Category Archives: Healthcare Information

idPatients Now Choose Between Saline and Silicone Breast Enhancement

Patients wanting to improve their bust line will eventually need to choose between saline and silicone breast enhancements. In the 90s, there were some concerns raised that silicone implants were tied to health issues, but years of extensive research and testing could find nothing. This means that, while doctors may recommend one or the other for specific reasons, patients will still need to weigh the pros and cons of choice and make the final decision.

idPatients Now Choose Between Saline and Silicone Breast Enhancement

Silicone breast implants are made of a silicone rubber shell filled by the manufacturer to a specific size with non-toxic silicone gel. They come with various shell types, volumes, colours, shapes, and thicknesses to help physicians make them appear as natural as possible. However, it’s important to note that this variety is not adjustable and requires a larger incision below the breast because they are prefilled.

With the same outer shell as silicone implants, saline devices are filled with a saline solution, which is better known as a saltwater solution. They can come prefilled by the manufacturer to a specific size, or they can come deflated.

The deflated versions are favoured because they can be placed through the belly button, under the arm, around the areola, or under the arm through a small incision. This provides plastic surgeons with a number of options to hide the incision. Then, physicians can fill them to the correct size and firmness. Adjustments can then be made at any time through a minor surgery.

Patients do state the saline implants feel harder than normal and have a texture that resembles a water balloon. To help offset this effect, however, new surgical techniques have made it possible for plastic surgeons to set the implant behind the chest muscle in addition to overfilling it slightly.

Plastic surgery experts warn patients that there are risks involved with this procedure, regardless of the implant chosen. Permanent damage, infection, excess scar tissue, breast pain, and the need for additional surgeries are just a few of these risks. Both materials are also at risk for leakage. A leak in saline implants, however, is almost instantly noticeable while silicone implants are difficult to see because the gel leaks and collects in the surrounding tissue. Silicone and saline implants can also interfere with the detection of breast cancer and dense tissue.

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Acclaimed Miami Cosmetic Dentistry Practice Welcomes Dr. George Kolos to Team

Internationally recognized cosmetic dental practice Smile South Florida has recently added a top Miami cosmetic dentist to its lauded staff. Bringing 20 years of cosmetic and restorative dental experience to his new home at Smile South Florida, Dr. George Kolos, DMD, looks forward to providing his patients with beautiful and healthy smiles for years to come.

Acclaimed Miami Cosmetic Dentistry Practice Welcomes Dr. George Kolos to Team

Dr. Kolos is currently practicing from Smile South Florida’s Miami Cosmetic Dentistry, Fort Lauderdale, and Boca Raton offices. The Miami dentist was invited to join Smile South Florida due to his body of work as a Ft. Lauderdale cosmetic dentist, his status in the dental community, and his personal relationship with Smile South Florida’s leading dentist, Dr. Charles Nottingham.

“The opportunity to practice alongside my colleagues at Smile South Florida was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up,” says Dr. Kolos. “The team has made an impression across the globe as leaders in cosmetic dentistry. Working in this atmosphere of advanced technologies with a world-class staff that practices patient-friendly treatment makes it easy to come to work ready to make a difference in my patients’ lives.”

When possible, the cosmetic dentist prefers to treat patients with less invasive, less painful methods such as Waterlase dental laser treatment. Waterlase treatment is an advanced dental restorative tool that replaces traditional dental drills.

Whereas drills necessitate the use of anesthesia and create painful, traumatic experiences, Waterlase can remove tooth decay and perform periodontal (gum) treatment with less discomfort to the patient. In fact, Waterlase treatments have little need for anesthetics due to its less-invasive nature comments Dr. Kolos.

“I may be at a different office, but I will always be treating my patients delicately and with the utmost respect,” says Dr. Kolos. “I hope to see many of my patients from my private practice at Smile South Florida and I am looking forward to making new connections with new patients as well.”

Prior to joining Smile South Florida, Dr. Kolos practiced from his private Fort Lauderdale dental practice for 20 years. Dr. Kolos is an adjunct professor at Nova Southeastern College, the Broward County’s Dental Association’s (BCDA) President, and is a Waterlase dental laser instructor. The Ft. Lauderdale dentist also gives back to the community through the Give Kids A Smile program, volunteer work at food banks, and planting mangroves at Kids Ecology Core.

