Tag Archives: drug rehab

President Barack Obama Declares September as National Alcohol And Addiction Recovery Month

On August 31, 2010, the addiction field got a shot in the arm from United States President Barack Obama when he declared September as National Alcohol and Addiction Recovery Month.

In his declaration, President Obama vowed to increase access to treatment and recovery programs in the US through the enacting of new health care laws that not only make addiction treatment programs accessible, but also affordable.

“When a public figure such as the President of the United States calls attention to the drug addiction problem facing not only the United States , but the world as well, there is renewed hope within the addiction treatment field,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “Keeping America ‘s drug problem in the forefront of our minds is the only way that we are going to meet this challenge and combat the problem. Americans can’t become complacent and think that this problem doesn’t affect their lives, because it does – in ways that most just don’t realize. Complacency brings our guard down, makes us more vulnerable and, in turn, we don’t feel the urgency to broach tough subjects like drug abuse with our children. We must have those tough conversations if we wish to win the war on drugs.”

Recent studies have shown that teenagers whose parents talk to them on a regular basis about the dangers of drug use are 42 percent less likely to use drugs than those whose parents don’t.

The compassionate, caring treatment team at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is committed to helping families break the cycle of addiction through their various program offerings including the very important family wellness program. Mountainside will assist families with securing a professional intervention. Mountainside’s comprehensive team is comprised of licensed and certified counselors and social workers as well as an on-staff Nurse Practitioner and a Registered Nurse, both of whom have specializations and extensive experience in drug addiction and alcohol treatment. For clients who may have psychiatric issues and/or a dual diagnosis, Mountainside provides the services of a Psychiatrist who also has specialization in addictions. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment over the past 12 years, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

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New Gateway To Illicit Drug Addiction

A recent study conducted by University of Buffalo physicians suggests that prescription pain killers are the new gateway drug to illicit drug addiction.

A study published by UB shows that 31 out of 75 patients hospitalized for narcotic detox first became addicted to drugs as a result of legitimately prescribed narcotics for pain. Another 24 individuals obtained their drugs via a friend’s left-over pills or from a family member’s medicine cabinet. The remaining 20 patients said they got hooked on street drugs.

A startling 92% of the patients within the study said they turned to buying heroin off of the street as it is less expensive and produces a stronger high than any prescription narcotics.

After their pain was resolved, however, most reported that they continued to use the prescribed drugs to help deal with the emotional stresses of day to day life and to feel better, in general.

“This is a disturbing trend,” remarks a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcoholism Treatment Center. “While effective for short-term pain management, prescription pain killers can be quite dangerous for some people. When these medications are prescribed it is best that patients be advised of the various ramifications that can occur and, if they begin to feel any dependence, they should tell their doctor. It can be very useful to bring in a pain management specialist for patients requiring longer term use. It’s troubling that a useful medication can cause such physical and psychological dependence, necessitating a program like our drug rehab New York program.”

Researchers found that about 51% of those who use illicit drugs first used narcotic pain killers for back pain, after surgery or an injury. The remaining 49% began using drugs simply because they were curious or a peer had narcotics readily available.

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Prescription Drug Abuse Increases By 400%, Need For Drug Rehab Critical

A recently published report showing that the incidence of drug overdose related deaths has increased by 400% has further emphasized the need for more drug abuse prevention education programs.

Long thought to be a problem of young adults, statistics for prescription drug overdoses have shown that the group that has been most affected are those who range in age from 30-50 years old.

Shocked by such findings, drug rehabs nationwide are always seeking ways to increase substance abuse awareness with a key one being the promotion of an annual event, The National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month: http://www.recoverymonth.gov/.

Every year, RecoveryMonth.gov promotes September as “Recovery Month”. Their site stresses that they don’t limit themselves to drug abuse awareness in September solely, but they set aside September to draw attention to substance abuse as well as to recognize outstanding services provided by those within the addiction treatment field.

