New Website Not Afraid To Tackle Big Issues offers visitors the latest news and educational articles on the topic of steroids. The site is the premier online destination for anyone interested in learning about the legal use of steroids, health issues, steroid scandals, bodybuilding, anabolic steroid products, and more.

A comprehensive source of information, the website is one of the best places on the Internet to access up-to-date news headlines, videos, and books on steroids and related topics. also provides trustworthy, in-depth reviews of steroids for sale, and a forum that allows visitors to share information, experiences, and views on steroids online.

Steroids have been big news in recent years, but it can be difficult to sort through all the information available online. Whether you want to read about steroid use in baseball, football, bodybuilding, boxing, or the Olympics, Steroid Sources has plenty of resources available on its website for free. Visitors can peruse a wide variety of different news items and articles to become more informed about the many issues surrounding the use – and abuse – of anabolic steroids.

The news blog is updated daily with new content, and it’s easy to find information related to a whole host of performance-enhancing drugs, including dianabol, anadrol, deca-durabolin, winstrol-v, and sustanon. All information on the website is for educational purposes, and is meant to inform consumers about the variety of options available on the market.

Steroid Sources also provides information on HGH (human growth hormone) and where to buy anabolic steroids once a doctor’s prescription has been obtained. The website has everything the individual needs to make informed decisions regarding the proper use of steroid products, whether they are purchased online or elsewhere.

Many people wrongly assume that buying steroids is not an easy task. Fortunately, there are many hassle-free ways to purchase anabolic steroids. With the right information and resources, it’s fairly simple to assess the different choices available to consumers and make appropriate decisions for your health goals.

For more information about anabolic steroids, contact Steroid Sources or visit

About is a popular website that offers visitors interesting and relevant information, resources, and news on the topic of buy anabolic steroids. The sitealso provides a forum where like-minded individuals can meet to discuss issues like buying steroids, obtain advice, andswap personal experiences and stories.

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Athletes Use Anabolic Steroids And Fall from Grace

Since the beginning of 2009 there have been athletes one after the other getting tested and busted for doping. The current trend in the use of anabolic steroids in sportsis continuing to be in the center of the spot light due to the media coverage surrounding it. Alex Rodriguez finally admitted to the use of steroids after months of speculation. Ken Shamrock of the UFC has been tested and found to have steroids in his system three times. Tony Mandarich, once touted as the best offensive lineman in the NFL comes clean after 20 years of denial. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson admitted recently that when he was younger that he used steroids.

Using anabolic steroids to get the competitive edge has been happening for over 50 years now. The recent onslaught of professional athletes being tested and showing steroid use is a testament to the need to continue to perform better than what is humanly possible. Sports figures are paid millions of dollars to make sure that they are always at the top of their game and are not given much leeway for any performance that is less than the best. The publicity that steroids are getting because of this is tremendous.

Although the publicity is negative, the message being sent to today’s youth is that using steroids is a must to achieve their dreams. While people will try to find steroids for sale through a “trusted source”, usinganabolic steroids without a prescription is illegal and can prove to be detrimental to the users’ health. is a website dedicated to educating people on the use of steroids; the information is unbiased, truthful and educates people about the positive and negative side of steroid use.

Lawrence Kreger of SteroidSources is quoted as saying “Not just for bodybuilders or athletes, but for individuals that have an interest in events surrounding anabolic steroids, is the ultimate source of information and knowledge. More than ever, whether we like it or not, anabolic steroids are now part of our culture.” Since Barry Bonds was questioned, to today, this statement is proving to be true. is an informational website that features forums for candid talk and questions, a blog that keeps you informed of steroids in the news and articles written about the use of steroids, the risks of trying to buy steroids online, books, videos, anda comprehensive list of known steroids with their uses, the forms they come in, and why someone may use them.

For questions or comments please refer to the contact page at

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Got Questions Regarding Anabolic Steroids – Has The Answers has launched a website to help consumers discern the good from the bad, and truths from the lies. With so many professional athletes coming under fire the last few years for steroid use, questions about anabolic steroids are getting asked and many are finding they do not have access to a trustworthy source. has news, blogs, forums, articles and also offers book and videos on the subject of steroid use and its users. wants to bring the body building community together to discuss the latest trends in fitness, health, and steroids. is a website dedicated to news and information about steroids. Updated with important breaking news regarding steroids and athletes who take them, medical uses for steroids, the benefit of steroid use in body-building, and the health hazards to using steroids as a performance enhancer, is the online information guide to steroids. has a forum for individuals with questions or information that can be posted to get the answers that are needed. Blogs for updated information in the body building community that lets each other know what is going on in regards to supplements, testing, and new performance enhancers. There are also top selling books and videos about on the subject of steroids and fitness. Searching the internet for information regarding legal steroids can lead to websites that have less than honorable intentions. is a safe website to discuss steroids and the pros and cons. focuses on news and trends in the body building community and sporting arena, serving its purpose in letting people find fair, accurate information regarding steroids, their use, and their side effects. is not where to go if the purpose is to buy steroids. SteroidSources.comhopes to build a strong community amongst fitness enthusiasts, body builders, and athletes alike. wants to showcase the ups and downs of fitness training, the use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.

Recently founded offers forums, blogs, news, and other media to keep you up to date in current trends in fitness, health, and body building.

For questions or comments please refer to the contact page at

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Huge Rise In Number Of Breast Surgery Enquiries Reports Surgicare

SurgiCare has revealed a large rise in the number of enquiries from patients in relation to breast surgery procedures, as well as an increase in the number of breast surgery consultations that have been carried out.

