little action appears to be being taken to counteract this with only 47% saying they eat a balanced diet, 18% never exercise, and a quarter sleep for less than 6 hours a night.

The older generation tends to follow a more balanced diet, eats less unhealthy foods such as takeaways, and participates in a similar level of exercise compared with the younger generation. However, as the over 40s require less calories than the under 40s** this could be the key to their youthfulness.

Interestingly, people of all ages who feel younger than their real age are more likely to feel most energetic in the morning, while those who experience a peak in energy levels in the afternoon are more likely to feel older than their actual age.

Shaun Matisonn, CEO, PruHealth, said: “While it’s wonderful to see that the older we get, the better we feel, the energy levels of those under 40 clearly needs more attention. This age group need to get more exercise – and more sleep – eat healthily and follow more active lifestyles to help boost their energy levels.

“Finding time in your 30s to exercise and eat healthily can be especially difficult while you’re juggling a career and looking after a young family, but incorporating small steps in your daily routine, such as getting off the bus a stop early and snacking on fruit rather than crisps, can help make all the difference.”

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Report Warns Against Botox Binges

The Harley Medical Group has revealed that recent reports from the States suggest women are binging on Botox to the point where their faces look frozen. Suffering from so-called ‘Wrinklerexia’, some Botox-devotees become so obsessed with their crease-free image they begin to see lines where there are none and binge on Botox to get a freeze-frame face.

Doctors at The Harley Medical Group – the UK’s largest cosmetic surgery provider – strongly recommend that patients opt for smaller doses of Botox and are turning patients away who demand treatment they don’t need.

Liz Dale, Director of The Harley Medical Group said: “Used properly, Botox is a fantastic treatment giving smoother, tighter and more youthful looking skin. But like with any procedure, it’s highly inadvisable to have more done than is necessary. At The Harley Medical Group all Botox treatments are administered by specially trained doctors who will look out for signs of a Botox ‘habit’ and will advise patients according to their individual needs.”

The Harley Medical Group works tirelessly to maintain the highest standards in the industry for the benefits all cosmetic surgery and non surgical patients. The group is at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Government continues to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic surgery and non surgical treatments so that patients are protected from rogue practitioners.

Dr Nick Milojevic, Botox Doctor at The Harley Medical Group said: “When used correctly, it’s extremely difficult to see if someone has had a Botox treatment. Botox has a fantastic preventative benefit, helping to prevent more wrinkles from forming whilst stopping lines and creases already present from deepening. ‘Baby Botox’, a lighter variation of the treatment, only uses extremely low doses of the toxin to give a very subtle and natural effect.”

Via EPR Network
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Free Joint Pain Relief Analyzer Launched

While some struggle to relieve daily joint pain, many are overcoming their joint pain quickly and easily. Largely, because they have mastered the proven (but little-known) methods of preventing joint pain from becoming overwhelming, before it’s too late.

That’s the opinion of Joint Pain Relief Today, online joint pain relief resource and designer of this new free tool, the Joint Pain Analyzer.

“Middle-aged individuals today need solid, reliable information on what works in relieving joint pain – and what doesn’t,” says Mary Ogden, joint pain specialist. “As an online joint pain specialist, I have hundreds of people contacting me, asking questions such as:

– How can I relieve my joint pain so I can get started with my day without being slowed-down by joint pain?

– How can I prevent and protect myself against significant joint pain in the first place?

“I designed the free Joint Pain Analyzer tool, to give these folks some of the answers. What makes this joint pain tool different is this: it’s not based upon theories or untested ideas. Each of the methods built into the joint pain analyzer tool has been thoroughly tested. The tool’s answers have been checked by medical professionals and in real-world joint pain relief.”

Unlike many of today’s joint pain services, Ogden points out, this new joint pain tool has been released at no charge. “A lot of organizations and individuals can’t afford to hire joint pain consultants or joint pain relief specialists. And it takes time to read an entire medical book, listen to a CD or attend a joint pain seminar,” notes Ogden. “This free joint pain analyzer has been created for them, and takes less than 2 minutes to get.”