“When a group sets aside a specific time to focus on substance abuse and alcoholism prevention, it’s a good thing,” remarks a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “We all know that fighting the battle of addiction is an everyday, uphill battle and calling special attention to efforts that are being made within the addiction treatment field at a particular time each year may actually help push that one person over the edge to get the help he/she needs to live a life free of addiction. In addition, it spotlights those who have successfully recovered and shows others that it really can be done! Activities like this help remove the stigma associated with drug rehab and allow people to begin their journey to recovery supported by those around them.”

RecoveryMonth.gov along with alcoholism treatment centers such as Mountainside, aim to educate society on drug and alcohol abuse and call attention to this epidemic as a national health crisis. Additionally, the public is educated on the nature of addiction and is shown that recovery is, indeed, possible.

The compassionate, caring treatment team at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is comprised of licensed and certified counselors and social workers as well as an on-staff Nurse Practitioner and a Registered Nurse, both of whom have specializations and extensive experience in drug addiction and alcohol treatment. For clients who may have psychiatric issues and/or a dual diagnosis, Mountainside provides the services of a Psychiatrist who also has specialization in addictions. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment over the past 12 years, Mountainside has become the model for treatment professionals throughout the United States…

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Data Shows Mid-Age Adults Overdosing At Greater Rates

David Mineta, Deputy Director of Demand Reduction for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, presented a keynote address in California recently, highlighting the widespread abuse of strong prescription narcotics such as OxyContin.

In the past 4 years, prescription drug deaths have risen by 60 percent and most of those deaths have been related to the abuse of Oxycodone which is viewed by abusers as a synthetic, yet more expensive, form of heroin.

It was previously thought that young people were the ones most affected by such abuse and death; however, statistics show that many more deaths are happening within the 30 to 50 year-old-age range.

“These statistics are revealing,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “In the past, young people have been thought of as the ones we should target to prevent substance abuse. It is encouraging in that it seems that drug prevention programs are working with our youth. Unfortunately, maybe not enough time has been spent on educating adults on the risks of addiction.”

One explanation for this overdose explosion among 30 to 50 year olds could be related to the health problems some begin experiencing at this age. Many of those included within these statistics had diagnoses such as PTSD, chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia and various mental disorders, specifically schizophrenia and manic depressive illness.

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Recreational Prescription Painkiller Hospital Admissions Highest In Ten Years

A July 2010 study published by the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration has shown an increase in drug abuse admissions of four times the average of the past 10 years at hospitals nationwide, for recreational use of narcotic prescriptions.

The study shows that for those individuals age 12 and older, admissions involving abuse of narcotics rose over 400 percent between 1998 and 2008, across all segments of the population, without regard to gender, level of education, ethnicity or socio-economic status.

“One of the most striking points of this study is that the demographic for these admissions is so widespread,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “Previously, we have seen increases in a specific group, such as adolescents, and it’s a bit disconcerting to see such a significant increase over all groups. Something within society is changing and, most likely, these increases are related to the availability of these narcotics. Many states are recognizing this issue and are working with the medical field on how best to control this problem.”

These studies show that the need for effective drug rehab has never been greater. Statistics show that recreational use of prescription painkillers is the second most prevalent form of illicit drug use and are the sole source of the fastest growing drug problem within the US .

Mountainside’s original, unique approach to drug rehab began 12 years ago. Professionals in the drug treatment fields have recognized the effectiveness of Mountainside’s treatment modalities and how they are giving individuals an optimum chance for sustained recovery.

The compassionate, caring treatment team at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is comprised of licensed and certified counselors and social workers as well as an on-staff Nurse Practitioner and a Registered Nurse, both of whom have specializations and extensive experience in drug addiction and alcohol treatment. For clients who may have psychiatric issues and/or a dual diagnosis, Mountainside provides the services of a Psychiatrist who also has specialization in addictions.

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Tighter Narcotic Prescription Regulations Hope To Decrease Need For Drug Rehab

In a move to curtail prescription drug abuse, Washington State is considering legislation that would require physicians to refer chronic narcotic pain medication users to a physician who specializes in pain management.