New data from SurgiCare has revealed that enquiries regarding breast augmentation have risen from 485 in March 2008 to 624 in March of this year. Moreover, the number of breast surgery consultations carried out by SurgiCare has also increased by 28% over the
past year.

These new breast surgery figures from SurgiCare support the trends reported by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, who found that breast augmentation procedures rose by 30% from 6487 in 2007 to 8439 last year.

SurgiCare carried out 105 breast augmentations through its clinics across the UK in January but has already performed 183 procedures so far in April.

One of the main reasons cited for the rise in breast enlargement and augmentation procedures is women wanting to look their best on their wedding day. 60% of patients questioned said they were undergoing the procedure specifically to look good for their forthcoming wedding during the summer. Mark Bury, Chief Executive at SurgiCare, commented that the company had to turn away frantic women who had not left enough time to fully recover from the operation ahead of their wedding, with it taking close to six weeks to fully recover from breast surgery and about three months to see the best results. Macrolane treatments have proved to be a popular option for women who have this dilemma, as it is an injectable filler that increase the size of the breasts, making them softer and fuller instantly, at a significantly lower cost that other cosmetic surgeries.

About SurgiCare
SurgiCare is one of the largest and most respected cosmetic surgery networks in the UK. SurgiCare was established more than 16 years ago by a leading professor of surgery, now its medical director, who also chairs its in-house Medical Advisory Committee.

As one of the leading UK specialists in cosmetic treatments, SurgiCare has the experience, latest therapies and the caring, professional staff to enhance a patients self-confidence by improving appearances. SurgiCare prides itself on providing an unrivalled aftercare service with all surgeons registered on the General Medical Council Specialist Register, to ensure every patient receives the best possible standard in care and results.

SurgiCare has helped more than 20,000 patients fulfil their dreams of looking and feeling their best. SurgiCare also specialise in Weight Loss Surgery with a unique 24 month support programme and lifetime aftercare.

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4th Annual Parental Alienation Awareness Day

Nearly everyone knows a couple who has divorced and used a child against the other parent. But not many people know there’s a name for such behavior–and fewer still know it is a particularly damaging form of child abuse.

The 4th Annual Parental Alienation Awareness Day on April 25, 2009 is set as a day for families around the Globe to help raise awareness about this rampant global issue. Many countries, states, provinces, and cities have already proclaimed April 25 to be Parental Alienation Awareness Day, and many educational and family events are set to take place in cities in North America, Europe, South America, Australia, and New Zealand. 

Parental Alienation is defined as a set of behaviors exhibited by a parent or an adult the child trusts, that puts the child in a very damaging loyalty bind between the people they love. These behaviors can be as mild as the occasional badmouthing of a parent, but in extreme cases may lead to parental Abductions and even Parental Homicide.

Research shows that children exposed to Parental Alienation may suffer a lifetime of low self esteem, and depression as well as substance abuse, anxiety, and difficulty trusting anyone or forming lasting relationships.

“A pattern of alienation usually begins without any malicious or conscious intent to harm the relationship between the other parent and the children,” explained Sarvy Emo, Founder of Parental Alienation Awareness Day. “Parents are often unaware of how subtle behaviors and comments can put children in a loyalty bind that is not only harmful to their emotional and mental health, but may affect their relationship with the targeted parent.”

“… the hurt, the anger, the shame and the pain would never go away. I could numb it and put it in the back of my mind but it never went away. It comes out in how I am as a mother, a spouse, a friend. In the decisions I’ve made, in almost everything I do.” Says an adult who experienced Parental Alienation as a child.

Parental Alienation Awareness Organization urges family members, and the people that surround a child’s life to watch for the children perceiving one parent as causing the other parent’s financial problems, showing a sudden negative change in attitude around one parent or being uncharacteristically belligerent around a parent or other authority figure.

To learn more about PA and Parental Alienation Awareness Day, visit

To learn more about Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting, visit

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Breast Augmentation Surgery Is Still Top Of The Ops

The Harley Medical Group has reported a rise in breast augmentation surgery, with a growth of 27% year on year. This increase has been driven by a boom in post baby surgery, with mothers now accounting for 60% of breast augmentation patients, making it the third most common type of post-natal procedure.

Angela Fry, 38, from Maidenhead had a breast augmentation after she had her fourth child. She comments: “After each birth my shape changed dramatically and my breasts sagged and lost their shape completely. For me, having a Breast Augmentation wasn’t about getting bigger breasts but getting them back to the shape and size that was right for my figure. Having the surgery has made me feel more feminine and given me much more confidence in myself.”

Breast augmentation surgery was first performed in 1895 and is today the most popular surgical cosmetic procedure for women. During the procedure an incision is made in the crease of the underside of the breast and the implant is inserted into a pocket created by the surgeon. The result is fuller and more evenly shaped breasts. The treatment takes around one hour to perform and a general anaesthetic will be administered to the patient.

Breast augmentation surgery at The Harley Medical Group costs from £4,275. For more information visit the


About The Harley Medical Group:
The Harley Medical Group is the UK’s largest cosmetic surgery provider, performing more procedures and with more clinics than any other cosmetic surgery provider. It has been established for over 25 years and is one of the most highly-regarded Cosmetic Surgery Groups operating in the UK. It has treated over 435,000 patients to date.

The Harley Medical Group works tirelessly to maintain the highest standards in the industry for the benefits all cosmetic surgery and non surgical patients. We are currently at the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the Government continues to regulate the use of certain laser types used in cosmetic surgery and non surgical treatments so that patients are protected from rogue practitioners.

