Category Archives: Healthcare Information

The Facts About Heart Disease

  • Heart Disease has been the number 1 killer in the US every year since 1900 with the exception of 1918.

  • At least 250,000 Americans die of heart attacks each year before they reach the hospital.

  • Every 34 seconds someone in the US dies from Heart Disease.

  • Heart Disease can be avoided with good nutrition.
If you are as little as 10 pounds overweight you are at risk forHeart Disease.Chronic Diseases cost the US economy 1.3 trillion dollars annually and this could reach 6 trillion by the middle of the century.

Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease for you and your loved ones. Over and over again I hear success stories of how people who have used our science based, nutritional products to lose weight. But not only do they lose weight but they are lowering their cholesterol levels, stabilizing blood pressure and sugar levels and are getting off of medications they have been taking for years. We have had people say they have gotten rid of allergies, migraines, joint pain and more. Good Nutrition allows your body to heal. (individual results vary). You can gain weight, lose weight, or maintain weight with our products. Our products do come with a guarantee.

My mother and father have both had open heart surgery. It is not a fun thing to go through. The thought of having your breast bone broken in half and raised in vertical position for hours is not a pretty picture to me. I do not wish to ever need this surgery and I am here to help you, in hopes that you do not ever need it as well.

Good Nutrition affects everything:

  • health

  • energy

  • organs

  • cells

  • vitality

  • skin

  • quality of life

The American Medical Association has said that 70% of medical conditions are diet related.

Here are a few common diseases that may be prevented with proper diet and or maintaining a healthy weight.

Cancer: breast, uterus, cervix, colon, esophagus, pancreas, kidney and prostrate
Coronary Heart Disease, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, hypertension
Idiopathic Intacraial hypertension, stroke, cataracts
Osteoarthritis, skin, gout, phlebitis
Gynecologic Abnormalities, abnormal menses,infertility, poly cystic ovarian syndrome
Gall Bladder Disease
Pulmonary Disease
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Hypo ventilation Syndrome
Severe Pancreatitis
Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

If you truly want to feel good and enjoy quality of life you need to get started with Core Nutrition. Once you receive your Core Nutrition, I will send you a personalize your program DVD (FREE), I will give you personalized coaching on a regular basis (FREE) to help you achieve your wellness goals, and you will receive a FREE Wellness Evaluation. A Wellness Evaluation will help you learn better dieting habits as well as give you a better understanding about where you are at with your health and wellness. We will be able to determine what your goals are and come up with some recommendations that will help you be able to enjoy a better quality of life.

Once you get started with our Core Nutrition or Weight Loss Program you may find that you are saving money on your prescriptions plus doctor and hospital bills. You may even be earning more money because you are missing work less and are able to work longer hours.

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The Search For Rehabilitation Treatment From Elegant Private Clinics Is Often Impeded By A Lack Of Information About The Luxury Rehab Industry

Affluent addiction victims typically seek rehabilitation treatment from elegant private clinics. Unfortunately, that search is often impeded by a lack of information about the luxury rehab industry.

The Search For Rehabilitation Treatment From Elegant Private Clinics Is Often Impeded By A Lack Of Information About The Luxury Rehab Industry

That’s about to change. is pleased to announce a new referral service linking affluent addiction victims to the best treatment and recovery facilities on earth. The goal of is to help those victims find the substance abuse treatment facilitythat’s exactly right for them. To do that, the service provides clients with expert personal advice and a thorough understanding of the treatment options available to them.

For prospective patients and their families, that sort of enlightenment can often make all the difference in the world.

Rehab is always an arduous process. Those individuals who complete it successfully are invariably the ones who get the best support along the way. That support, in turn, must be firmly rooted in an exacting attention to detail. In the end, the best rehab facilities are those which are committed most deeply to meeting each and every individual need of each and every individual client. is a referral service dedicated to connecting callers with the right substance abuse treatment center. To learn more about the service and substance abuse treatment centers, please call 1-888-488-0088, or visit the Web site at Online visitors will find testimonials, staff profiles, and other valuable information about the rehabilitation experience.

Via EPR Network
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LighterLife Has Conducted A New Survey That Has Revealed The Shocking Scale Of Abuse Faced By Overweight People In Britain

LighterLife has conducted a new survey that has revealed the shocking scale of abuse faced by overweight people in Britain, with nine out of 10 overweight Britons having been called a derogatory name due to their weight.

LighterLife Has Conducted A New Survey That Has Revealed The Shocking Scale Of Abuse Faced By Overweight People In Britain

The survey of over 1,000 adults conducted by weight loss specialist LighterLife, revealed that the younger generation are the worse culprits with 56% of 16-24 year olds cited as responsible for name calling compared to 35% of 55-64 year olds.

