Tag Archives: lose weight fast

LighterLife Reveals Secret To Taking Years Off Looks And Feeling 20 Something Forever

LighterLife has announced that it holds the secret to taking years off a person’s looks, adding years to their life and how to feel 20 something for the rest of their days, and with the launch of the BMI4Life campaign it plans to let others in on the secret too.

LighterLife Reveals Secret To Taking Years Off Looks And Feeling 20 Something Forever

The secret to not only looking younger and being healthy inside and out, amounts to three simple little words: Body Mass Index (BMI). Obesity reduces life expectancy on average by 11 years and is responsible for 9,000 premature deaths a year*, making reaching and maintaining a healthy BMI the key to living a long, healthy and vibrant life.

Maintaining a healthy BMI means that a 40 year old can look more youthful, feel like they’re in their twenties and have more energy to do all the things they love – whether that’s running around with the kids, spending more quality time with friends or just giving that special someone a little more attention.

75% of people don’t realise what a healthy BMI is and a shocking 1.7million people are unaware that they have an unhealthy and potentially dangerous BMI.

Dr David Haslam, Chairman of The National Obesity Forum commented: “I see it with my overweight patients all the time: reducing BMI to a healthy level can lead to rapid health and social benefits. Even dropping it by one or two points can literally add years to your life and in some circumstances can actually lead to you feeling younger than your age. More importantly though, it takes pressure off your body’s organs and helps the body to function as it should again.”

LighterLife’s BMI4Life campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of reaching and maintaining a healthy BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. The campaign which runs until the 23rd May is supported by The Stroke Association as obesity is a key risk factor in strokes, the second biggest killer in the UK.

As part of the campaign, LighterLife is encouraging people to visit the BMI4Life campaign and post a message of support. For every message posted LighterLife will donate £1 to The Stroke Association.

Via EPR Network
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LighterLife Podcast Presents Carole Malone Talking About Her Weight Loss Journey

Carole Malone, celebrity and News of the World journalist, has spoken out about her LighterLife weight loss journey on Inside LighterLife the company’s monthly podcast. Thousands of people across the country will listen to Carole’s story of how she dropped three dress sizes in three months. She tells how Jackie Llewelyn-Bowen inspired her to join LighterLife after seeing her on GMTV and how easy she found LighterLife Total.

Carole began LighterLife Total in October 2009 and admits going to her counsellor Jill Bonney with the ‘wrong attitude’. She said she was grumpy at her first LighterLife session and realised by the fourth day of Total that food had control over her. She met up with Jill and recognised that she wasn’t the only one feeling that way, everyone in the group was in the same boat.

Carole said: “I was desperate having tried and failed every diet over the past 25 years. I needed something radical, I was out of control. I also wasn’t prepared to take a whole year losing three stone on another weight loss programme. When I got on the scales after the first week I lost a whole dress size – the immediate results were motivating and also seeing everyone else in the group lose weight kept me going.”

One person Carole immediately bonded with was Elisabeth Piner who started LighterLife Total at the same time as her and also lost the same amount of weight too. They have remained firm friends and meet up outside of the group for a coffee and catch up. Elisabeth has a dress hire business based in Kingston called ‘Having a Ball Dress Hire’ where they can both now enjoy trying on size 12 dresses.

Via EPR Network
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LighterLife Investigates Why February Has Become The New January For Dieting

LighterLife, weight loss and weight management specialists, investigates why February has become the new January when it comes to starting new diet plans and weight loss regimes.

To look into why February has been such a busy month for those starting diets, Lighter Life sent podcast presenter, Susan Spence to meet LighterLife Counsellor, Mary McLean and her clients, for the latest edition of the ‘Inside LighterLife’ podcast.

‘Inside LighterLife’ is a monthly podcast that gives clients and prospective clients the opportunity to find out a little more about the LighterLife Programme and the people involved. The podcast features real stories from real people that have lived and breathed the quick weight loss programme. Feedback on the podcasts is always encouraged and this month there is a set of BergHoff UK Castline pans, worth £175, up for grabs for whichever comment or quote is chosen by the LighterLife team as the month’s most inspiring.