All of The Harley Medical Group’s clinics are registered with the Healthcare Commission and there are now 26 clinics in the UK and Ireland: London (Harley Street, Wimbledon, The City, Chiswick, Finchley & Watford), Marlow, Birmingham, Leeds, Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, Newcastle, Chester, Nottingham, Southampton, Cardiff, Chelmsford, Dublin, Northampton, Cambridge, Maidstone, Belfast, Reading, Sheffield and Liverpool.

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Lloydspharmacy Chief Urges Weight Loss Pills Must Be Sold With Care

Lloydspharmacy has warned customers that the weight loss treatment alli, which can now be sold in pharmacies without a prescription must be supplied only after a proper consultation, fearing that people may take it even though it’s not clinically appropriate for them to do so.

Andy Murdock, Pharmacy Relations and Governance Director of Lloydspharmacy, said: “It’s important that all sectors of the pharmacy profession uphold the very highest clinical standards when providing this treatment,” he said. “A number of GPs have said they are worried that alli weight loss treatment may be sold to people for whom it is clinically inappropriate.

“I am calling on all colleagues to maintain the very highest standards when the service begins tomorrow and not to let the desire to please the customer override clinical considerations.”

Lloydspharmacy has trained more than 3,000 pharmacists and healthcare assistants to sell the treatment.

alli can help people who are overweight to boost their weight loss by up to 50 per cent. So, for every 2lbs of weight lost through their own efforts, alli can help shed a further 1lb.

However, it is only appropriate for people who have a BMI of 28 or over and should only be sold to people who are happy to lose weight gradually, are ready to adopt a reduced calorie, lower-fat diet and eat smaller portions.

People who are on certain medications* should be referred to their GP and there are some important contra-indications**.

Dr Chris Steele, who is famous for helping a ‘This Morning’ viewer lose 30 stones, said: “alli is a proven weight loss treatment and I am pleased that it’s now available over the counter in pharmacies. It’s good to see that responsible pharmacy groups like Lloydspharmacy have trained their staff thoroughly so that the treatment is only sold to people for whom it’s appropriate.”

alli contains Orlistat, which has been available on prescription marketed as Xenical at 120mg for over 10 years. It helps to prevent the absorption of fat and allows excess fat from food consumed to pass naturally through the body.

“All customers who want to buy alli should have a proper private consultation with a pharmacy professional who has been trained to advise customers about the treatment,” added Murdock. “They should be given a record card with the first
purchase and present this each time they buy further courses.”

“It is not a miracle cure for obesity,” said Andy Murdock. “For people who are committed to losing weight and who are prepared to make the appropriate lifestyle changes, alli can provide a very significant additional benefit, but it’s not a magic bullet.”

* Amidorane, Acarbose, Fat soluble vitamins
** anti-coagulants, ciclosporin. Also, alli should not be sold to anyone under 18 or to pregnant or breast feeding women

About Lloydspharmacy
Lloydspharmacy has around 1700 pharmacies across the UK. These are based predominantly in community and health centre locations. The company employs over 16,000 staff and dispenses over 145 million prescription items annually.

Lloydspharmacy which is a community pharmacy has primary care at the heart of its business. This is why it has launched a range of products aimed at improving community health such as affordable blood pressure monitors and allergy relievers, as well as a suite of convenient professional health check services including free blood pressure and diabetes testing, and cholesterol and heart checks in the comfort of a private consultation room.

Lloydspharmacy is the trading name of Lloydspharmacy Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Celesio AG based in Stuttgart. Celesio is the leading pharmaceutical distribution company in Europe and is represented in 16 countries. With its three divisions, Celesio Wholesale, Celesio Pharmacies and Celesio Solutions, the group covers the entire scope of pharmaceutical trade and pharmaceutical-related services.

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Mesothelioma-Data.Com Gives Visitors Access To Information On Mesothelioma gives visitors access to free data and information on mesothelioma, symptoms of the disease, and treatment options. Although access to the site’s complete resources is available online at no cost, visitors can also sign up to receive a free information packet and DVD containing the full data and statistics in one convenient package. is one of the most comprehensive sources of mesothelioma information on the Internet. The site allows individuals to browse recent news items on mesothelioma, learn about the effects of asbestos on human health, peruse statistics on the disease, explore useful mesothelioma links, and make use of helpful resources pertaining to clinical trials, compensation, and veterans issues.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, which is caused by exposure to asbestos. Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 new cases of the disease are diagnosed each year in the United States.

Between 1970 and 1990, the incidence of mesothelioma cancers increased. Asbestos-related diseases stabilized after the 1990s, and now appear to be decreasing. In Europe and the rest of the world, mesothelioma rates are on the rise.

Mesothelioma is a serious disease that is difficult to treat. By the time a patient experiences symptoms and receives a diagnosis, the disease is usually already in advanced stages. However, advances in technology have helped improve prospects for patients that have been recently diagnosed.

Most cases of mesothelioma affect men aged 55 and over, and its incidence increases with age. 75% of people diagnosed with mesothelioma are over the age of 65. The disease affects men 5 times more often than women, and is most common in white Americans.

Mesothelioma affects the mesothelial cells that surround the lungs, heart, and stomach. Symptoms of the disease include dyspnea and pleuritic chest pain, malaise, and weight loss.

Mesothelioma is a difficult disease to treat. In most cases surgery is not possible because the tumor encases the lung in a large mass that invades the fissures and spreads to the diaphragm and chest wall. Chemotherapy and radiation have only proven helpful in rare cases. Fortunately, many patients have recovered because of new treatment options and earlier diagnosis.

For more information about mesothelioma, call 1-800-780-2686 or visit

About provides free resources and information to patients suffering with mesothelioma. The website has developed a free information packet and DVD that make it easy to become informed about the disease of mesothelioma, its symptoms, and treatment options.