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Health Care Reform Hangs In The Balance

Health care reform hangs in the balance. 1 in 6 Americans are uninsured. Health care costs are skyrocketing. With all of these factors, it’s no wonder that individuals who desperately need drug rehab believe they are unable to afford it.

It is estimated that the average daily stay in a drug addiction treatment program is $1,250, a cost that’s prohibitive to most addicts. Factor in the lack of credible information available to drug users and those two things just add to the growing list of reasons why individuals don’t seek the treatment that could definitively change their lives.

For the past 12 years, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has been providing affordable drug addiction treatment to those who may not be able to otherwise afford it. Their programs are cutting-edge, intuitive, flexible and empathetic- all the qualities of a top-rate residential program.

“Over a decade ago, we established ourselves as providers of quality drug addiction treatment. In addition, we were pioneers in providing affordable drug rehab in a comfortable, beautiful and relaxing environment. Those ideals have remained constant and today we are still determined to provide the best, most affordable drug treatment program available. At a per diem cost of $360, other programs pale in comparison. We’ve set out to help people recover from the addictions that prevent them from becoming productive assets to society. By providing quality, personalized care at a rate that is affordable for most, we believe we’ve put individuals in the position to become the best they can be. The next step is up to them.”

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a comprehensive and innovative provider of treatment for individuals suffering from drug addiction and alcoholism.  Mountainside’s licensed and certified counselors, social workers and clinical treatment team and staff are dedicated to providing an unsurpassed treatment experience to its clients. With diverse areas of expertise, the treatment team works collaboratively with each client and their family to ensure that an individualized treatment plan is designed that will treat not just the symptoms, but the whole individual. With professionalism and compassion, each client is guided through every stage of recovery and encouraged to participate in a wide variety of evidence-based and cutting edge innovative treatment options.

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Locating The Best Suited Alcohol Abuse Treatment For You In California

The best drug treatment center is the one that cares most deeply about its individual clients. Alcohol addiction is a personal problem, and alcohol abuse treatment must be a personal process. If you’re going to get sober, it’s going to be on your own terms, in a way that’s meaningful to you and no one else. The alcohol abuse treatment program that’s right for you is the one that can help you do exactly that.

There are plenty of alcohol abuse treatment facilities in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, they aren’t all equally committed to meeting the individual needs of their individual residents. On the contrary, many of the most “exclusive” rehabs in California offer the same generic alcohol abuse treatment programs to every patient who seeks their help. As should go without saying, these institutions can’t be trusted to produce meaningful or lasting alcohol recovery.

The good news here is that the best alcohol abuse treatment center in Malibu is different. The center’s exclusive alcohol abuse treatment programs are designed on a case-by-case basis, with the explicit goal of helping clients heal from the inside-out. That patient-centered approach helps to explain why the center’s residents enjoy such a robust rate of success. It should also leave no doubt as to where your interests will be best be served. Successful alcohol rehab will quite literally change your life. Here’s hoping you’ll be wise enough to learn that truth for yourself. provides information on one of the best alcohol and drug abuse centers in the world, where treatment programs involve individual privacy, luxury and a unique drug treatment therapy plan. If you’d like more information about a drug or alcohol abuse treatment center for you, please call 1-877-822-2307, visit our website at, or contact us at

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Narconon Holistic Alcohol Rehab Programs With the Highest Success Rates

Beating an addition to alcohol isn’t easy, which is why those suffering should seek treatment from a program with a proven track record. Seventy percent of alcoholics who graduate from the Narconon program are still sober five years after treatment, compared to the average 15 to 20 percent success rates of traditional 28-day programs. Narconon VistaBay combines physical detoxification with cognitive therapy to achieve these amazing results, and the fixed cost with no time limit ensures that an alcoholic can heal at his own pace.

The first step toward helping an alcoholic reach his goal of sobriety involves clearing the alcohol from his system. This isn’t as simple as stopping drinking and waiting for the effects to subside. Alcohol, like drugs, leave residues in the system. Those residues are stored in fatty tissues then released later, which can trigger mental and physical cravings. Through daily sauna treatments, exercise and vitamin supplements, Narconon Vista Bay helps the alcoholic rids his body of all traces of alcohol. With the residues gone, the chances of succeeding as a sober individual increase.