Sara Jamison, LighterLife CEO, kicked off the podcast on how popular the month of February has been for LighterLife. Although January is normally the month of choice to begin a new healthy lifestyle, February has been an exciting one at LighterLife with the launch of the ‘Little Book of not being Big’.

Commenting on the Little Green Book of Not Being Big, which went out in the Mail on Sunday’s You Magazine, Sara said: “It’s a great little book that gets across some very serious messages that I think anyone who in their life has been on any kind of diet will be able to identify.” Anyone interested in knowing more can log on to the LighterLife website where they can download a copy or visit their local LighterLife Counsellor to request one.

Sara also provided some top tips and advice on starting a LighterLife Lite Programme that should help to keep dieters focused and achieve their weight loss goals and lose weight fast.

The January’s increase may be mainly due to all the snow at the beginning of the year that interfered with people’s diet and weight loss plans but for those who believe that now is the perfect time to start a diet, the LighterLife podcast is determined to help.

Via EPR Network
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According To A Recent Survey LighterLife, 62% Of Overweight Women Prefer To Be Under The Covers Before Their Partner Comes To Bed

According to a recent survey by weight loss specialist LighterLife, 62% of overweight women prefer to be under the covers before their partner comes to bed whilst 46% of overweight men would rather avoid sex all together.

Whilst the overweight and obese women surveyed made sure their bodies were firmly out of sight by having sex with the light off (32%), getting undressed before their partner comes to bed (42%) or keeping the bedcovers or nightclothes firmly on (43%), the men preferred to avoid hopping into the sack all together.

The figures emerged in a study of the bedroom habits of 3,000 Brits, which also revealed that more than one in ten obese people haven’t had sex for a year because they are so worried about being seen naked and 8% of obese people claimed they couldn’t remember the last time they had sex. A massive 98% of size 16+ women stated they felt unattractive, and while 68% of obese people said they have never felt sexy, just 12% of those with a normal BMI said the same.

When it comes to frolicking in the bedroom more than one in five said the lack of bedroom activity was because they couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing them naked compared with just three per cent of those who have a normal BMI.

Mandy Cassidy psychotherapist and consultant for LighterLife, said: “The study shows that being obese affects the mind as well as the body, and reveals the problems faced by so many people.

“For growing numbers of people, it’s a vicious circle – many use food as a substitute for love, and as the pounds pile on, their relationship switches from their partners, to food.

“They need to learn how to break the cycle – and clearly, for those who do, the sauce will not be in the kitchen, but in the bedroom.”

About LighterLife
LighterLife is a weight loss and weight-management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a bmi of 25 or above. Over 150,000 people have successfully lost weight with LighterLife since 1996.

The unique LighterLife approach offers programmes specific to the obese and the overweight in the form of weight loss diets, nutritionally complete soups, shakes and bars combined with specialised counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA) techniques. Clients not only safely lose weight fast but also benefit by learning the behavioural changes needed to sustain it.

Founded in 1996, the LighterLife Programme was developed by three of its directors – Jackie Cox, Bar Hewlett and Rebecca Hunter.

Via EPR Network
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Brits Have Biggest BMI In Europe As Revealed By LighterLife

LighterLife has revealed that British women are the most overweight in Europe and British men tip the scales as the third fattest, according to the average European body mass index (BMI).


In the lead up to BMI 4 Life, a campaign highlighting the life-and-death importance of BMI, an alarming survey published in the newsletter of the French National Institute of Demographic studies has shown that British women on average have a BMI of 26.2, which is considered overweight.

French women have a BMI of 23.2, the lowest in the EU, but tend to worry more about being fat than those in any other EU country. Typically, British woman are overweight but convinced they are slim, highlighting the fact that many people don’t know what BMI means and have no idea how it is measured.