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Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentists of Bedford Dental Group Launch New Website

The Bedford Dental Group in Beverly Hills, California, gives everyone in the Los Angeles area a chance to experience the very best in general and cosmetic dental services. Thoroughly trained and experienced in all dental areas, cosmetic dentists Daniel Naysan, D.D.S. and Mehdi Nayssan, D.D.S. perform everything from Zoom! teeth whitening and Invisalign to porcelain veneers and dental implants, using a variety of safe and relatively painless practices. They excel in making your smile bright and attractive, and will cater to your every need throughout the entire process.

Bedford Dental Group recently launched a new website,, to compliment their successful dental practice. The site is very informational and covers the many different services offered, such as dental implants, direct composite bonding, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, dental crowns, dental bridges, root canals, porcelain fillings, tooth extractions, grafting, dental cleanings, dental check-ups and TMJ treatment. It also includes a variety of images, including before and after photos of their patients.

Daniel Nayssan, D.D.S. is a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), the California Dental Association (CDA) and Los Angeles Dental Society, and is also a member of the Alpha Omega dental fraternity. He has earned an advanced certification for treating patients with the Invisalign system, and continues to practice all forms of general and advanced cosmetic and general dentistry. Dr. Naysan is featured in a video to be found on the home page of the website. The video provides a brief tour of the dental practice, a glimpse into the office ideology, and includes real patient testimonials.

Whether it’s a routine dental exam to check for problems before they grow or receiving a dental implant to replace a lost tooth, Bedford Dental Group’s commitment to combining excellent dental care with indulgent customer service makes your visit one to look forward to! Call (310) 278-0600 or visit to arrange an appointment.

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ePharmaExpo.Com – A Central Source For Business News And Information For Everyone Associated With The Pharmaceutical And Life Sciences Industries

The recently launched website incorporates a virtual trade show, event postings, recruitment database, and forums to give everyone associated with the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries a central source for business news and information.

The launch of, a website encompassing multiple aspects of the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, was recently announced. is designed to be a central information resource for businesses, vendors, employees, and job seekers within the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.

The main draw of is expected to be the virtual trade show feature. This component of the website allows businesses to showcase their services and products through online booth displays, which take the place of traditional trade show booths. Businesses will have the opportunity to reach an undetermined number of Internet users year round and twenty-four hours a day instead of a limited number of trade show participants for a few days at a conventional industry trade show. Visitors can benefit from viewing products and services from their home or business instead of traveling to pharmaceutical and life sciences trade shows. owners hope to increase the quality of leads generated for the site’s exhibitors by offering a means to connect with interested parties.

Pharmaceutical and life sciences businesses, organizations, and universities from across the nation are able to post upcoming local events on Newsworthy items such as information about industry-related conference and seminars and press releases are accepted. can also be used as a source for businesses searching for qualified job applicants and for those seeking employment in the pharmaceutical and life sciences fields. Businesses can currently take advantage of the website’s introductory offer of free three-month job postings. The owners report that over one hundred positions have been posted since the launch of A resume database allows companies to search for candidates with specific qualifications, decreasing their time and money spent recruiting qualified candidates. Job seekers can post their resumes and search for employment opportunities by state.

A discussion forum allows visitors to communicate anonymously with other visitors and the website exhibitors. Visitors can post comments and questions, exchange information, and seek the advice of other forum users. administrators have future plans for an anonymous messaging system, which will allow visitors to ask questions directly to the site’s exhibitors without revealing their identities. The intention of this feature is to promote a more relaxed atmosphere for visitors that allows for an exchange of information without disclosing personal data.

About is a virtual trade show website for the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries. The website features exhibitions of products and services, discussion forums, and industry job postings and events. Contact Chi-chau Tse at 619-808-3773 or for more information.

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Overcome Drug Addiction at Sunset Malibu

A drug rehab center is very important. Drug addiction cannot be overcome by the addicted person himself. The drug rehab centers are created by an appropriate drug rehab program. Drug rehabs are imagined to be full of misery, dreary and dank. Good drug rehabilitation is just not simple drug rehab center with a drug treatment process. A drug rehab cannot cure you unless you yourself want to go on that path. A drug rehab center program and drug rehab center should be best and beat the drug addiction.

A right rehab center should be selected as drug addiction is difficult to get rid and a drug rehabilitation process will try even the most unwavering soul. The drug treatment is the one that suits you personal needs and the drug treatment center should be such that it should cater your unique and predictable individuality. A successful Drug Rehab is the one that caters the patient’s interest and is one that evolves constantly. The Drug rehab center at Sunset Malibu offers the appropriate treatment for addiction recovery. To know more log on to

A right rehab can make a lot of difference and without the trained professional provided by the rehab center it is not possible to beat the addiction. Landing in a wrong rehab can lead to a waste of time, money and energy. A drug rehab center helps personal development and individual growth. Addicts need to be thought new ways to relate to them. An efficient drug rehab center program is about empowerment and fixes the damages and replaces the lost.

It also offers the best counselling program that includes both group and individual therapy. The real achievement is one that helps the patients to be in this world without pulling them to the same addiction. The patients of drug rehab are not only abstractions or statistics the people suffer f r o m real pain. The drug treatment helps the patient discover their life. The patients who get an expert detox treatment can withdraw their addiction at the earliest. The doctors and other professional in the specialized drug detox program can help the patients to manage side effects and cure them. Drug addiction is not just physical but also psychological disease. The ultimate success of this addiction treatment is on the effectiveness of the counseling that promotes personal development and emotional healing. 