Personal joint pain data analyzed in the free joint pain analyzer include:

– how joint pain is currently affecting the daily life of the patient
– why joint pain prevention is so important and what to do
– where to get effective, free help on boosting your joint pain relief

The Joint Pain Analyzer can be accessed online free, right now by visiting: Joint Pain Relief Today

The free joint pain relief analyzer is available to all individuals – both young and old, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Via EPR Network
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New Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Website By Mountainside

Mountainside Treatment Center, a drug and alcohol addiction treatment center located in the northwest corner of Connecticut has launched a new informative web site in order to make more information about addiction and the treatment of addiction more accessible to the general public. The new website is designed to be easy to use and navigate, while still providing volumes of information to the end user. The new site is comprised of the newest and best technology available and is aimed at making the web experience as pleasant as possible. For many, this is the first glimpse of what Mountainside has to offer, so making the information accessible was one of the primary goals. Finding a suitable drug or alcohol rehabilitation center can be a difficult task, often, an informative and easy to use website makes this a less time consuming task; which allows the client more time to make the right decision.

Mountainside’s new site offers information on several important addiction related topics as well as information regarding its professional and credentialed staff and facility. The new drug rehab and alcoholism treatment center website contains information on heroin addiction, cocaine addiction, methamphetamine addiction, alcoholism, prescription drug dependence and addiction along with several other informative articles.

Information on the facility is abundant and contains many photographs from Mountainsides grounds. There is a section that introduces the clinical treatment team and provides the opportunity for people to become more familiar with the facility and its offerings. There are also powerful search functions which give web users the ability to find only the information that they are seeking.

Mountainside Drug Rehab Center’s focus and commitment over the years has been to the quality of its drug rehabilitation and alcoholism treatment program. Mountainside’s unique drug rehab program includes Individual and Group Counseling; Therapeutic Challenge; Addressing Nicotine Addiction; 12-Step Education and Meetings; Spiritual Enhancement including Guided Meditation, Yoga, Hypnosis, a Native American Stone Peoples Lodge; Family Counseling; Work Therapy; Adventure-Based Counseling; Writing, Art and Music Workshops. Working with their counselors, residents are able to take advantage of a long list of treatment initiatives designed to appeal to individual tastes and preferences. One of the tenets of its individualized drug addiction rehab program is to get people fully engaged in their recoveries.

Its licensed and credentialed counselors and clinical staff include two Advanced Nurse Practitioners who are specialists in drug addiction and alcoholism treatment. The highly capable drug addiction treatment team is dedicated to providing compassionate and quality alcohol and drug treatment. In these hard economic times – Mountainside Drug Rehab is there to help. Please contact us at the number below or visit its website at (

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Winners Of The Cosmetic Surgery Competition Reveal Their Experiences With Their Cosmetic Surgery Treatments In Prague

Five UK ladies, winners of the UK Cosmetic Surgery Competition run by, underwent their chosen surgical treatments in Prague, Czech Republic.

Charlotte, Helen, Kathryn, Vicky and Clare shared a dream: that cosmetic plastic surgery would change their life for the better. Each of them had a different problem, impeding either their private life or their career opportunities.

Helen, 27, from Shelf Halifax said: “For me, the surgery was not necessarily just so that I could look pretty in clothes, but to close a chapter of my life that was very hard to deal with. At 14 years old, I was scouted by a model agency but put on four stone within the next year, so my hopes were dashed. I found being overweight to be very depressing and hard to deal with, and my saggy stomach was a constant reminder of those days. I felt like I was carrying a piece of someone else around with me and found it so frustrating that I couldn’t do anything to get rid of it after I had worked so hard to lose the weight.”