When it comes to insulting friends and relatives, men are the most cruel with nearly a third admitting to name calling compared to just 11% of women. Shockingly, 33% of obese or very obese people admitted that they also called others names despite being overweight themselves. And it is friends who appear to receive the brunt of this abuse. Overall, 68% reserved abuse for their friends, 15% insulted their siblings while partners and parents are equal at 10% each.

Mandy Cassidy, a psychotherapist with LighterLife, said: “It’s sad that adults now find such behaviour acceptable, particularly so among the younger age groups, as they could well carry these views as they get older, thus increasing the problem even further.

People can appear to shrug off comments, she added, but inside, they can be devastated: “Often it is only through counselling that the full impact becomes clear – many of our clients have resorted to avoiding social occasions and decline invitations.

“Even some people who appear totally confident say that they become ‘really good liars’ and concoct a range of excuses for not attending events which can drive them indoors to eat as a way of dealing with their hurt and anger, compounding the problem.

“Just because someone is overweight, it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to insult them. This type of prejudice isn’t tolerated in any other walk of life so we shouldn’t allow it here.”

About LighterLife
LighterLife is a weight loss and weight management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a body mass index of 25 or above. LighterLife has helped over 150,000 people to successfully lose weight since 1996.

Via EPR Network
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The Harley Medical Group Has Released Figures Showing The Number Of Enquiries By Women Aged 55+ Is Up 9% Year-On-Year With Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Treatments Most In Demand By This Group

The uplift is partly thought to be driven by increased competition in the workplace, which was cited as the second most common reason for treatment, after wanting to ‘look as young as they feel’.

The Harley Medical Group

The demand for non-surgical rejuvenation procedures at The Harley Medical Group is up 14% over the previous year as the so-called ‘Arlene effect’, where older women are replaced in a professional role by a younger woman, is playing out across the country. Female patients at the UK’s biggest cosmetic surgery provider are telling medical staff they feel under pressure to keep looking their best in order to stay on top of the professional ladder.

The silver surgery market is now the fastest growing consumer audience at The Harley Medical Group for injectibles, to treat under-eye tear troughs and facial lines and wrinkles.

Liz Dale, Director, The Harley Medical Group, said, “It’s interesting to see that pressure in the workplace is a key driver for women of more advanced years, given the current high level of competition for jobs. Women over 55 have really boosted our non-surgical market, which now accounts for 29% of our total revenue.”

A 57 year old worker at one of the UK’s top five advertising agencies, said, “Advertising is a young person’s industry and I became aware I was missing out on key promotions to younger colleagues because of my age. I felt my competency was partly measured by my looks and I was being judged as ‘over the hill’ by both male and female associates when my face began to reflect my age.

“I opted for Botox and fillers to lift, plump and smooth the skin on my face. My role is client facing and my face is one of the tools of my trade. I did feel cosmetic treatments were a necessary step and it hasn’t gone unnoticed how much fresher and younger I look.”

Brenda Scott, 63, took the more radical option of having Blepharoplasty surgery (eye-bag removal) at The Harley Medical Group. She commented, “I don’t think surgery is the right solution for everyone but there is certainly more pressure on women to stay looking their best. You just have to look on TV to see there are two rules – one for men and another for women.

About The Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group is the UK’s largest cosmetic surgery provider, performing more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been established for over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has treated over 435,000 patients to date.

Via EPR Network
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The Harley Medical Group, The UK’s Largest Cosmetic Surgery Provider, Has Released Its Performance Figures Covering The 12 Months Up To The End Of June 2009, Which Shows An Overall Growth Of 4% Over The Previous Year

The period covered by the report has proved to be a busy time for The Harley Medical Group, which achieved increases in both its cosmetic surgery provision and a notable uplift in its non-surgical divisions, with the group’s clinics in Cardiff, Newcastle and Southampton performing particularly well.

The Harley Medical Group

While breast enlargement remained the most requested surgical procedure across The Harley Medical Group’s 26 clinics, abdominoplasty surgery saw the biggest growth across the financial year (up 23%), followed by rhinoplasty which increased by 15% and liposuction (13%).

The non-surgical division has also been rapidly expanding and now accounts for 29% of Group revenue (up from 27% a year ago), with facial peels showing the biggest treatment uplift, up 171% year on year.

To help deal with the increase in the number of requests, The Harley Medical Group opened six new clinics throughout the year, with new branches launched in Maidstone, Cambridge, Reading, Sheffield, Liverpool and Manchester. The next clinic is due to be opened in Glasgow this September, giving the group a total of 27 clinics, although Chairman Mel Braham intends to quickly grow the estate, with the target set at 90 clinics across the UK and Ireland.

Mel Braham commented, “Per capita, people are five times more likely to have cosmetic surgery in the US so there’s a huge market potential still remaining in the UK. Despite the recession we’re seeing increases in surgical and non-surgical procedures at our existing clinics and that’s why we’ve committed to an expansion programme.”