Once the alcoholic has gotten clean, the Narconon program begins to look at the causes of the addiction. Through individual and group therapy, the client studies the behaviors and relationships that were a part of his former life as an addict. He must recognize that they lead to his alcohol abuse, before he can move toward life as a sober member of society. Once he has accepted his role in the addiction, he can begin to learn new life skills that will help him to cope in ways other than the abuse of alcohol. The lovely setting of Placerville, in the Sierra Foothills, comes into play at this point for Narconon VistaBay clients. The small-town atmosphere provides low-stress outings, such as supervised shopping and hiking trips.

In addition to its drug-free, holistic approach, Narconon Vista Bay also differs from other alcohol addiction programs with its length-of-stay flexibility. No two people are the same, which means no two alcoholics will recover at the same pace and during the same time period. Traditional, 28-day programs exist at that length simply because that is what most insurance companies will cover. With its fixed cost, no time limit approach, Narconon Vista Bay allows the alcoholic to stay until he is healthy and whole. Graduates of the Narconon program say the combination of a mind-body approach and the relaxed, heal at your own pace attitude are what helped them find another way to live.

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Try Narconon Holistic Drug Free Drug Addiction Recovery Program for a Permanent Solution

It doesn’t make sense to treat drug addiction with a drug, so Narconon VistaBay doesn’t do it. The Narconon holistic drug rehab program instead focuses on detoxification of the addict’s body as part of an approach that also addresses the reasons for the addiction in the first place. The peaceful setting of Narconon VistaBay – beautiful Placerville, California – also contributes to the high success rate of the facility.

Try Narconon Holistic Drug Free Drug Addiction Recovery Program for a Permanent Solution

Narconon VistaBay begins by creating a personalized program for each client. First, an addict must rid his body of drug metabolites. With prolonged drug use, a person’s body loses the ability to rid itself of all drug residues. These residues, or metabolites, are stored in fatty tissue and released into the bloodstream months, even years, after the initial drug use. Metabolites trigger mental and physical cravings in an addict, even if he has long been sober. The Narconon holistic drug rehab program includes daily sauna therapy and exercise, plus vitamin supplements, to rid the addict’s body of drug metabolites. The results are immediate: reduction or elimination of cravings and improved mental abilities.

Once the client has cleaned up his body, the staff at Narconon VistaBay begins to help him clean up his behavior. Through cognitive therapy, the addict studies his addiction lifestyle and thought processes. He also examines his relationships with friends and family. Once the client fully recognizes and accepts how his behaviors lead to a life of addiction, then he learns new life skills that will help him to cope as a sober member of society and to regain his self-worth. Supervised hiking and shopping trips in and around the small town of Placerville help the client rejoin society at a slow, peaceful pace.

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Botox Patients Meet Dysport: Is This New Product Worth the Switch?

The arrival of Dysport on the cosmetic treatment market has excited many Botox users, who underwent an estimated 2.5 million treatments in the US alone. Considered a more affordable alternative, some say it may even be superior to the original.

Botox Patients Meet Dysport: Is This New Product Worth the Switch?

Dysport consists of botilnum toxin Type A proteins that is injected into the muscle just like Botox. This paralyzes the surrounding muscle group and prevents it from forming the wrinkle on the skin. Because it is a weaker version of Botox, it requires three treatments to just one of its twin, but it is believed to have some benefits.

While it requires additional treatments, Dysport may work a full 48 hours sooner, which is ideal for patients with an important event to attend. In fact, some patients have reported the disappearance of their wrinkles in as little as 24hrs.

Some doctors have reported the effects of this new treatment lasts up to a year in some cases, which is far longer than the 3 months associated with Botox. Lastly, it costs approximately 20% less than its predecessor and has found to be effective for patients who have developed immunity to Botox.

“Patients who have undergone both treatments seem to have mixed results. Some prefer the Botox, while others swear by Dysport. Both products have similar risks and benefits, so it really depends on the patient’s physical makeup and the area being treated,” said Dan Brains of

Dysport does have the same risks as its cosmetic counterpart. Among them are the unintended paralysis of muscles in the surrounding area, swelling, bruising, and a burning sensation at the injection site. The new version has been reported as having an increased spread so it can treat larger areas, but it also carries a greater risk of having it spread too far. Lastly, it has an increased risk of causing antibody formation. In this instance, the body neutralises the toxin with antibodies and prevents it from working.