Unsurprisingly, the survey suggests that men across the EU are less concerned about their weight than women, although out of the 15 member countries only French and Dutch men fall within the ideal weight range, with the rest being overweight.

The BMI 4 Life campaign, which is being championed by weight-management experts LighterLife, aims to highlight the very real dangers associated with excessive weight gain and the importance of reaching and maintaining a healthy BMI.

LighterLife is once again teaming up with The Stroke Association and is encouraging members of the public to get involved and show they care by visiting and posting a message on the LighterLife website, taking a quiz and passing it onto their friends to help LighterLife increase awareness and raise money for The Stroke Association.

Sara Jamison, CEO at LighterLife said: “We are excited about supporting The Stroke Association and are encouraging everyone to post their messages of support, take the quiz, learn more about the risks associated with stroke and pass the message onto their friends to raise thousands of pounds for this very worthwhile charity.”

Sara added: “More people than you realise are at risk of having a stroke and being overweight can increase this risk. Carrying extra weight around the waist is particularly dangerous as it increases the risk of stroke, heart disease and some cancers threefold.”

Andrea Lane, Media Manager for The Stroke Association, said: “Many people don’t realise that a stroke is a brain attack that happens when the blood supply to the brain is cut off and brain cells die. As the brain controls everything we do, think and feel the damage can be devastating. Being obese can increase your risk of stroke by over 30 per cent so it is vital we all maintain a healthy body weight and a good diet.”

About LighterLife:
LighterLife is a weight loss and weight-management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above. LighterLife has successfully helped over 100,000 people lose weight fast since 1996.

LighterLife offers programmes specific to the obese and the overweight, showing them how to lose weight with the use of weight loss aids including an online BMI calculator, nutritionally complete soups, shakes and bars combined with specialised counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA) techniques.

Via EPR Network
Healthcare press releases

LighterLife is offering people the opportunity to become their own boss by training to become a LighterLife Weight Management Counsellor

LighterLife, the weight management and weight loss programme, is expanding its network of weight management counsellors and, as a result, the company is offering people the chance to train as a weight management counsellor.

Throughout the UK, LighterLife is looking to recruit motivated, self starters to run their own business. Trainee Weight Loss Counsellors will receive the support of LighterLife’s nationally recognised brand to help show some of the estimated 14 million obese people in the UK how to lose weight and live more active lives.

Zoe Taylor, Franchise Development Manager at LighterLife, commented: “Starting your own business is a great way of reorganising your life and embarking on a career in an area that you are passionate about. Becoming a LighterLife Counsellor could be a great way someone to start their own business and the support of LighterLife’s nationally recognised brand can make those first steps that much easier. LighterLife offers a fast track business launch along with extensive central office and field based business support to help grow the business.

“LighterLife Counsellors have the potential for high earnings and, as they operate as self employed businesses, can take advantage of flexible working hours and the opportunity to decide the working hours that fit their lives.”

Debbie Blackburn recently qualified as a LighterLife Counsellor after being made redundant from her job as an Account Manager. Debbie comments: “When I was told I was being made redundant I was very upset. After seeking legal advice I demanded a fair redundancy package and decided to go self-employed. Having successfully lost four stone on the LighterLife Programme I decided to use my experience of the programme to retrain and become a Counsellor. It just goes to show that redundancy is not the end and can sometimes be the beginning.”

About LighterLife:
LighterLife is a
weight-loss and weight-management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a BMI (body mass index) of 25 or above. LighterLife has helped over 100,000 people lose weight fast since 1996.

The unique LighterLife approach offers programmes specific to the obese and the overweight in the form of nutritionally complete soups, shakes and bars combined with specialised counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA) techniques. Clients benefit not only from safe, fast weight loss but they also learn the behavioural changes needed to sustain it.

Founded in 1996, the LighterLife Programme was developed by three of its directors – Jackie Cox, Bar Hewlett and Rebecca Hunter.

Via EPR Network
Healthcare press releases