Life changed for Helen and her co-winners during May – June 2009 when they all underwent their chosen cosmetic surgeries. Tummy tuck, rhinoplasty, breast remodelling and breast enlargement were performed by leading Czech plastic surgeons: Tomas Dolezal M.D., Josef Kulhanek M.D., Karel Urban M.D., Roman Kufa M.D. and Libor Kment M.D.

“I really enjoyed the whole experience and I would recommend to anyone who is considering surgery to go for it. It really has changed my mind and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. The staff of the Esthe clinic was really helpful and I felt really looked after. Again „Thank you!“ for this fantastic opportunity and you have truly changed my life forever!” said Charlotte (22), a young mother from London. She had had two children at a very young age, which had completely ruined her breasts. The resultant loss of shape and too much of excess skin destroyed her confidence as a woman. In the end, it ruined her relationship with the father of her children and caused a deep depression and feelings of insecurity in starting a new relationship.

Pavel Hilbert, Chief Executive of said: “Breast enlargement surgery restored Charlotte‘s self-confidence. She is once again the happy young lady she used to be, enjoying life, her kids and a new relationship.” She is only one of the thousands of satisfied patients who have placed themselves into the skilled hands of Czech plastic surgeons. The Czech Republic, a centre of modern plastic surgery, numbers among countries with a low rate of MRSA infections compared to Great Britain, Ireland, USA or Japan, for example. Czech plastic surgeons are highly educated, trained, skilled and qualified. “We are happy we have helped five ladies achieve their dreams, allowing them to take advantage of the high-quality care and dedicated professional service of Czech plastic surgeons.” adds Hilbert

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Take Rehab Seriously Or Run The Risk Of Never Beating Addiction

Addiction is both a physical and psychological disease. Addiction treatment, then, must promote both physical and psychological healing. The only successful rehab facilities are those which help their clients get better in mind as well as in body. In the end, there’s no other route to meaningful and lasting wellness.

Those considerations, in turn, are at the heart of Sunset Malibu’s treatment philosophy.

With its world-class caregivers and elegant accommodations, Sunset Malibu is an unparalleled recovery destination. The center has always catered to upscale clients from every corner of the globe. Now Sunset is renewing its commitment to its core values, with the goal of delivering life-changing comprehensive care to individuals who seek it. At Sunset Malibu, the client always comes first.

“Every one of our clients comes to us with some sort of emotional problem,” said Sunset Malibu Program Director Dr. Georgina Smith. “It’s our job to ensure that that problem gets solved, in order to lay a solid foundation for the long-term recovery process. With everything from advanced dual-diagnosis techniques to intensive depression treatment, we make it our mission to help patients heal from the inside-out.”

Unfortunately, that passion for holistic healing is precisely what sets Sunset apart from its competitors.

Most treatment facilities pay lip service to the importance of holistic recovery. But very few of them live up to their own promises. The truth is that many of the most “exclusive” clinics in California only target the physical symptoms of addiction. More often than not, those facilities fail to help clients get better for good.

Under the circumstances, argues Dr. Smith, those shortcomings are inexcusable.

“Addiction ruins lives,” Dr. Smith said. “Addiction treatment can save them-but only if it’s administered with empathy and expertise. We stop at nothing to ensure that our clients receive the best possible support along the road to wellness. To do anything less would be to forsake our personal and professional obligations.”

Substance abuse is an increasingly prevalent problem in the United States and around the world. The good news here is that it doesn’t have to be a fatal one. Sunset Malibu has proven itself capable of helping clients rediscover the world as they used to know it, before addiction stripped them of their hope and joy and dignity. It’s hard to imagine that any service could ever possibly be more valuable than that one.

Via EPR Network
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Drug Rehab Where You Are Surrounded By Luxury

Affluent addiction victims typically seek the services of elegant private treatment facilities. Unfortunately, that search is often impeded by a lack of information from and about the luxury rehab industry.