Originally created to treat neurological disorders, Dysport is quickly gaining ground in the market as a wrinkle treatment and a safe treatment for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). However, patients should consult with their physician about making the switch.

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Drug Rehab Discusses Synthetic Alcohol And Implications For Alcoholics

In London, England, ex-drug tsar David Nutt and other drug experts have created a synthetic alcohol that gives drinkers a buzz without the hangover. And perhaps an even better bonus, no matter how many drinks a person consumes, they only become mildly drunk.

The team has developed the colorless, tasteless drink using chemicals related to the sedative Valium. It works on the nerves in a similar way to alcohol, causing the user to be relaxed with feelings of well-being. Their hopes are that it will eventually replace the alcohol content in beer, wine and liquor and that it will significantly reduce binge drinking as well as reduce the number of deaths f r o m alcohol poisoning.

While some may herald this as a true scientific breakthrough, professionals at Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center aren’t as optimistic. “For a person struggling with an alcohol or other drug addiction, this could actually be the catalyst that starts a long cycle of binge drinking. For the alcoholic, there is no middle ground. A common expression among recovering alcoholics is ‘one drink is too many and a hundred’s not enough’- and that really is true for an alcoholic. The feeling of ‘the buzz’ only prompts the alcoholic into drinking more in an attempt to increase the effects of the alcohol. They are continually chasing that elusive temporary feeling of escape that alcohol brings. When an alcoholic can’t achieve the results that he/she seeks, often times they move on to something more potent that will give him or her the desired feeling they are chasing. We strongly believe that’s a dangerous road for an alcoholic or any drug dependent person to start down.”

The drink created by a group at Imperial College in London is still required to go through British government approval as it’s technically classified as a drug. That process could take years and as such, the unnamed drink may never be brought to market.

In addition to its licensed and credentialed counselors, social workers and clinical staff, Mountainside’s medical services include our Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse with specialization in alcoholism and drug addiction treatment. Psychiatric services are available when needed.

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Drug Rehabilitation Centers In California With Unsurpassed Treatment Methods

Drug rehabs aren’t all the same. On the contrary, every drug rehab facility is invariably shaped by the quality of therapists it employs. If you’re serious about getting sober, it’s imperative that you enroll in drug rehabilitation centers managed by competent and compassionate professionals. In the end, there’s simply no other way to achieve meaningful and lasting drug recovery.

Drug Rehabilitation Centers In California With Unsurpassed Treatment Methods

Drug rehabilitation is always hard. Those patients who complete their drug rehabilitation programs successfully are the ones who get the best support along the way, from caregivers who know exactly what they’re doing and care deeply about the work. The right drug rehabilitation centers administered by the right drug rehab experts will quite literally change your life. You owe it to yourself, and to the people who care about you, to learn that truth on your own terms.

In the hills above the Malibu coast is a drug rehabilitation center with a long record of clinical success. Much of that success can be attributed to the center’s licensed clinical therapists, all of whom are leading figures in their respective fields. The day you enroll in one of the center’s exclusive drug rehabilitation programs will be the day you start rediscovering yourself as you used to be, before your disease turned you into the person you are today. Don’t wait any longer to finally make the right choice.

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Purify Your Body’s Detox Foot Pads Are Packed With Powerful Ingredients That WORK!

Purify Your Body’s detox foot pads produce more negative ions and infrared light than ANY other pad and are the only pads with NO starch fillers. All ingredients are designed to work together to draw out and absorb harmful toxins.

Remember that as adults we have between 400 to 800 man-made chemicals in our bodies. Detoxifying is an acceptable and necessary part of living a healthy life in today’s world. Purify Your Body’s detox foot pads are one of the most effective and easiest forms of natural detoxification.

What poisons are you carrying around in your body? More importantly, how do you get rid of them? While eastern medicine has known and embraced the virtues of natural detoxing for many years, western nations are only just catching on. Yet it’s a natural, obvious, and effective health treatment which can cure fluid retention, food intolerances, gas or diarrhea, colds and infections, exhaustion, skin rashes, headaches or dizziness, insomnia, and a host of other problems.