The need for this legislation stems from the over-prescribing of narcotics and under-monitoring their effectiveness on patients with such ailments as chronic lower back pain or arthritis. Proponents of the legislation have noted that terminally ill or cancer patients would not be affected and physicians would be able to prescribe pain medications as needed for end-of-life comfort measures.

“Prescription drug abuse is growing at an unprecedented rate today,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “Not only is this creating an increased need for effective drug rehab, but it’s creating an epidemic of fatalities from drug overdose. It’s evident that there are some individuals who truly are dependent on narcotic pain medications to function in their daily lives; there are those who oppose legislation controlling the prescribing of pain medications because they fear that those in need would be denied those medications. That should not be the case – in fact, referral to a pain management specialist would actually give chronic pain sufferers a better quality of life as the source of their pain can better be addressed and monitored by a specialist. In addition, it’s highly likely that a more effective, long-term solution will be provided to those individuals.”

It’s estimated that in the past year, narcotic pain killers accounted for 7 percent of the total prescribed drugs, and the number of individuals taking them increased by over a third compared to previous years. Increased use of long-acting opioids such as OxyContin and methadone has contributed greatly to the epidemic of death by prescription overdose, second only to car accidents in nationwide fatalities.

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Prescription Drug-Impaired Drivers Difficult To Identify, Prosecute

Lawmakers, prosecuting attorneys and law enforcement officials have all noted that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to not only prosecute individuals impaired by prescription drug use, but also difficult to identify such individuals.

Law enforcement officials, in particular, are taxed with the burden of discretion in judgment when approaching an individual who appears to be impaired in some fashion. When police officers suspect that an individual may be under the influence due to erratic behavior, the tough call is, ‘what substance has caused the impairment?’

In the case of alcohol or illegal drugs, such as cocaine and marijuana, it’s an easy call to make. The difficulty comes when a legally prescribed medication is causing the impairment.

“Drunken driving is easy to discern – officials have tests at their disposal which check for not only the use of alcohol but also the degree of alcohol within the bloodstream,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center in Canaan , CT. “The problem arises with medications that are prescribed for an individual which cause impairment; such medications include painkillers, muscle relaxers or anti-anxiety medications. Clearly, the proper use of prescribed medications isn’t illegal, but their effects can cause mental and cognitive impairments that can become detrimental while driving. The challenge is that there really is no effective way to measure what amounts, specifically, cause impairments, particularly with those who have been on those types of medications for an extended period of time. Individuals who have been on a prescribed medication for a long period of time tend to build up a tolerance, requiring a higher dosage to get the same therapeutic effect as someone who has just begun taking the particular medication.”

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Serenity, Peace Of Mind Key For Successful Drug Addiction Treatment

One look at the breathtaking landscape of an innovative drug rehab on the East Coast and instantly a feeling of peace surrounds you and any cares that you may have, begin to melt away.

Within this private 30-acre tranquil setting, carved into the foothills of the Berkshires, you’ll find a drug addiction treatment facility like no other.

Long regarded as the pioneers in holistic drug rehab, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center was founded on a core set of philosophies that center on the utilization of a variety of different treatment modalities to help get addicted individuals into recovery.

“We have always believed in treating the whole of an individual,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “We know that the environment in which an individual starts their journey plays a crucial part in their recovery. An addicted individual’s life is completely chaotic prior to entering drug addiction treatment. The more chaotic an individuals’ life is, the less focus they have to deal with the underlying problems of their drug or alcohol abuse. Mountainside’s clients are assisted in developing a regime that works for them, according to their needs as well as their abilities at the time. A significant component of the program at Mountainside is our Mind Body Spirit Program that focuses on eliminating the chaos from one’s life through a variety of different methods such as Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi, among others. Clients are assisted with developing a regime that works for them, according to their needs as well as the abilities that they possess at the time.”

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Changing The Face Of Drug Addiction Treatment

Not only is the pain and emotional burden of substance abuse difficult to bear, but the public stigma surrounding the drug culture creates a barrier to treatment for many drug users.

Substance abusers have, historically, have been viewed as lacking self-control, living on the streets, shooting up illicit drugs in some dark alley of a big city. What most people fail to realize is that seedy picture of drug abuse represents a small sector of substance abusers.

The face of drug use has changed, worldwide. What was originally seen as an act afflicting poverty-stricken neighborhoods, has turned into an epidemic spanning all socio-economic backgrounds. And, as such, the face of drug rehabs must evolve.

“It’s unfortunate that the addiction treatment field must market itself in the first place,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “What’s more disturbing is that the demographic that we are marketing to is becoming more widespread and affecting younger individuals more now, than ever before. One of the factors that contribute to an individual seeking help is the stigma attached to such treatment. At Mountainside, we try and remove the public stigma that’s attached to the addiction so that we can get to the core of the issue- helping the individual suffering from the addiction without attaching any labels to the person receiving treatment. This level of care and compassion is crucial for long-term recovery from drug addiction. The feedback that we have received from those who are intimately familiar with our program has been that we our program is extraordinarily caring, compassionate and understanding to those who are seeking drug addiction treatment. That’s always been our main focus- caring, compassionate treatment plans in a safe environment that is conducive to getting well and we have succeeded.”

For more than 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has led the way in offering an individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment program.

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New Hope With Drug Rehab In New England

There are an estimated 17.6 million alcohol addicted individuals in the US today, and that number continues to grow rapidly, affecting individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds. Treatment for alcoholism can be difficult simply because of the social acceptance of the use of alcohol. With proper alcoholism treatment, however, an individual can live a sober-free life.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has been equipping individuals with the skills and confidence necessary to overcome various types of addictions for over ten years. With their innovative treatment program they have helped thousands of individuals reclaim their lives that were previously ensnared by addictions.

“All of the professionals at Mountainside have not only extensive experience within various addiction treatment fields, but also a genuine deep-seated interest in helping individuals overcome their addictions,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “Our drug rehab and alcoholism treatment program is among the best available. Alcohol addictions are very unique in nature simply because there’s no social implications or adverse reactions to utilizing alcohol on a recreational basis. As such, individuals struggling with alcohol addiction become quite adept at concealing their addiction from friends and family. That’s one reason that it’s imperative that families become active participants in the addicted individual’s recovery program. Our Family Wellness Program assists families in coping with their loved one’s addiction in a caring, considerate manner and being sensitive to everyone involved in the process. In addition, the location of our facility allows individuals and their families the privacy needed to begin their journey together towards recovery. Since our beginning our program offerings have been recognized by our peers within the addiction recovery treatment field as being innovative and first class, and our long-term sobriety success rates are second-to-none.”

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Affordable Drug Rehab Not A Myth, But Fact In New England

It’s accepted as fact that drug rehabs are cost prohibitive to self-paying individuals. Unfortunately, that misconception has contributed to barriers for individuals trying to get the help they so much need.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center located in Canaan , CT has dedicated itself to providing quality and affordable drug addiction treatment as well as alcoholism treatment. Since the program’s inception, Mountainside has positioned itself as the leader in cutting-edge, affordable drug rehab. Focusing on bringing true value to the table, Mountainside set out to become the first of its kind to offer such affordability, coupled with true, innovative drug addiction treatment plans.

“Cost is a factor in every single facet of life, and health care is no exception especially in this economy downturn,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “What’s disturbing is that there are individuals who are addicted to drugs or alcohol who truly want to live a sober-free life who feel that they can’t afford it. Addicted individuals don’t need any unnecessary reasons, whether true or not, to deter them from treatment. It’s natural for an addicted person to be hesitant to get treatment- that’s part of the process. Throwing in the myth of lack of affordable drug rehab simply further complicates matters. Mountainside is determined to get the message out and educate the public so that this misconception can be put to rest, enabling individuals to get the help that they truly need.

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Individualized Drug Rehab Model Results In Greater Addiction Recovery Rates

For every industry, change is inevitable. Within the medical and addiction treatment field, not only is change inevitable and expected, but it is also necessary in order to provide the best possible treatment and outcomes for patients.

One drug rehab in New England has been dedicated to providing cutting-edge treatment options for individuals suffering from addiction by utilizing current accepted methods of treatment and combining them with more non-traditional approaches, resulting in individualized drug addiction treatment options for its patients.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has long been regarded as the model for addiction treatment centers worldwide. From its beginnings, Mountainside has complimented its core treatment offerings with other non-traditional forms of addiction therapy. By doing so, they were among the first to offer true, comprehensive drug addiction treatment that is uniquely created for each individual seeking help.

“When we first began our program, we weren’t seeking to do something different simply for the sake of being different,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “Our goal has been, and always will be, to offer the most effective treatment program for those suffering from various types of addictions. And, based on empirical data, we’ve found that the best way to accomplish this is through individualized treatment options. It’s common knowledge that if an individual doesn’t need physical symptom management, their treatment plan won’t include it. But, suppose Yoga or Tai Chi isn’t something that is a good fit for a person? Should we force those things on them simply because it’s one of our treatment options? The answer is a resounding: no. Including something in a treatment plan simply because it is available would be counterproductive to what we’re accomplishing, and that is: better than average long term sobriety success rates.”

For more than 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has led the way in offering an individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment program.

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Highly Effective Evidenced-Based Drug Rehab Garners Attention In New England

Within the medical field, it is commonplace to determine the effectiveness of a methodology or treatment by gaining empirical evidence via theory in practice. One particular drug rehab facility has dedicated the past 12 years to refining their treatment program to produce the most optimal outcomes for their clients.

Since their beginning over a decade ago, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has been providing their patients with the most cutting-edge, effective drug addiction treatment program available. Recently, their decade-long body of work has culminated in their latest treatment model which has been trademarked and termed as the Integrated Care Model.

Often times, drug rehab programs simply focus on symptom management of an individual’s addiction. Rarely are treatment programs concerned with all aspects of an individual, from physical symptom management, to spiritual aspects as well as any social issues that may arise due to the addiction.

“When we first began our program, we realized that, in order to maximize the chances for successful recovery, we must address all of the facets of an individual instead of merely offering symptom management,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “Most addicted individuals are disconnected from reality and out of touch with themselves. We take them through the process of individualizing a treatment plan specifically for them which addresses their complete needs. As a result, we are able to get people fully engaged in their recoveries. And, when a person is truly, fully invested in becoming well, the chance for successful, long-term sobriety skyrockets.”

While core tenets of traditional drug addiction treatment are observed, Mountainside offers its clients a long list of treatment initiatives which are designed to appeal to a variety of different people from a variety of different backgrounds. As such, individuals are given what they need to become released from the powerful grip of drug and alcohol addiction.

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Unique Approach To Drug Rehab Treatment Provides Optimum Chance For Success

The traditional methods of drug addiction treatment are being re-vamped and enhanced by drug rehabs worldwide. In an effort to provide the optimum chance for lifelong sobriety, many treatment programs have been expanding their current offerings to include what some may consider non-traditional drug rehab therapies.

While more traditional methodologies are still very much in use, their effectiveness has been augmented with the addition of what is termed holistic drug rehab treatment – that is, viewing the addicted individual’s needs as a whole, instead of “in parts”.

The pioneering of such methods began over 12 years ago at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center located in Canaan , Connecticut . Through advanced research, via theory in practice, they have created a program that offers a variety of different drug addiction treatment options that are personalized, depending on an individual’s needs. As a result of their research and expanded treatment program, Mountainside has become the leader in effective drug rehab treatment worldwide and is viewed by treatment officials as providing the new and most effective standard for care.