Three new revolutionary treatments are also due to be released exclusively through The Harley Medical Group in 2009, including the first and currently only, FDA approved treatment for successfully reducing and removing stretch marks, a problem that afflicts nearly 90% of all women over the age of 25.

About The Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group is the UK’s largest cosmetic surgery provider, performing more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been established for 26 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. The Harley Medical Group has conducted over 435,000 procedures to date.

The Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering most new surgical and non surgical techniques in the UK and Irish markets. These include breast enlargement surgery, Aesthera PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch Laser, Silk Touch Laser, Collagen for lines and wrinkles, Laser for snoring, Tumescent Liposuction, and LPG cellulite treatment.

All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched and tested before they are submitted for approval by the Group’s Medical Advisory Committee, as being suitable for application by the Group’s fully trained and specialized Plastic Surgeons, Doctors and Treatment Nurses. The Harley Medical Group is now 26 years old and has an annual turnover in excess of £35 million.

Via EPR Network
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According To A Recent Survey LighterLife, 62% Of Overweight Women Prefer To Be Under The Covers Before Their Partner Comes To Bed

According to a recent survey by weight loss specialist LighterLife, 62% of overweight women prefer to be under the covers before their partner comes to bed whilst 46% of overweight men would rather avoid sex all together.

Whilst the overweight and obese women surveyed made sure their bodies were firmly out of sight by having sex with the light off (32%), getting undressed before their partner comes to bed (42%) or keeping the bedcovers or nightclothes firmly on (43%), the men preferred to avoid hopping into the sack all together.

The figures emerged in a study of the bedroom habits of 3,000 Brits, which also revealed that more than one in ten obese people haven’t had sex for a year because they are so worried about being seen naked and 8% of obese people claimed they couldn’t remember the last time they had sex. A massive 98% of size 16+ women stated they felt unattractive, and while 68% of obese people said they have never felt sexy, just 12% of those with a normal BMI said the same.

When it comes to frolicking in the bedroom more than one in five said the lack of bedroom activity was because they couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing them naked compared with just three per cent of those who have a normal BMI.

Mandy Cassidy psychotherapist and consultant for LighterLife, said: “The study shows that being obese affects the mind as well as the body, and reveals the problems faced by so many people.

“For growing numbers of people, it’s a vicious circle – many use food as a substitute for love, and as the pounds pile on, their relationship switches from their partners, to food.

“They need to learn how to break the cycle – and clearly, for those who do, the sauce will not be in the kitchen, but in the bedroom.”

About LighterLife
LighterLife is a weight loss and weight-management programme for people who are one stone or more overweight and with a bmi of 25 or above. Over 150,000 people have successfully lost weight with LighterLife since 1996.

The unique LighterLife approach offers programmes specific to the obese and the overweight in the form of weight loss diets, nutritionally complete soups, shakes and bars combined with specialised counselling using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and transactional analysis (TA) techniques. Clients not only safely lose weight fast but also benefit by learning the behavioural changes needed to sustain it.

Founded in 1996, the LighterLife Programme was developed by three of its directors – Jackie Cox, Bar Hewlett and Rebecca Hunter.

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Report: British Breasts Go Smaller

The Harley Medical Group reveals that, as Ulrika Johnson grabs the headlines for her reduced and reshaped breasts, the trend for down-sizing has hit its 26 clinics with breast reduction surgery up 7.8%. In addition, 75% of women who have had a breast augmentations at The Harley Medical Group in the last six months, opted to go up just
one or two cup sizes.

Mr Riccardo Frati, surgeon for The Harley Medical Group, comments on breast reduction surgery: “Many women feel over-sized breasts dominate their appearance, some find it makes exercising very difficult and in extreme cases large breasts can cause physical discomfort including backache, neck pain and poor posture. A breast reduction will take away excess tissue, fat and skin to give smaller, better proportioned breasts.”

Liz Dale, director at The Harley Medical Group, adds: “Over the last year we have seen a definite move towards smaller, more natural looking breast shapes, as illustrated by today’s breast reduction figures. Where women are choosing to have breast enlargement surgery they’re opting to go up just one or two sizes with C/D cup the most popular size. Contrary to popular belief, most cosmetic surgery patients want to fit in – not stand out.”

Breast reduction surgery usually takes three hours to complete, depending on the size of the breasts. The operation is carried out under general anaesthetic and patients stay in hospital for one or two nights. Breast reduction patients are required to wear a supportive bra for up to three months to keep the breasts well supported whilst healing takes place and ensure the best possible results.

All patients considering cosmetic surgery should ensure that their surgeon is trained and registered in the GMC Specialist Register as a plastic surgeon and ensure that their first consultation is carried out by a medical professional. Every surgeon at The Harley Medical Group is GMC registered as a Plastic Surgeon and all consultations are carried out by a fully qualified Cosmetic Surgery Nurse Counsellor. The Harley Medical Group has been established for 26 years and has 26 clinics in the UK.