That’s about to change. is pleased to announce a new referral service linking affluent addiction victims to the best treatment and recovery facilities on earth. The goal of is to help those victims find the facility that’s exactly right for them. To do that, the service provides clients with expert personal advice and a thorough understanding of the treatment options available to them.

For drug rehab patients and their families, that sort of enlightenment can often make all the difference in the world.

Rehab is always an arduous process. To be successful, patients need intimate and comprehensive support at every step on the road to wellness. The best treatment clinics, then, are invariably those which most effectively meet the needs of their individual clients. In the end, anything less than the most personalized care is and can only be a recipe for failure.

But those principles aren’t always put into practice.

It’s one thing for a rehab center to pay lip service to the importance of luxurious accommodations. It’s quite another for that facility to make a deep and abiding commitment to the physical comfort of its clients. The unfortunate truth is that many of the most well-known clinics in Los Angeles fall short of the promises they make in their advertising brochures. Unsurprisingly, those institutions rarely produce meaningful or lasting recovery.

Given the stakes in the fight against addiction, those sorts of failures can lead to disaster. is a referral service dedicated to connecting callers with the right drug rehab programs or alcohol rehab center. To learn more about the service, please call 1-888-488-0088, or visit the Web site at Online visitors will find testimonials, staff profiles, and other valuable information about private drug rehabs the rehabilitation experience.

Via EPR Network
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Refreshing Take On Recovery Methods At Cliffside Malibu

Cliffside Malibu, a prestigious alcohol treatment facility on the Malibu coast, has long been a leading light in the California rehab community. Now, the center is pleased to announce its renewed commitment to providing clients with superlative luxury on the road to recovery.

Alcohol treatment is always difficult. Those patients who complete the process successfully are invariably the ones who feel most comfortable in their healing environments, and most supported in their recovery efforts. The best alcohol treatment clinics, then, are those which most effectively meet the physical and psychological needs of their clients. In the end, there’s simply no substitute for a private and luxurious rehabilitation facility.

Those principles, in turn, comprise the core of Cliffside Malibu’s luxury treatment philosophy.

With its expert caregivers and posh amenities, Cliffside Malibu is a world-class institution. The center has always catered to an elite clientele. Now Cliffside is expanding its mission, with the goal of delivering the best care on the planet to those individuals who need it. At Cliffside Malibu, nothing less than excellence will ever be acceptable.

“Alcohol treatment is a trying process,” said Cliffside Malibu Clinical Director Patricia Freeberry. “As an alcohol treatment clinic, it’s our job to ensure that our clients have everything they need to rise to the occasion. From gourmet meals to personal spa services, we stop at nothing in order to fulfill our obligations.”

It’s easy for an alcohol treatment center to pay lip service to the importance of luxury and elegance. It’s hard, though, for that center to live up to its own standards. The truth is that many so-called “luxury” alcohol treatment clinics in California fall far short of the facades they present in their advertising brochures. Unsurprisingly, these institutions rarely help clients achieve meaningful or lasting wellness.

Cliffside Malibu is a luxury drug and alcohol treatment center located in Malibu, California. For further details about Cliffside’s treatment methods, amenities, or other general information alcohol treatment program, please call 1-800-501-1988 or visit our Web site at

Via EPR Network
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Online Sexual Partners Calculator

According to new research released by Lloydspharmacy, the typical British adult has slept indirectly with 2,811,024 people.

The leading community pharmacy chain has developed an online calculator which allows people to work out the number of indirect sexual partners they have had.

The sexual partners calculator has been developed to help people understand the risks of unprotected sex. According to the Health Protection Agency, cases of sexually transmitted infections rose last year by 0.5%, to 399,738 and cases of Chlamydia increased by eight per cent between 2006 and 2008.

The average British man claims to have had nine sexual partners while the average women claims 6.3 partners, giving an overall average of 7.65. However, as the new calculator demonstrates, they are potentially exposed to the sexually transmitted diseases of hundreds of thousands of others.

The calculator, which uses data collected from more than 6,000 UK adults, is called Sex Degrees of Separation, a reference to the famous theory first proposed by Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy which states that no one person is more than six steps removed from another.

When people enter the age range of each partner, the calculator raids its database to work out how many previous sexual partners people within that age range have had on average. It then repeats this process for five further ‘generations’ of partner. This is added together to give a Sex Degrees of Separation total.

The launch of the calculator coincides with the introduction of Lloydspharmacy’s Relationship Screen, an online postal service which allows people and their partners to have a Chlamydia test – the most common STI in the UK – Gonorrhoea test and HIV test before committing to full intimacy.

Clare Kerr, head of sexual health at Lloydspharmacy said: “When we sleep with someone, we are, in effect, not only sleeping with them, but also their previous partners and their partners’ previous partners, and so on. It’s important that people understand how exposed they are to STIs and take appropriate precautions including using condoms and getting themselves checked out where appropriate.

“A simple sexual health test will give both partners in a relationship peace of mind. The majority of STIs are easy to rectify, but if left untreated, the long term implications can be very serious.”

The Sex Degrees of Separation calculator, and more information about Lloydpharmacy’s sexual health services, can be found at online.

Via EPR Network
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International Masters Publishers, Inc., On Behalf Of Its Collection Of Health And Well-Being Products Has Made A Donation To Rocking The Road For A Cure, Inc.

International Masters Publishers, Inc., on behalf of its collection of Health and Well-being products has made a donation to “Rocking the Road for a Cure, Inc.” — a non-profit organization founded to provide free education and support services for women and men going through the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

Reflecting their strong commitment to providing valuable health information, International Masters Publishers, Inc. (IMP) recently announced its continuing support for breast cancer research and wellness programs through its contribution to the community-based non-profit organization “Rocking the Road for a Cure, Inc.”

Founded by Dawn Frey after she was diagnosed with breast cancer, “Rocking the Road for a Cure, Inc” provides free support services aimed to enhance the coping skills of those in treatment, and expand the support networks that have proven so essential to their quality of life. These services include:

• Homebound Yoga, Reiki and massage
• Medical case management assistance
• Homebound Recreational Therapy
• Beauty consultations
• Nutrition advice and services

“We are proud to support the great work done by Rocking on the Road for a Cure, Inc.”, says Dilenia Chireno, IMP Spokesperson, “their programs use many of the same approaches to self-empowerment we cover in our collections, so it’s really an excellent fit for us. We are so proud to be part of this important and worthwhile cause.”

In addition to its generous corporate donation, IMP will also offer some customers of The Complete Guide to Natural Healing and Enhancing Your Mind Body Spirit the opportunity to make an additional donation by contributing a portion of the proceeds it receives from these two products to this great cause.

Via EPR Network
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The First Cookery And Nutrition Academy In Europe

New You Boot Camp launch Cookery & Nutrition Academy breaks as a lifestyle extension to the successful New You Boot Camp programme. If you are passionate about cooking and healthy eating without compromising on the taste then the New You Boot Camp Cookery & Nutrition Academy break might be perfect for you.

The Cookery & Nutrition Academy puts you on the path to discovering how to prepare delicious and healthy food which is quick and easy to prepare.

The aim of the break is to teach you about the nutritional value of food as well as a healthier way of cooking that can empower you to transfer all the skills that you have learnt into your lives at home.

The three day breaks teach you how to cook quick fix meals, family favourites, and even prepare for dinner party’s. Not only that you New You Boot Camp have put together a glossy booklet filled with all the delicious recipes that you that you tried throughout the break for you to take home.

The New You Boot Camp Cookery & Nutrition Academy concept has been designed so that each course’s dates theme will change ensuring that when you come back to visit again you will learn how to cook something new.

The New You Boot Camp Cookery and Nutrition Academy is based at a beautiful property located in the wonderful Dorset Countryside in the village of Thornicombe near Blandford.

Via EPR Network
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