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Affordable Alcohol Treatment Provides Optimum Chance For Sobriety

Living a life free of an alcohol addiction shouldn’t be a privilege; it should be a right. And, one drug and alcohol rehab facility in Canaan , Connecticut has been providing quality, affordable drug addiction treatment for over 12 years and has helped more than 5,000 people.

The sole focus at Mountainside is to serve each client to the fullest at the most affordable price with the goal of helping them achieve a lifetime of sobriety. Located on 39 sprawling, yet private, acres in the foothills of the Berkshires, Mountainside offers true, affordable alcohol treatment for those who are plagued with various drug and alcohol addictions.

Affordable Alcohol Treatment Provides Optimum Chance For Sobriety  “We developed a concept from the beginning that simply stated: price should not be a deterrent to becoming sober,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “And, we knew that we weren’t going to sacrifice quality to achieve that goal. We put together a team of top of professionals ranging from certified and licensed counselors and social workers, credentialed therapists and nurses. Psychiatric services are available when needed. The idea of comprehensive care originated with our rehab program as did the affordability factor. We’re very proud of the fact that others in the treatment field have adopted much of our innovative program. However, Mountainside remains one of the very few, truly, comprehensive, affordable drug and alcohol rehab facilities worldwide.”

For more than 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has led the way in offering an individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment program.

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Holistic Drug Rehab Takes On New Face At Connecticut Drug Rehab Facility

For years, one drug rehab facility has consistently been on the cutting edge of drug rehab research, setting the standards for all other drug rehabs to follow.

While it’s no longer a secret that alternative therapies used in conjunction with traditional drug addiction treatment therapies yield a higher success rate, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has always combined Mind, Body, Spirit therapies with traditional drug rehab models creating a program that is holistic in nature. But, now Mountainside has taken holistic drug rehab to an entirely new level with its innovative Integrated Care Modelâ„¢, paving the way for an entirely new approach to drug addiction treatment.

“Our holistic drug rehab program was highly effective in treating various drug and alcohol addictions,” began a spokesperson for Mountainside. “We’ve taken it to a completely new level with our Integrated Care Modelâ„¢. For the first time in the history of drug rehab, we are able to separate the case management from the treatment of an individual. Typically, when an individual enters a drug rehab program, they are prescribed the same treatment plan as the person who entered the day or even hour before them. Normally, everyone is given the same type of therapy, the same inpatient services, the same outpatient services.. Our approach is simplistic in nature: we are treating individuals and, thus, we must have a measure of care that addresses each person as an individual, giving him or her what she needs and omitting the elements that would not provide optimum results in regard to long-term sobriety success. We’ve developed and perfected this model over the past 12 years and we’ve been able to finally put a name on it and brand it as our own. The success of this treatment method is already being felt throughout drug rehabs worldwide, and we know that we’ve elevated the standard of care for all patients.”

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New Holistic Drug Rehab Model Raises The Bar

Last week in Las Vegas at the Holistic Treatment 2010 Conference, a new, groundbreaking model for holistic drug rehab was unveiled by Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center in Canaan, CT.

Long regarded as pioneers in addiction treatment, Mountainside’s newest treatment model, coined Integrated Care Model â„¢, is looking to, once again, raise the bar for all drug rehab treatment.

“We’ve always believed that a comprehensive approach to treatment is the best course of action for providing the best opportunity for achieving sustained sobriety,” stated a spokesperson for Mountainside. “With our new Integrated Care Model â„¢ we are truly able to separate the case management from the individual treatment plan. With our new holistic drug rehab model, our highly-specialized team of licensed, credentialed professionals evaluate an individual upon admission in each of their respective areas of specialty. The team then works together to formulate a highly-individualized treatment plan that addresses the actual needs of the individual. Whether the client needs family wellness support, physical symptom management or even community resources upon completing treatment, their treatment plan addresses those needs. We believe that this new model will soon become the standard of care for all drug rehabs, worldwide.”