As adults, we have around 400 to 800 man-made chemicals circulating in our bodies. Normal healthy body elimination processes do not remove all these chemicals. Food, drinks, polluted air, medications, stress, metabolism, disease, products applied to skin, synthetics, home and workplace chemicals contribute to the body’s toxin load which accumulates daily and builds up over the years.

Introducing the amazing detox foot pad. The detox foot pad warms and opens the pores of the skin to draw out and absorb accumulated wastes via the skin under osmotic pressure from the blood and lymph systems. The all-natural dry ingredients in the detox foot pads adhere to the soles of the feet like a big band aid overnight, when the body detoxifies. Depending on the individual, the detox may take two or three weeks to two or three months, or longer in the case of more severe disease or toxic build up.

Potent all-natural ingredients work together to draw out the toxic build-up in your feet, and in other parts of the body.

Toxins accumulate in the extremities. For hundreds of years Eastern medical studies have held the view that toxins progress towards the lower extremities in the body during the day. Assisted by gravity they accumulate from the tips of the toes to the ankles. Eastern medicine also understands that toxin accumulation leads to many degenerative diseases. For example, painful rheumatism and arthritis are caused by acidic toxin fluid gathered in the joints. There is another Asian expression that says aging comes from the foot.

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NAICONS and NexThera Transfer Rights Of NAI-107, A New Anti-MRSA Antibiotic, To Sentinella Pharmaceuticals

NAICONS (New Anti-Infectives CONSortium) and NexThera Biosciences, Italian companies focusing on the discovery and development of novel anti-infective drugs, today announced that they have entered into an agreement with Sentinella Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a US-based pharmaceutical company established by Care Capital LLC, a leading life sciences venture capital firm. Under the terms of the agreement, Sentinella has acquired all rights to NAICONS’ proprietary lantibiotic technology, including its lead product candidate NAI-107, in exchange for an upfront cash payment, future development and commercialization milestones, royalties on future product sales and an equity stake in Sentinella. Lantibiotics represent a new class of natural products with potent bactericidal activity against gram positive bacteria including the multi-drug resistant pathogens MRSA and VRE.

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“This agreement represents an important recognition of NAICONS’s ability to discover and characterize innovative antibiotics with a novel mechanism of action”, stated Stefano Donadio, NAICONS’ Chief Scientific Officer. “Our technology is based on fermentation products and includes strong expertise in manipulating antibiotic-producing bacterial strains. This agreement further supports NAICONS’ mission of rebuilding the strong and successful Italian tradition in the antibiotic field.”

“Our partnership with a US-based pharmaceutical company represents the best opportunity to rapidly and successfully advance a potential life-saving drug into clinical development in its largest market. It also gives NexThera international visibility for developing additional anti-infective compounds”, said Daniela Jabes, NexThera’s Chief Executive Officer. “This agreement represents the first tangible result of the synergy between NAICONS’s discovery engine and NexThera’s development focus.”

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“We are delighted to be entering into this transaction with NAICONS and NexThera,” said David Ramsay, a Director of Sentinella. “The principals behind NAICONS and NexThera have a successful track record in the discovery and development of anti-infective products, including rifamycins, penems, dalbavancin and ramoplanin , and we hope to build on that success to develop and commercialize an important novel class of antibiotics for the treatment of multi-drug resistant nosocomial infections.”

Every year several million people worldwide acquire infections while in hospitals, with significant mortality rates. Continuing a trend that began several years ago, it is estimated that approximately seventy percent of hospital infections are currently caused by pathogens resistant to at least one class of existing antibiotics. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci (VRE) are among the most dangerous nosocomial pathogens.

According to the Infectious Diseases Society of America, drug resistant bacteria represent a significant economic burden because of the need for costly drugs, extended hospital stays and lost working days. The annual cost of infections by drug-resistant pathogens has been estimated as nearly $5 billion in the U.S. alone.

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New You Boot Camp Helps You Beat The Blues On ‘Blue Monday’

New You Boot Camp, Europe’s No1 weight loss and fitness Boot Camp have come up with five simple tips which guarantee to make you feel better on the day, plus some blues-busting exercises which you can do from the comfort of your own home!

New You Boot Camp Co-founder Jacqui Cleaver, says: “Exercising raises the levels of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain, boost feel-good endorphins, release muscle tension, help you sleep better and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Follow our tips to make you smile and our blues-busting desk exercises to beat the gloom on January 25th”.