About the Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group is the UK’s largest cosmetic and plastic surgery provider, performing more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been established for over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK, with over 435,000 patients treated to date.

The Harley Medical Group is renowned for introducing and pioneering most new surgical and non surgical techniques to the UK and Irish markets, such as Aesthera PPx, Laser Hair Removal, Cool Touch Laser, Silk Touch Laser, Collagen for lines and wrinkles, Laser for snoring, Tumescent Liposuction, LPG cellulite treatment etc. All new treatments and techniques are first thoroughly researched and tested before they are submitted for approval by the Group’s Medical Advisory Committee, as being suitable for application by the Group’s fully trained and specialized Plastic Surgeons, Doctors and Treatment Nurses.

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Cliffside Malibu – Helping High-Profile Clients Achieve Meaningful And Lasting Addiction Recovery

Cliffside Malibu, a premier recovery facility on the Malibu coast, has long been a leading light in the California treatment community. Now, the center is pleased to announce its renewed commitment to helping high-profile clients achieve meaningful and lasting addiction recovery.


Rehab is and should be a private process. For celebrity rehab center residents, though, such privacy can be difficult to maintain. Indeed, the public’s fascination with celebrity rehab stories exposes high-profile rehab patients to outrageous levels of scrutiny, which can in turn jeopardize the outcome of the healing process. In the end, the only successful rehab centers are those which successfully preserve the dignity and peace of mind of each and every individual client.

That principle, in turn, is the bedrock of Cliffside Malibu’s recovery philosophy.

With its expert caregivers and posh amenities, Cliffside Malibu is a world-class institution. The center has always catered to an elite clientele. Now Cliffside is expanding its mission, with the goal of delivering private and dignified care to those individuals who need it. At Cliffside Malibu, nothing less than excellence will ever be acceptable.

“We understand the unique needs of our celebrity residents,” said Cliffside Malibu Program Director Dr. Georgina Smith. “Our strict confidentiality policy is designed to protect the personal integrity of every individual who walks through our front gates. When you arrive at Cliffside Malibu, you enter a world in which your privacy matters more than anything else.”

That commitment is precisely what distinguishes Cliffside from its competitors.

Many of the most high-priced inpatient rehabs in Los Angeles fail to adequately protect the privacy of their clients. Even worse, many of those institutions actively violate that privacy, by leaking information about their celebrity residents to the media for purposes of publicity and advertisement. Such practices are, of course, grossly unethical. More importantly, they severely jeopardize the outcome of the recovery process.

Given the stakes in the fight against addiction, that sort of risk is simply unacceptable.

“Rehab is quite literally a matter of life and death,” said Patricia Freeberry, Cliffside’s Clinical Director. “Our celebrity clients entrust us with an awesome responsibility. We’re humbled by the opportunity to serve them, and we do everything in our power to justify their faith in us. We owe that much to our residents, and to the people who love them.”

Addiction recovery is always a human story. In an industry where profits so often matter more than people, Cliffside Malibu is committed to making each and every client the center of the universe. That philosophy helps to explain the stunning success rate enjoyed by Cliffside’s high-profile residents. It also, more importantly, has changed countless lives for the better.

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OxyContin Has Become One Of The More Popular Prescription Opiates In Canada

A study that was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, which was conducted by a Victoria, British Columbia University, looked at OxyContin drug addiction in seven different Canadian cities. OxyContin has become one of the more popular prescription opiates in Canada. “Physically one of the more destructive drugs, it’s the fear of the withdrawals that keeps many users abusing it,” said Nick Hayes, a representative of the Narconon drug rehab program. “When the drug is first prescribed or abused, many users are unaware of how addictive it is.”


Dr. Benedikt Fisher led this particular research study, and was able to discover that heroin was becoming less significant among illicit opiate users. He also indicated in this study that most street users began consuming when they got involved with the medical system. When the time-release formula was created and approved, it ended up changing the course of opiate abuse. Users discovered that by chewing and mixing it with alcohol, crushing the drug and snorting it, or even cooking it down and injecting it, they would experience an extremely intense high, which happens very rapidly and the effects are similar to that of heroin.

First started in 2001, the study followed close to 600 participants from seven different Canadian cities; Montreal, Quebec City, Fredericton, St. John, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Toronto. It’s important to understand that this dilemma affects every province across Canada; even though, it has become very prominent in the Atlantic Provinces, with Newfoundland actually appointing a special task force to help tackle the problem. Perdue Pharma, which was the pharmaceutical company that marketed OxyContin, faced many different lawsuits. In fact, three executives did admit to misbranding the drug, claiming it was less addictive, and not subject to abuse. Eventually, Perdue Pharma had paid out over 600 million dollars in fines. For more information call, 1-877-782-7409, or visit the site,

(Ref: Anne Borden “OxyContin More Popular than Heroin on Canada’s Streets: Lawsuits on the Rise” Lawyers and 13 August 2007:

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Leading Cosmetic Surgery Providers The Hospital Group Has Helped Inform Teenage Surgery-Seekers In A BBC3 Television Programme

Two thirteen-year-old girls undertook a week-long journey to decide whether they really did want to take the plunge and have breast augmentation surgery as part of the ‘Boob Job: My Big Decision’ programme.


The ‘grand finale’ of the week was a visit to The Hospital Group’s specialist cosmetic surgery hospital in Bromsgrove. During the week, the girls, Kianna and Kat, met women who had already had surgery and quizzed a group of boys to find out their views on breast size and the fake vs real debate. The girls also had a session with a family counsellor to explore their motivations for surgery plus a day’s work experience as a dancer and a chef to get a taste of adult working life.

The girls’ journey ended with an opportunity to sit in on a consultation with a real-life patient and consultant surgeon Mr Sulaiman, with the chance to pose all their questions to both the surgeon and the patient. They then followed the patient into theatre to experience first-hand the reality of undergoing a cosmetic procedure.

Following the experience, both Kianna and Kat decided that surgery wasn’t the answer at this stage in their lives. Although Kat still intends to have plastic surgery when she is older, Kianna realised that she is still growing and larger breasts could hinder a career in
dance. While The Hospital Group is one of the country’s leading surgery providers, it remains stringent in its values.

David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group, said: “We were delighted to take part in ‘Boob Job: My Big Decision’. The Hospital Group is a responsible surgery provider and we are proud of our values. We have an extensive consultation process prior to surgery to discuss the realities of surgery with our patient – including what outcome they should expect as a result of the surgery as well as the recovery implications and the risks. Being involved in informing and challenging these two young girls’ thinking was very worthwhile.

“Women as young as Kianna and Kat would never be treated at The Hospital Group as we only treat patients over the age of 18. However, we do have interest from younger patients so this was a useful educational process.”

The Hospital Group’s role in ‘Boob Job: My Big Decision’ follows gastric surgeon Paul Super’s appearance on Channel 4 programme ‘The Hospital’, where he advised obese patients on bariatric (weight loss) surgery.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery and weight loss surgery providers. The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

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Three Alternative Scenarios of the Future In Vitro Diagnostics Market, 2009-2018

Venture Planning Group is pleased to announce completion of the new multiclient study, “Three Alternative Scenarios of the Future In Vitro Diagnostics Market, 2009-2018.” The report is designed to assist executives in the diagnostics industry in formulating policy alternatives that will provide the best choice among possible courses of action.

Venture Planning Group

The major thrust of the study is to clarify future consequences of the current developments in the absence of unforeseeable events, and expose the very different actions and policies that would be required by diagnostic product suppliers if the market moves in any of the three directions.

Each scenario is built around a specific theme with a particular set of assumptions. Business-As-Usual Scenario assumes that the current trends will continue without significant interruptions. Economic Austerity Scenario is predicated upon a significant rise in cost-containment pressures by all payers determined to drastically curtail not only the intensity of health care services, but the size of the industry as well. Technological Breakthroughs Scenario assumes a series of successful developments and commercialization of a number of diagnostic technologies and products occurring during 2009-2018.

This study will help diagnostics industry executives and companies planning to diversify into the diagnostics field to bring about more flexible planning, reduce surprises, and add to ways of improving the ability to cope with the future.

Please visit to review this and over 5,000 other innovative market research reports from VPG and other world’s leading publishing companies.

About VPG
VPG is an international market research, publishing and management consulting firm providing Market Intelligence Surveys, Opportunity Analyses, New Technology/Product Assessments, and Acquisition/Joint Venture Evaluations to corporate executives and key decision-makers in the healthcare, biotechnology, chemical, food and beverage, and electronics industries worldwide.

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Menopause Blamed For Rise In Receding Hair

Hair loss is often the hardest aspect of growing old, but for a number of people the problem is not confined to their later years.

And it’s not just men suffering from the affliction, with studies suggesting an increasingly number of post-menopausal women are finding their hairlines receding.

This new epidemic is a type of alopecia, which damages hair follicles so that hair falls out and cannot grow back.

The condition known as Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (FFA) can cause women to lose up to five inches from their hairline as well as their eyebrows. If FFA goes undiagnosed, women can even lose hair at the sides and back of their head.

Scientists believe that FFA is a result of the immune system attacking hair follicles, which causes inflammation at the root. This can damage stem cells in the follicles and prevents hair from growing back entirely.

The only treatment available involves controlling this inflammation, so only offers a reduction in overall hair loss rather than a cure.

However, the damage for most has already been done and the only alternative is to undergo a hair transplant.

The Hospital Group, one of the country’s leading cosmetic surgery providers, is at the forefront of hair restoration surgery, treatments and techniques. Those seeking a solution to their hair loss can undergo a hair transplant, which involves splitting the follicles of existing hairs and relocating them in the sparse area.

Providing expert advice and assistance, The Group carries out more hair transplantations than any other clinic in the UK and recognises that hair restoration is an art just as much as a surgical procedure.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost weight loss surgery providers.

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Gordon Ramsay Is Famous For A Number Of Reasons; His Cooking, Short Temper, Foul Mouth And, Notably, His Furrowed Brow And Chin

But not for much longer. Ramsay has admitted to having BOTOX® injections only a month after telling Australian TV presenter, Tracy Grimshaw, that she needed the treatment herself.

Gordon Ramsay

The controversial chef and host of “The F word” had his haggard chin smoothed after close friend, Simon Cowell, teased him about his looks.

When comparing pictures it is clear that his furrowed brow and lines on his chin looks far less pronounced.

There is also speculation that Ramsay may have had a number of facial fillers and a slight face lift under local aesthetic.

The chef is just one of many Brits who have decided to undergo non-surgical procedures to lift their spirits during the credit crunch.

The Hospital Group, one of the country’s largest provider of both surgical and non-surgical treatments reported a 226 per cent increase in the number of non-surgical procedures performed in 2008. A total of 5,200 treatments were carried out across the group last year with treatments such as BOTOX®, hyperhidrosis and face peels rising in popularity.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers. The Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

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Orange Juice And Teeth – A Rotten Cocktail

A refreshing glass of orange juice with your breakfast might not be quite as beneficial as you once thought.

Recent studies have revealed that some juices are so acidic they erode teeth enamel with every sip. Dr Yan-Fang Ren, of the Eastman Institute for Oral Health, reported that the acid in orange juice ‘is so strong that the tooth is literally washed away’.

Using a revolutionary vertical scanning microscope for the first time, the researchers were able to see the extensive surface detail on teeth.

Such juice-drinking has further, negative implications; the unnatural acceleration of erosion of the teeth that it causes substantially increases the risk of development and spread of tooth decay.

However, for those among you on a quest for healthy, pearly whites, fear not! The Hospital Group, one of the country’s leading plastic surgery providers, offer a range of dental treatments in its specialist cosmetic dentistry clinics located around the UK.

Teeth whitening, pain-free veneers, white fillings and porcelain crowns are just a few of the popular treatments available at the NuSmile dentistry treatment centres across the country.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost plastic surgery providers. The Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

For further information on The Hospital Group’s range of dentistry procedures please visit or call 0845 762 6727.

Contact Details: For further information on The Hospital Group’s range of dentistry procedures please visit or call 0845 762 6727.

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Chubby Celebs Make Obesity The “Norm”

Stick thin celebrities have long been held responsible for the pressure on ordinary people to lose weight – now it would seem the tables have turned and fat celebrities are being blamed for the rising obesity epidemic.

Experts say that tubby celebs such as “Gavin and Stacey’s” James Corden and Ruth Jones are making obesity more socially acceptable and “normal”.

The profile of “larger” celebs has considerably risen over the years, with names such as Dawn French, Jonny Vegas, Peter Kay and of course Fern Britton (who has now lost her weight), appearing on our screens.

A recent report revealed that 23 per cent of Brits are now classed as obese compared to just 11 per cent 10 years ago.

More than 2,000 people took part in a nationwide survey in which researchers found that 17 per cent of obese people refuse to consider taking action to lose weight, whether via surgery or extreme diet regimes.

Weight loss doesn’t have to revolve around fad diets and excruciating exercise regimes though. The Hospital Group, one of the country’s leading obesity and cosmetic surgery providers, offers a wide range of obesity treatments including gastric band and body shaping treatments including liposuction and tummy tuck.

Last year The Hospital Group saw a staggering 73 per cent increase in the number of enquires made regarding weight loss surgery, making them the largest obesity surgery provider in the UK.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost weight loss surgery providers.

For further information of The Hospital Group’s range of weight loss procedures, surgery-seekers should visit the website or call our patient care coordinators on 0845 762 6727.

Via EPR Network
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Compare Health Insurance And Explore The World Of Alternative Medicine

Many emerging alternative therapies such as reiki, hypnosis and crystal healing are not yet available on the NHS despite their increasing popularity. Various studies have shown people really do believe in the power of complementary medicine – of course some are still sceptical – and it seems our health service is not keeping up with demand. Private health insurance policies do cover alternative therapies and if you can find the right policy, at the right price, by comparing different health insurance providers using online comparison sites, you will be able to explore the various options available to you.


For those interested but with a lack of knowledge, alternative medicine can be an intriguing and perhaps confusing world – and while they may be keen to seek out some form of treatment for an ailment, they are unsure of what is the correct choice for them. It helps to know exactly what you will get when you put yourselves in the hands of an alternative therapist.

Compare Health Insurance And Alternative Therapies

Acupuncture involves placing needles into specific parts of the body, to treat the symptoms of pain as well as illness and disease. It originates from China and is perhaps the complementary therapy with the most evidence to suggest it works – research suggests it can be effective in providing relief from minor ailments such as headaches and backpain. It can also work well at relieving nausea caused by cancer treatment.

Reiki is used by practioners to channel a persons ‘life force’ by laying their hands on the patient to produce a healing effect. It used to treat mental and physical stress and devotees swear after a session they feel energised and back on form. As it is an ‘energy medicine’ some scepticism surrounds it’s effectiveness, with critics claiming patients are merely experiencing a placebo effect.

Shiatsu, meaning ‘finger pressure’ is a form of Japanese massage – the practioner uses massage to adjust the bodies physical structure and inner energies to ward off illness. It is used to treat conditions such as insomnia, headaches, anxiety, back pain and skin irritations and can improve the nervous and immune systems – again sceptics point to the placebo effect but shaitsu massage has been proven to be effective.

Hypnotherapy involves placing a person in a relaxed state, almost a light trance, and then addressing their fears, addictions and worries. It is gradually being recognised as effective in this area – when a patient is placed under hypnosis their heart rate and metabolism slows and their mind is in a more suggestive state.

Not all private health care providers will cover every single alternative therapy available – there is still a great deal of suspicion surrounding the more ‘out there’ ones. If you are interested in having access to alternative medicine compare health insurance providers to find the right insurance for your needs.

About Insurancewide

Insurancewide, also known as Services Limited, is an online insurance comparison website offering insurance comparison tools which allow users to search the market and procure the best insurance policies and quotes. Insurancewide was launched in August 1999 as the first insurance comparison website on the internet.

Via EPR Network
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Mice May Hold Key To Parkinson’s Disease

Recently, scientists at the Weill Cornell Medical School were able to recreate the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in mice, leading some to believe that a breakthrough in treating the ailment could be just around the corner.

According to a study in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the research involved creating an animal model of Parkinson’s in mice so that scientists can focus on preventing the progression of the disease rather than just on treating its symptoms.

“This research is a huge step for the Parkinson’s community,” says Kay Mixson Jenkins, author of Who Is Pee Dee? Explaining Parkinson’s Disease to a Child. “With efforts like these, Parkinson’s patients have hope that funding and time are going into meaningful steps towards an eventual cure.”

Ms. Jenkins, founder of the non-profit Parkinson’s in the Park, was diagnosed with the disease when she was just thirty-four. She wrote Who Is Pee Dee? for kids who may be asking, “What is Parkinson’s disease?” or, “What are Parkinson’s disease symptoms?”

The book follows a young boy named Colt as he tries to deal with his mother’s illness. It’s the kind of story Ms. Jenkins hopes will be made obsolete by the research being done with mice at Weill Cornell.

“I hope that researchers continue to get funding both private and public,” says Ms. Jenkins, whose book includes a discussion of some of the following symptoms:
• The constant fatigue created by the struggle to control body movement.
• The loss of coordination when doing even simple tasks
• The anger and resentment that can come from feeling overwhelmed

For more information, contact the author directly via

(Who Is Pee Dee? Explaining Parkinson’s Disease to a Child by Kay Mixson Jenkins; illustrated by Richard Morgan; ISBN: 978-0-9819129-0-5; $12.95; 33 pages; 8” x 8”; hardcover; UCB, Inc.)

Via EPR Network
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Lighterlife Appoints New CEO And Sales And Marketing Director

LighterLife, the weight loss and weight management programme for those who are one stone or more overweight, has announced that Sara Jamison is to be the company’s new Chief Executive Officer.

Sara originally joined LighterLife in January 2007 as the Sales and Marketing Director. Throughout her time at LighterLife, Sara has succeeded in gaining a strong understanding of the business and an appreciation of the challenges that LighterLife clients face when trying to lose weight. Sara’s varied experience includes previous senior roles as Brand Communications Director at Virgin Cosmetics and Marketing Director for Iceland.

Commenting on her appointment, Sara said: “I have been privileged to work closely with our extensive counsellor base over the last two and a half years and I am always delighted to hear how LighterLife makes a positive impact on our client’s lives.

“As CEO, I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and driving the business forward so that we can continue helping as many people as possible change their lives for the better”, she continued.

In addition to Sara Jamison’s appointment, LighterLife has also selected Sue Dover as Sales and Marketing Director. Sue brings a wealth of sales and marketing experience and has previously held positions as Marketing Director for The Body Shop, La Senza and, most recently, Chief Operating Officer for Umberto Giannini.

Sue commented: “LighterLife is an inspirational business and I am looking forward to joining the team and building on the good work and success that Sara has achieved in this role.”