The substance abuse recovery is equally important. The Drug abuse and use are a serious problem. And the drug addiction problem is also increasing. Substance abuse can ruin one life, family and career. Substance abuse not only affects the addicted individual but also the entire community. A professional substance abuse treatment with utmost care can cure you and help you recover. You have to take the first step to cure yourself with the assistance of Sunset Malibu Rehab Center, to do that log on to

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A Well-Equipped Alcohol Rehabilitation at Sunset Malibu

The Alcohol Rehab Center is fully equipped residential drug treatment and alcohol rehab center. They have a drug rehab center that is specialized in substance abuse treatment, alcohol detox, and treatment of co-occurring disorders such as eating and depression disorders and painkiller addiction treatment. The addiction recovery program with high amenities and comforts help to recover quickly. An Alcohol rehab center is different from the drug rehab. The alcohol addicted patients need to be treated differently from the drug addicted patients. A unique alcohol rehab treatment program needs to be tailored to help regain a sober life. The Alcohol Rehab Center at Sunset Malibu is world class and well organised, to know more log on to

An addiction treatment is essential for addiction recovery. It helps you save your life and more importantly lead a peaceful life. The patients for Addiction treatment come from every walk of life the Alcohol Rehab Centers help identify your problems and treat accordingly. The only way to come out of Addiction is an effective Addiction Treatment. A beautiful overview and four star amenities such as personal trainer in a fully-equipped gyp, luxurious private bedrooms, gourmet chef and a professional caring staff help you lead a life of abstinence. Such an effective treatment is offered at Sunset Malibu, to know more log on to -

Alcoholics cannot get better without the help of alcohol rehabilitation. Alcoholism is a devastating disease that makes the victim loses their hope and dignity. But alcohol rehabilitation can help solve the problem and offer strength to overcome from this disease. There are many alcohol rehab center but the best and the most appropriate needs to be selected to get the best treatment. Alcohol Rehabilitation is a personal process. It should be such that each individual patient is privileged and the treatment facilities offered give a lasting success. The Alcohol Rehabilitation offered at Sunset Malibu is unique for two reasons. Alcohol abuse treatment programs offered here give an advance range of psychological and physiological therapies. They genuinely care for their work. To know more on the Sunset Malibu’s Alcohol Rehabilitation log on to

Detox is an important step in the process of drug rehabilitation. Addiction is a disease wherein the addicts get metabolically dependent on the drugs they abuse and find it impossible to overcome it. Therefore the Detox services help the victim. The drug detox and alcohol detox at Sunset Malibu are essential precursors to alcohol and drug rehabilitation. The successful detox program helps the patient to adopt themselves into the rehab process. The detox services work at their best when it is tailored as per needs of the addicted individuals. The physical and medicinal therapy in the detox center of Sunset Malibu helps towards a significant addiction recovery. To know more on the Detox service and make the best of the services of Sunset Malibu log on to

An effective addiction treatment can change your life. To lead a normal life take utilize the support and services offered at Sunset Malibu.

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Get Rid of Drug Addiction at Cliffside Malibu

Drug addiction affects an individual emotionally and psychologically. You have intense cravings for the drug if addicted and if you stop taking, you may experience unpleasant physical reactions. Seeking drug becomes compulsive in the large part as a consequence of the effects of prolonged used of drug on functioning of the brain and therefore on behaviour. Addiction makes drug a compelling requirement not a casual choice. Drugs addiction causes physical dependence. Breaking drug addiction may be difficult but not impossible. A little support from your family, friends, drug and other drug addicted people as well as outpatient and inpatient drug addiction treatment can help you beat this drug dependence. For this purpose you have Drug Treatment Programs, Drug Treatment Centers, Drug Abuse Treatment Center, Drug Rehabs and Drug Rehab Programs.

Drug Treatment Programs: At Cliffside Malibu they help you understand whether you are addicted to drug and the ways in which you can escape it. Drug treatment programs are essential when you want to desperately recover from this addiction. Cliffside Malibu has recovery facility that is designed as per your needs. There are different drug treatment programs depending on each individual. The Cliffside Malibu staffs create a treatment plan based on the evaluation that will help you recover. Their drug treatment program also include detox, counselling, massage therapist, herbalist and much more. To know more about the Dug treatment programs at Cliffside Malibu visit

Drug Treatment Centers: The drug treatment center at Cliffside Malibu helps you find the right drug treatment that is usually a difficult process. It is different from other drug centers as if offers a comfortable environment with luxury beds, Internet connection, spas and much more. To know more on the Drug Treatment Center visit

Cliffside Malibu drug rehab Center: Drug addiction is a dismal problem; it has wrecked and ruined many lives. Drug abuse prevents the individuals to maintain a steady employment or to fulfil the professional responsibilities. At this point of time the Drug rehab centers form to be an effective means to cure ones addiction. Cliffside Malibu at offers the drug users all kinds of suitable option for the drug rehab. Their staffs are trained to offer treatment for all kinds of drug addiction from methamphetamine and marijuana to heroin and cocaine.

Drug abuse is wherein a person overuses alcohol, prescribed medicine or illegal drugs. The drug abuse center at Cliffside Malibu offers a unique treatment, they will give you mental and medical screening to find out the appropriate recovery plan for you. They also offer alternative medicine to help you recover such as acupuncture, massage therapy, nutritionist and much more. The drug rehab program aim to assist their patients to recover with vigour, dignity and regain the sense of self agency that will help them to be sober in the long run. The Cliffside Malibu’s drug treatment programs and center will help you make your tomorrow once again.