1. Bite a finger gently and raise the corners of your mouth – this will trick your brain that it is smiling and it will release happy endorphins.

1. Try comedy skipping – commit to skipping to places when you are out of sight (high heels not recommended…) – think Phoebe in Friends!

2. Get moving – even walking up the tube or work escalator at a faster pace will expel extra energy, which if not used turns to negative energy.

3. Make January 25th a Saturday night – take extra time getting ready in the morning and make it a glamorous day.

4. Visualise where you want to be. Once that picture is embedded there, your subconscious mind begins working to make that picture a reality. It’s much easier to achieve your goals with your subconscious mind on your side.

Let’s face it – hanging out in the living room has never done fitness levels any favours. But since in a recession gym membership is often the first thing to go, the living room is where many of us have been spending time lately – with the gyms coming to us so here are 5 exercises you can do at home in the comfort of your front room!

New You Boot Camp’s website, listing full information, price lists and dates of upcoming camps is

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A Perfect Pout Peels Back the Years

From studying the faces of over 250 women, including sets of twins, analysts’s found that even if a woman’s skin gains wrinkles, eye bags and sagging jowels, having a fuller set of lips can take years off of your face.

Seductive lips are one of the strongest signals of a woman’s sexual and youthful allure, with Angelina Jolie’s enviable pout voted as the most desirable in the world.

Sadly, scientists have discovered that there is little women can do naturally to keep the youthful appearance of their lips. Thanks mainly to genetics pouts start getting thinner between the age of 30 and 40.

The Hospital Group, the UK’s leading cosmetic surgery provider, performs many age-defying treatments at its clinics including non surgical dermal fillers which can create a subtle, more youthful pout.

As well as non-surgical procedures, The Hospital Group performs other anti-ageing surgical treatments such as face and brow lifts. Other plastic surgery procedures offered include eyebag removal, eye-lid surgery, rhinoplasty, otoplasty and breast uplifts.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has risen to become the UK’s biggest weight loss surgery provider, performing more gastric procedures last year than the NHS. The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

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Men Turning to Liposuction to Stay in Shape

It has been reported that liposuction is becoming increasingly popular amongst males, with The Hospital Group recording an 82% increase in the procedure over the past 5 years.

Liposuction has grown in leaps and bounds over the last few years and is often now referred to as liposculpture. Liposculpture creates the same result as the more commonly used term, liposuction or Lipo. Very similarly to liposuction excess fat cells are removed, from almost any part of the body.

However, in contrast to liposuction, the procedure of liposculpture is a more time consuming operation with a greater amount of personal skill required by the plastic surgeon, and creates a smoother end result, changing the contours of your body or face. This cosmetic surgery procedure is suitable for both men and women. A spokesperson for The Hospital Group, said: “Men are becoming increasingly worried about their weight and, similarly to women, have fatty areas on their body which refuse to shift with diet and exercise alone, so therefore liposuction is a viable solution.” The procedure involves insertion of a Cannula (small tube-like syringe) through a small incision in the skin. The fat is then drawn through the tube leaving a much smoother surface. The procedure is carried out under General Anaesthetic.

For those looking to undergo the procedure: the best candidates for liposculpture are those with stubborn areas of fat which are resistant to diet or exercise. This could include the tummy, buttocks, chin, arms, knees etc. A consultation with a Surgeon will help you identify what sort of outcome you could expect and if it is the right procedure for you. For example, liposuction can remove excess fat around the abdomen, but not excess skin. In this case a tummy tuck might be recommended in order to achieve the desired result.

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Obesity is the Greatest Threat to Long Life

As we leave the noughties behind and embrace our ‘tweens, researchers are warning that the rise of obesity has become the number one risk to shortening life expectancy in the new decade.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers from Columbia University have calculated that the number of years lost due to obesity is now equal to, if not greater than, those lost due to smoking.

With at least a quarter of the UK population classified as clinically obese it is feared that the number will grow dramatically with as many as 60 per cent of men, 50 percent of women and 25 per cent of children predicted to be obese by 2050 if the problem goes unchecked.

For those seeking to reduce their weight and take on a healthier lifestyle, The Hospital Group offers long-lasting, effective weight loss solutions.