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Britons Play Russian Roulette With World’s Deadliest Disease – The Malaria

According to new research* carried out by Lloydspharmacy, the UK’s leading community pharmacy chain, around 2.1million British holidaymakers and travellers are ignoring the need to protect themselves against malaria.


This may explain the alarming rise in the number of cases found in the UK, with the British Medical Journal reporting a 30% rise in malaria cases in the UK over the last 15 years**.

According to the new survey of over 1000 people, 25% had travelled to a malaria hotspot in the last five years, with the African continent the most popular of these destinations (11%). The research also found that 19% of these intrepid adventurers either ignored the risk of malaria, or abandoned their malaria medication during the danger period. Despite malaria being one of the leading causes of disease and death in the world, with an estimated 300-500 million new cases worldwide every year, resulting in 1.5 to 2.7 million deaths***, Lloydspharmacy found 9% of men and 5% of women simply relied on less effective measures like mosquito repellent, nets or Vitamin B to protect themselves from the potentially deadly disease. A worrying 11% did not even realise that they had travelled to a malarial hotspot.

The release of these findings coincides with the launch of a new complete range of prescription only anti-malarial pills which are available through the Lloydspharmacy’ Online Doctor. This is one of only a few online services of its kind and does not require a visit to a GP. This service is designed to encourage travellers to stock up on the necessary anti-malaria pills before travelling

Chris Frost, Head of Medicines at Lloydspharmacy said “We are far too complacent about the risks of malaria and as a result we have one of the worst track records amongst industrialised countries for bringing this disease home from our holidays. Our new online malaria pills service aims to encourage holidaymakers to protect themselves by making it as easy as possible to access the necessary malaria pills.

“Unfortunately all it takes is just one bite from an infected mosquito to contract malaria and it can be deadly if not treated. However, buying the medication isn’t enough – it will do little to protect travellers unless they follow the instructions carefully.”

The Lloydspharmacy online malaria service involves the customer completing an online questionnaire which is screened by a GP from Dr Thom. If the customer meets appropriate criteria, a prescription is issued and medication distributed with advice on how to take the medication to best effect.

* ICM Survey, Sample 1040, fieldwork done 12th – 14th December 2008
** A Health Protection Agency study identified 6,753 cases of falciparum malaria diagnosed in the UK between 2002 and 2006. This is a 30% increase over the last 15 years, according to the British Medical Journal.

About Lloydspharmacy
Lloydspharmacy has around 1700 pharmacies across the UK. These are based predominantly in community and health centre locations. The company employs over 16,000 staff and dispenses over 145 million prescription items annually. Lloydspharmacy is a community pharmacy with primary care at the heart of its business. This is why it has launched a range of products aimed at improving community health such as affordable blood pressure monitors and allergy relievers, as well as a suite of convenient professional health check services including free blood pressure and diabetes testing, and cholesterol and heart checks in the comfort of a private consultation room.

Lloydspharmacy is the trading name of Lloydspharmacy Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Celesio AG based in Stuttgart. Celesio is the leading pharmaceutical distribution company in Europe and is represented in 16 countries. With its three divisions, Patient and Consumer Solutions, Pharmacy Solutions and Manufacturer Solutions, the group covers the entire scope of pharmaceutical trade and pharmaceutical-related services.

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Thousands Of Brits Undergo BOTOX® Treatment Every Year To Reduce The Appearance Of Laughter Lines And Furrowed Brows

However scientists have discovered another use for the anti-wrinkle treatment. Not only can it be used to reduce the effects of ageing and stop hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), but BOTOX® can now actually improve your mood as well.

Researchers at Cardiff University investigated the effects of cosmetic treatments on the mood of 25 volunteers.

Out of the group a number of them underwent BOTOX® whilst others had laser surgery, cosmetic peels and numerous other treatments designed to make the skin look younger. All of the groups felt that their treatment was particularly effective, but those given BOTOX® said they felt much happier.

Researchers believe that our expressions affect our mood, so when we wrinkle our brows when annoyed it only reinforces our irritation.

Therefore by stopping the face from frowning, BOTOX® actually makes patients feel happier.

David Ross, chief executive of The Hospital Group, said: “Despite the recession, our clinics have reported a surge in the number of BOTOX® treatments conducted across the country.

“For many years we have noticed the positive effect the treatment has had not only on our patient’s appearance, but also their mood. Patients leave our clinics in high spirits which we feel contributes to their numerous return visits.”

The Hospital Group, one of the country’s leading cosmetic surgeries, provides a vast number of age preventative treatments across its 19 clinics throughout the UK.

The Group saw an incredible 226 per cent increase in the number of non-surgical procedures performed in 2008. A total of 5,200 treatments were carried out across the group last year with treatments such as Botox®, hyperhidrosis and facial peels rising in popularity.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers. The Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

Via EPR Network
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