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For Better Addiction Treatment Log On To Cliffside Malibu

Alcoholism is a circumstance wherein an individual is addicted to alcoholic drinks. It can be stated as a disease that is either inherited or developed from psychological, genetic or social factors. People, addicted to alcoholism, suffer from severe physical or mental issues. An uncontrolled consumption of alcohol can lead to dependence or withdrawal tendencies often damaging or inescapable. Alcoholism treatment is a tough treatment as the addicted person has to be bought back to a sane and normal state of mind. Alcohol treatment programs are an effective way to break the cycle of the alcohol dependence.

Alcohol Rehab centres help you come out of this deadly addiction as it is said that Alcoholism is not just a disease but it kills. A person addicted to alcoholism cannot be alone held responsible for the havoc created in their own lives and lives of the people related to them. The only way to cure this is through understanding, knowledge and alcohol treatment. You can reach out at Cliffside Malibu a right place to come at the times of such distress. It offers you the best treatment all around, their treatment involves family, group and individualised emotional/psychological therapy and various alternative treatment methods such as Chinese medicine, yoga, equine therapy and acupuncture. For a better treatment at Alcohol Rehab Centre of Cliffside Malibu log on at

Check out the sites compiled by Cliffside Malibu for their specialized Alcohol treatment program at Cliffside Malibu’s Alcohol treatment centre treats their patients with love and

Alcohol Treatment Centre: The Alcohol Treatment Centre at Cliffside Malibu the patients are given individual attention. Their unique requirements are taken into account. A good Alcohol treatment centre can help you get rid of this addiction effectively and give back you your normal life such as at Cliffside Malibu. To know more about the Centre, you will have to check out their website at

Addiction Recovery: Addiction Recovery helps you save your life. This recovery is an initiative to be taken by the patient as it works only if they have the will to cooperate and support. Addiction recovery is a holistic treatment wherein the patients have to educate themselves on the benefits of the treatment in order to recover. An efficient Addiction Recovery program can be viewed on the link by Cliffside Malibu at

Alcohol Rehabilitation: Alcohol Rehabilitation offer Alcohol Rehab Programs that help the alcohol addicted patients with their unique techniques and methods. The exclusive alcohol rehab program at Sunset Malibu offers all the needed support to cure a patient in a good environment. At Cliffside Malibu they have advanced psychological and physiological therapies.

Cliffside Malibu is always here to help you lead a better life. You need to take the initiative and they will offer their best support and services. Log on to the website to experience an addiction free living for the betterment of yourself as well as your family.

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Allalternativemedicine.Com – One Of The Popular On-Line Stores For Natural Herbal Remedy

Alternative Medicine. Natural Remedies is online about a year. Since then the website becomes more and more popular. Natural herbal remedies are gaining more popularity in the United States today. More then 80 million of Americans acknowledge alternative medicine remedies for a variety health conditions versus traditional medicine.

All products presented on the website are made in precise therapeutic dosage from natural herbal ingredients. Comprehensive information on diagnosis, symptoms, and natural remedies are also presented on the website.

The natural herbal remedies for diabetes, insomnia, body cleansing and detoxification, weight loss, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, natural body and hair products, pain relief, immune system strengthening, cold/flu, and many others can be purchased on All products are made in Israel and kosher, carefully picked and based on positive impact and customers reviews.

The number of visitors in has been growing steadily since its start in 2008. uses effective, convenient and simple way to present useful information and products to visitors.

Visitors can easily find the products or the information they are looking for. It is just one click away form the main page. Visitors can feel confident using the All Alternative Medicine products and natural remedies.

You can visit the shopping site at the following web address:

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In Response To The Stressors That The Current Economic Crisis Has Borne On The US, Many People In Early Recovery From Drug Addiction And Alcoholism Have Exhibited A Need For More Therapeutic Support

In response to the stressors that the current economic crisis has borne on the US, many people in early recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism have exhibited a need for more therapeutic support. Mountainside Drug Rehab in Northwest Connecticut has expanded its inpatient drug relapse prevention program to include non-former clients. The scope and mission of this inpatient program adjunct is to prevent drug and alcohol relapse and to implement the missing parts required for a successful recovery from drug abuse and alcoholism.

The economic crisis that started to unwind in 2008 has resulted in many job losses, foreclosures and other financial stressors which have impacted millions of people. One subset of this population is people who are in the process of recovering from substance abusive disorders. In response to the abnormal stress levels and the acute need of varying support services for people in early recovery, Mountainside Drug and Alcohol Rehab in CT has expanded its Drug Relapse Prevention Program to include the large number of people throughout the country in desperate need of support.

The target population that has already filled up this program are people who are in recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism for periods greater than 90 days. Many recovering addicts and alcoholics need an additional layer of support and / or need some professional guidance and counsel to help build the missing pieces of a beginning recovery, and this is where the Drug Relapse Prevention Program is a great fit. Since its launch two weeks ago, there have been program participants with 90 days to more than five years of sobriety.

Founded in 1998, Mountainside Drug Rehab has been finding new and innovative ways to help the people that pass through the facility get and stay clean and sober with better than average results. The following guide is a useful framework for individuals to learn and recognize the dangers and signals of a drug and/or alcohol relapse.

When Do Relapses Occur?

Consider the following information: 

• Approximately 2/3 of all relapses for any addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling, smoking, diets) occur within the first 90 days. 
• The reasons for relapse are the same whether the addiction is to alcohol, other drugs or gambling. 
• During the first 90 days after withdrawing from alcohol, drugs or gambling people may experience some periods of poor memory or concentration, or they may overreact to stress. This may lead to relapse. 
• The longer a person is abstinent, the better these things will get, but handling stress as it comes up is an important way to prevent relapse. Not coping with stress is a major reason for relapse.

Recognize the Danger Signals
A return to alcohol, drug use or gambling does not just happen. There is a process leading to the return. When you begin to backslide or “slip,” you go through changes that could lead to a possible relapse. Some of the danger signals might be:

• You begin to isolate yourself from others and feel bored and lonely much of the time. 
• You find yourself easily irritated and relationships become strained. 
• You doubt your ability to stay abstinent. 
• You act impulsively under stress, which causes even more stress. 
• You think you will never use alcohol, drugs or gambling again, so you don’t need a recovery program – you don’t attend support groups or counseling, and you reject offers of help. 
• You try to impose abstinence on others. 
• Your eating and sleeping patterns are disturbed and you cannot get things done. 
• You cover up your feelings of unhappiness and helplessness. 
• You frequently feel sorry for yourself. 
• You begin to think that you can handle alcohol, drugs or gambling again and it will help you feel more at ease.

There are also other danger signals. What are yours?

If you feel any of these signals or danger signs Call Mountainside Drug rehab and Alcoholism Treatment Center at 800-762-5433 Or visit its Addiction Treatment Center Website at Drug Rehab Center (

Intervention and 24 Hour Assistance Available
Contact our Admissions Department at 800-762-5433

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Innovative Drug Rehab Uses Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong And Several Other Therapeutic Disciplines To Combat Drug Addiction And Alcoholism To Build Long Lasting Recoveries

Mountainside Drug Rehab in CT maintains an aggressive approach to innovative and compassionate addiction treatment.

Long time advocate of alternative substance abuse treatment methods, Mountainside Drug Rehab has found that the use of Qigong and Yoga to be highly effective tools at combating addiction and building recoveries. Research studies have shown that extensive drug use clogs the body with toxic debris. TCH, for instance, can lodge in the tissues for years. Qigong’s active stimulation of the lymph system speeds up the detox process, helping to remove impurities from the bloodstream. “Dirty” blood is uncomfortable and often translates into “dirty thinking” which in turn can lead to relapse. Mountainside Treatment Center is always on the cutting edge of treatment methods.

Addiction to drugs diminishes our ability to manage stress and tension. For many months, if not years, after stopping drug use, the internal chemistry remains in turmoil, creating all kinds of dangerous cravings and instabilities. Mountainsides Group-therapeutic activities are invaluable as a partial remedy for these ups and downs. But Mountainsides qigong program can help speed the process of mastering our relaxation response. Qigong’s breathing style, hand movements and postures actively induce a long-lasting relaxation response and a sense of well-being. If you own your own private toolkit for “switching on” feelings of contentment and internal—almost at will—you are less likely to become victimized by your chemical imbalances. From the moment you arrive at Mountainside, you are immersed in a friendly warm environment where you begin to build up your tool kit for staying clean and sober upon leaving.

Mountainsides spiritually-oriented approaches to drug-addiction emphasize the supreme importance of cultivating the skill of “letting go” in our lives. Qigong, in its more meditative forms, is a superb vehicle for training this skill experientially. Emotionally, qigong encourages us to accept and appreciate every emotion as valid and necessary—even fear and anger. By accepting our emotions more readily, we release from them the more easily (attachment and addiction are very close relatives.) Mountainsides qigong program has been very successful and praised by residents. One resident stated that it was a much better feeling than anything she could have achieved chemically.

Mountainsides practice of yoga and naturopathy helps reduce the incidence of relapse after treatment of drug addiction. In a study conducted by the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCYRN), the non-meditative approach of yoga and naturopathy in treatment of drug addicts is more effective in detoxification as compared to the allopathic treatment. This is why Mountainside Addiction Treatment Center has incorporated yoga in to its treatment regimen.

Yoga, as well as other alternative therapies, such as meditation are all offered at Mountainside Treatment Center for alcoholism and drug addiction. Yoga has been practiced for the purpose of ending drug abuse with fair results. Many people ask how Yoga helps people quit abusing drugs. The Yogic method for ending substance abuse is very simple. Yoga gives the mind a useful daily purpose, which re-programs the practitioner. And this is why Mountainside has taken on these methods. They simply agree with our healing of the mind, body and spirit.

Drugs fill a void in the mind and body. Even though we disagree with drug abuse, it must be noted that drugs either stimulate or dull the senses. This is one of the main reasons, why someone would try drugs in the first place. Mountainsides group and individual therapies help the individual identify these voids and find other healthy ways to fill them.

Whether it is physical or mental, drug addiction is a result of habit. This habit had to be formed because the addict found the experience pleasurable. Many drug addicts feel they have nothing to live for, and they are not thinking about living for longevity. Mountainside has an educational component like no other in the industry. This innovative treatment program teaches the suffering addict or alcoholic to learn to be “OK” with themselves.

In terms of holistic health, drug addiction is the exact opposite of all forms of Yoga. Along with the other components of Mountainsides treatment modality We offer the substance abusing individual a fair chance at living a clean and sober life.

Yoga is a discipline based upon developing, and maintaining, optimum health. Serious Yoga practitioners tend to eliminate substances, which can be abused, because they do not need them.

Call our admissions professionals at 800-762-5433 or visit our website at –

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An Increasing Number Of Men Are Now Undergoing Breast Reduction Surgery In A Bid To Improve Their Physical Appearance

New figures reveal a vast amount of men are opting for procedures such as surgery for gynaecomastia (commonly known as ‘man boobs’). More than 320 of these operations were performed last year, compared with just 22 five years ago.

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the number of men having cosmetic surgery has now risen to almost one in 10 patients. And with an increase of 44% since last year, male breast reduction surgery has surpassed other rises in overall breast enlargement and tummy tucks.

Nigel Mercer, President of the BAAPS, said: “Wide media coverage has helped to educate the public about the latest advances and choices available, and we are encouraged by the fact that more people are doing their research carefully and choosing reputable providers. The Hospital Group, the UK’s leading provider of cosmetic surgery, perform a wide range of aesthetic procedures in specialist clinics across the country. It carried out 46 male breast reduction procedures last year, compared with just five in 2004.

David Ross, Chief Executive of The Hospital Group, said: “Many men have body image problems and low self-esteem from gynaecomastia. They may have been teased at school or in the gym about the fat on their chests. Some men even refuse to show their chests in front of their partners because they’re so embarrassed. The surgery is fantastic because men see results so quickly, which gives them the get up and go to live happier lifestyles.”

Excessive chest tissue can be the result of hormonal changes, disease, certain drugs or hereditary conditions. It can also be exaggerated with weight gain or loss and may affect one or both breasts. The condition can often cause embarrassment and can affect males of any age.

As well as male breast reduction, The Hospital Group performs other cosmetic procedures such as liposculpture fat removal, abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and arm lift surgery.

Since The Hospital Group was established in 1992, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers. The Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none.

Contact Details: For further information on The Hospital Group’s procedures please visit or call 0845 762 6727.

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The Npower Health Through Warmth Scheme Has Been Commended In A National Report After Helping Nearly 2,000 Vale Of Glamorgan Residents With Cold And Damp Related Illnesses

The npower scheme has been referenced as an example of best practice by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) in a report prepared for the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes.

The Vale of Glamorgan is just one of 14 areas of England and Wales where the Health Through Warmth scheme operates, providing practical help, information and advice for vulnerable people who have inadequate heating and insulation, and whose health is adversely affected by their cold, damp living conditions.

Health Through Warmth is managed locally by the Vale of Glamorgan Council and relies on community workers such as health visitors, district nurses and housing officers, who observe cold and damp conditions first-hand, to refer people at risk.

Gary Ford, Health Through Warmth co-ordinator for the Vale of Glamorgan scheme, said: “It’s fantastic recognition to be referenced by a national body such as CSE. To date, the scheme has improved the levels of warmth, comfort and quality of life for nearly 2,000 people in the local community and we would like to remind residents that we are here to help.”

Health Through Warmth assesses each referral on an individual basis and accesses funding from a variety of sources including government grants, charitable funds, and the unique npower Health Through Warmth Crisis Fund.

Since the scheme launched in the Vale of Glamorgan in 2002, Health Through Warmth has facilitated more than £2,000,000 worth of heating and insulation measures in vulnerable people’s homes across the area.

*Figures from the Help the Aged and Age Concern research

About npower:
npower is one of Britain’s largest electricity supplier and supplies gas, electricity and related services to 6.6 million customers across the UK. npower is a market leader in renewable energy and sources the green energy for juice directly from renewable sources, at no extra cost.

RWE npower has been awarded the prestigious CommunityMark from Business in the Community (BITC). npower is the only utility business, amongst 21 other companies in the UK, to receive this accolade. The CommunityMark is a new BITC standard which has been created to recognise companies that are good investors in local communities and who have brought about real and positive changes.

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An Infectious Skin Disease Is Spreading Through The Sport Of Sumo Wresling Resulting In Some Of The Top Wrestlers Losing Their Hair.

Sumo wrestling is facing ruin because of an infectious skin disease spreading throughout the sport – and causing top wrestlers to lose their hair.

As the wrestlers grapple with one another, the fungus spreads itching and baldness, causing flakes of skin to flake off. The disease also enters hair follicles and causes hair loss – causing much disquiet in the sport as the wrestlers lose their famous ‘top-knots’.

Wrestlers have been forced to undertake a three-month course of drugs to rid themselves of the disease, but the hair loss is permanent. Throughout the sport, hair is recognised as central to a wrestlers’ reputation, in much the same way that in many cultures hair is acknowledged as a symbol of virility.

Since the Edo period sumo wrestlers have been expected to grow their hair long and adopt the ‘top-knot’ style. Such is the superstition surrounding a wrestler’s hair, Yokozuna Tochigiyama, Japan’s most successful wrestlers, retired in his prime in 1925 as he did not have enough hair.

Men in the United Kingdom need not go to such lengths if they are suffering from hair loss.

The Hospital Group, the UK’s leading cosmetic surgeons, perform more hair restoration procedures than any other surgery provider, and only carry out natural hair transplants using the latest Follicular Hair Transplantation techniques. Follicular Transplantation involves transplanting hair units, often with four or five hairs growing from one follicle, to a bald spot to generate growth.

Human hairs are genetically programmed to either be sensitive to the male hormone, which causing them to die, or to be permanently immune to the hormone and last a lifetime. Hair Transplantation uses the ‘lifetime growth’ hairs from around the back of the head, and transplants them in areas where the hairs have died. Follicular or Hair Transplantation at The Hospital Group is a minor surgical procedure, taking little more than three hours.

The Hospital Group’s hair restoration and transplantation clinic was founded in 1992, and is staffed with industry experts at its dedicated Dolan Park Hospital in the Midlands. The Hospital Group is committed to providing the very highest standards and all procedures are performed by an expert medical team in state-of-the-art facilities that are second to none. Since The Hospital Group was established, it has grown from a small pharmaceutical company to one of the UK’s foremost cosmetic surgery providers.

Contact Details: For further information of The Hospital Group’s range of hair restoration procedures, surgery-seekers should visit the website or call our patient care coordinators on 0845 762 6727. 

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