The Hospital Group is the UK’s biggest provider of weight loss surgery, including gastric band surgery, gastric bypasses and gastric balloons which can give you a healthier lifestyle.

David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group said: “A gastric procedure can be the crucial first step in gaining a healthier lifestyle, enabling people to get out and exercise”.

“At The Hospital Group, people can be assured of a dedicated, professional service, with astounding success rates and a limited waiting time. This latest news is just another reason to seek an effective weight loss solution with The Hospital Group.” Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has risen to become the UK’s biggest weight loss surgery providers, performing more gastric procedures last year than the NHS. The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

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2010 Sees a Rise in Plastic Surgery Enquiries

Last decade saw the continuous rise in the number of people having cosmetic surgery; from cosmetic dentistry and breast augmentation to gastric bands, increasing numbers of men and women are turning to cosmetic procedures to improve their looks.

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) the numbers of people choosing to have surgery over the last five years has rocketed by 320 percent and the new decade is not expecting the trend to slow.

Experts have predicted that the recovering economy will likely see an increase in people opting for minimally invasive non surgical solutions and later saving up for procedures such as face lifts, as patients are better able to finance their surgery. Also, the increase in obesity means a rise in weight loss surgery for 2010, with more obese people opting to go under the knife.

David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group, comments: “We have seen nearly a 40 percent rise in post-Christmas cosmetic surgery enquires going into 2010 from the previous year. Moving into the new decade people want to look as good as they feel, and are willing to invest in improving their quality of life.”

The Hospital Group, one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers and the biggest provider of gastric surgery, perform a wide range of both surgical and non surgical treatments which can help to make men and women to look younger.

For quick results, they offer anti wrinkle treatments, BOTOX®, facial fillers, chemical peels and teeth whitening and more in 19 clinics across the UK and Ireland.

For longer term results involving surgery, face lifts, rhinoplasty, liposuction and an extensive range of breast surgery procedures are just some of the treatments on offer at the exclusive Bromsgrove clinic.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost plastic surgery providers. The Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none

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What is our Ideal Body Shape?

It is well documented that over the decades our ideal body shape and size has changed from the voluptuous screen goddesses such as Marilyn Monroe and Bridget Bardot to the size Zero celebrities of today.

The average ideal dress size back in the 1940s and 50s was a 12-14, while last decade the ideal shapes of our screen icons changed significantly towards the increasingly svelte sizes of Victoria Beckham and Madonna. However, a poll out at the end of last year revealed that fuller, curvy figures rule as Kate Winslet and Kelly Brook top the survey for the most desirable celebrity bodies.

Whilst we can’t all be the spitting image of our favourite Hollywood stars, the good news is that such life changing surgery is not exclusive to celebrities. Those of us who are unhappy with their size and shape can take action and boost their confidence.

The Hospital Group, one of the UK’s leading cosmetic surgery clinic, offers a wide range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments from BOTOX® and facial peels to breast enlargement and weight loss surgery.

David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group said: “At The Hospital Group, people can be assured of a dedicated, professional service, with astounding success rates and a limited waiting time. Our surgeons have years of experience, and can advise you honestly on how The Hospital Group can adapt your body – and ultimately change your life.”

The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

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The Harley Medical Group Announce Their Top Of The Ops 2009

Figures released by The Harley Medical Group, the UK’s largest cosmetic surgery provider, reveals the non-surgical cosmetic surgery market has seen continued growth in 2009, with dermal fillers and chemical peels driving the increase by 26% and 306% respectively.

The Harley Medical Group Announce Their Top Of The Ops 2009

2009 also saw a continued rise in the number of male patients (up 5%), who now account for 18% of all patients seen, with ‘Boytox’ (male Botox) and ‘Sweatox’ (anti-sweat Botox), both driving the growth. The latter part of the year saw the City clinic bounce back when banker bonuses returned to the agenda, with a 24% month on month sales increase in September alone.

Breast augmentations, which remain top of the ops at The Harley Medical Group, are the third most common type of post-natal procedure with mums making up 60% of patients. Post-baby surgery now accounts for 90% of abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) operations. The second most popular procedure with mothers is the mastopexy or Breast Uplift, with post-baby surgery accounting for an estimated 75% of all Breast Uplifts.