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Holistic Drug Addiction Treatment Successes Continue To Rise At New England Treatment Facility

While holistic drug rehab is not a new treatment option, its successful principles are seen in continued, increased long-term sobriety rates at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center in Canaan, CT.

“When we began our holistic drug rehab program over 12 years ago, many questioned our introduction of innovative and new treatment modalities,” begins Wendy Shami LCSW, Clinical Director at Mountainside. “Just the mere mention of the words holistic addiction treatment made many people skeptical because this treatment model had never been utilized. Once professionals saw the success of our treatment model, they realized that it was truly revolutionary and, f r o m a logical, empirical standpoint, it simply made sense. As our highly successful, long-term sobriety rates became evident, professionals in the field saw the merit of our holistic addiction treatment model. Our pioneering work in this field made us the experts and the facility to replicate. Since then, we’ve remained true to our holistic drug rehab principle which is treating the individual as a whole. As a result, our program has taken on a new direction which we’ll be showcasing at this year’s Holistic Treatment Conference in Las Vegas . We’re eager to present our treatment model as we’re certain it will be viewed just as revolutionary as our original holistic treatment model.”

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Affordable Drug Rehab Offers Renewed Hope For Sobriety

Cost should not be a factor for getting sober and staying that way, but unfortunately that is the reality for many individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.

With no end in sight for skyrocketing health care costs, drug addiction treatment is out of the reach for those who just can’t afford the very high daily costs of treatment. Fortunately, over 12 years ago, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center in Connecticut answered that challenge by being one of the first drug addiction treatment centers to offer affordable drug rehab.

Affordable Drug Rehab Offers Renewed Hope For Sobriety

“Living a full life- a life free of drugs and alcohol shouldn’t belong to the privileged few who can afford treatment, “ begins a spokesperson for Mountainside. “We’ve always believed that everyone should have an equal chance at sobriety, so we designed a unique and comprehensive treatment program that virtually eliminates cost as a factor. Since we began our program, others within the treatment field began to pay close attention to what we were doing, particularly when the then White House Drug Czar, John Walters, invited Mountainside to Washington to discuss the effectiveness of our program. Since then, our program has become the model for drug rehabs worldwide.”

An innovative approach to drug rehab is necessary to successful recovery and Mountainside’s drug addiction treatment program combines several innovative facets of treatment into one cohesive program. Their sobriety success rates are unparalleled in the field, and they credit such long-term success to their unique and innovative treatment program.

While there are many different treatment philosophies utilized throughout the industry, the one that has been found to be most effective is an individualized approach to treatment— at Mountainside, each person is evaluated and given what he or she personally needs on their journey to recovery. Mountainside pioneered such an approach and has helped thousands achieve long-term sobriety.

For more than 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has led the way in offering an innovative and individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment program. Mountainside’s licensed and certified counselors, social workers and treatment team provide quality, compassionate care to each individual in a tranquil, peaceful environment conducive to optimal recovery.

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Affordable Drug Rehab Still Within Reach Despite Economic Downturn

With the economy of the US in shambles and healthcare shrouded in a veil of uncertainty, there’s one thing that is for certain: affordable drug rehab still remains accessible. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has stayed true to their roots of offering the highest level of drug rehab at an affordable cost.

“Over 12 years ago, we founded a program that became the blueprint for successful drug addiction treatment worldwide,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “We were determined to offer innovative, individualized treatment at an affordable price . We put together a highly-skilled team of professionals including licensed and certified counselors and social workers , nurses and a psychiatrist and have kept our per diem cost at $360 . We have always felt that individuals should not be precluded from getting the help they need to get sober simply because of cost. When individuals walk out of Mountainside and begin their journey to recovery in the outside world, they know they’ve received the best addiction or alcoholism treatment available, and they haven’t spent their life savings in the process.”

Mountainside’s affordable drug rehab model is recognized for its individualized , holistic and clinical approach to treatment in a setting that is picturesque and tranquil. Mountainside’s personalized approach to treatment still remains the model for affordable drug rehabs worldwide.

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