The cosmetic surgery industry as a whole has seen growth in 2009 and Mel Braham, Chairman at The Harley Medical Group stated he expects the Group’s cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatment market to grow up to a further 20% in 2010 and committed to continuing the groups ambitious expansion plans with new 8 new clinics to open their doors shortly.

Jeremy Baker, Consumer Analyst at ESCP Europe business school, said, “I would predict continued market growth in the cosmetic surgery industry for at least the next five years. There’s a huge emphasis on grooming in popular culture and the job market is tough – people need to be younger, fitter, and better and this is reflected in the maintenance of personal appearance. Men have now caught up with the times and don’t want to be left behind so I’m sure we’ll see big increases in this sector in particular.”

Liz Dale, Director at The Harley Medical Group, commented, “Non-surgical procedures, which saw big growth last year, have continued to be a strong area for us and now account for 32% of all our business, with product sales up 26%. The increase has been galvanised by the launch of the Obagi Blue chemical peel and of our online shop, which we’ll be extending in 2010 to include own range products to respond to consumer demand for inexpensive, effective beauty solutions.

Liz Dale continued: “The surgical side of the business is also continuing to grow. While breast augmentations remain the most popular surgical procedure, rhinoplasties are closing the gap in second. Face and neck lifts, which had been static for much of 2009, were up 17% in November.”

Regional trends show that non surgical has driven growth in the London area with peels growing 395% year-on-year at the Harley Street clinic and 609% in the City Clinic – these clinics along with the other London clinics have seen a non surgical boom with Botox and fillers also extremely popular treatments.

Via EPR Network
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A New Smile A New You For 2010

During 2008 and the last year the teeth whitening industry has continued to grow in the wake of the worst financial and economic downturn for many years and this is likely to be due to the fact that people are spending more money on personal grooming, botox, gym memberships and cosmetic surgery to make them look and feel better through these troubled times.

It is difficult to read any magazines or view TV makeover shows without teeth whitening being mentioned or featured and this is likely to continue as we enter 2010 as the range of teeth whitening products and services seem to give consumers the choice to suit their budgets and personal requirements.

One company who has continued to grow is White Teeth Company – (http// who have grown their range of clinics across the south of England. Marketing Manager Jason Scott comments that the growth is due to customer demand and many of our clients are referred from previous customers.

Teeth whitening products can range from a few pounds for home whitening kits purchased in supermarkets or online to more professional services like laser teeth whitening. Technology have helped develop the industry allowing the treatment to only take just over one hour and can be undertaken in one visit.

Teeth whitening is perfect for anyone who have stained teeth caused by lifestyle staining including smoking, red wine, coffee, tea, cola, curries etc etc. Most staining on the teeth will build up over a matter of time as the enamel absorbs the colorants in our daily diets and changes the colour of our teeth.

Like any service customers are looking for the combination of competitive prices, maximum convenience and obviously the best results possible and this is going to be the challenge for the fledgling industry during 2010.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases

Lower Eye Surgery Gains Popularity with Women

The Hospital Group has reported that lower eye surgery is becoming increasingly popular amongst women. More lower eye surgery procedures were performed than upper eyelid lifts in 2009, as well as there being a larger percentage increase in the procedure over the past 5 years.

The appearance of loose droopy skin under the eyes can be very ageing and give a“sad” look to your face. Sun and smoking can accelerate the signs of ageing, while others are more prone to inherit the condition. This condition can easily be remedied with a simple eyelift procedure.

Eye bag removal is a common and simple plastic surgery procedure which can deliver dramatic results, making the eye area look more youthful, attractive and alive. The procedure is becoming increasingly popular in men as well as women. The Hospital Group can help you achieve a more bright-eyed, wide awake look.

A spokesperson for The Hospital Group, said: “THG Comment: – “We see more patients in need of eye bag removal than eye lift surgery and this procedure is a lot more popular. Eye bags can also be caused through stress, smoking and genetic factors.”

The Hospital Group is one of the UK’s leading providers of cosmetic surgery, number one in obesity surgery and tummy tuck experts. So whatever your requirements, you can rest assured in the safe hands of the professionalism and experience that THG has to offer.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has risen to become the UK’s biggest weight loss surgery providers, performing more gastric band procedures last year than the NHS. The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases