Category Archives: Healthcare Information

Controversial Treatment For Alcoholism: LSD vs. Traditional Methods

Last week, the website published a controversial analysis of studies conducted between the 1960’s and 1970’s which suggests that LSD may help those who battle alcoholism by reducing or eliminating their need to drink alcohol altogether.

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology reviewed a total of six different studies involving LSD for alcoholism treatment. They found that nearly 60 percent of patients showed a marked improvement compared to thirty-eight percent of the control group. Not only that, they discovered those who were treated with LSD were less likely to relapse.

“Within the addiction field, there have always been various types of drugs and medications used to treat either substance abuse or alcoholism,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “Unfortunately, some of those drugs have spawned additional issues in the life of an addicted individual. That’s why caution must be urged and additional studies must be done. The last thing one wants to do is recover from one addiction, only to have problems arise from untested medications treatment used. We firmly believe in a holistic approach to alcoholism and substance abuse treatment. Our research and experience shows that treating each aspect of an individual yields far greater long-term sobriety success than the hope of a magic pill. Addiction treatment is a journey that must be undertaken for the long-term; there is no quick fix.”

If the life of a family member has become unmanageable due to alcohol abuse or drug abuse, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center can help you gently, yet effectively, approach them in a loving, caring way through our professional intervention services. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has an outstanding success rate through its evidence based treatment and holistic drug rehab program. In addition, its comprehensive professional intervention services can help make the transition easier for an addict and his/her families to enter into rehab treatment.

In addition, Mountainside offers a comprehensive family care program that will give you the tools necessary to rebuild the bonds of your family to what they once were. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol, or if you have any questions, please contact Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center for a confidential inquiry at 800-762-5433.

Via EPR Network
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Bupa Reveals Workplace Absence Costs Britain’s Small Businesses 10% Of Turnover

A significant proportion of the UK’s small business bosses are risking burnout and ill health as they battle absence to keep businesses afloat, according to Bupa research.

Four in ten (40 per cent) heads of small companies told researchers they continue to work from their sick beds when ill, rather than take time off to recover because there’s nobody else to pick up their work.

They are also battling mental as well as physical strain. With financial pressure and a lack of resources hampering succession planning, a third of SME bosses (31 per cent) said that their business would collapse if they were to take time off.

However, while small business owners put their own physical and mental health and wellbeing at risk, it seems their employees may be compounding the problem. Nearly two thirds (62 per cent) of small business bosses say that employee absence is negatively affecting their business, and according to 46 per cent, high levels of employee absence are estimated to contribute up to a 10 per cent drop in turnover in small businesses.

Tony Wood, sales and marketing director at Bupa said: “Small business bosses are real troupers; they are totally committed to running their firms in sickness as well as health. However they need to think about how to take care of their health needs and those of their staff, as working through sickness isn’t a long-term solution for anyone.”

Four in ten (38 per cent) bosses admit they spend more on office stationery than initiatives that support employee health and wellbeing, such as flu jabs, cycle to work schemes and subsidised gym membership.

Dr Jenny Leeser, Clinical Director of Occupational Health, Bupa, suggests that small business heads should see investment in employee health and wellbeing as a beneficial long-term investment: “There are lots of things bosses can do to support staff and reduce the pressure of sickness absence. Staff benefits such as flu jabs or health checks can make a huge difference and are relatively low cost. Absence can be less of a burden if it is properly managed, for example through part-time return to work plans which can see staff return sooner. To get advice tailored to individual business needs, bosses should consult an occupational health specialist.”

The Bupa research showed that the sectors worst affected by workplace absence are property and technology companies, with 77 per cent of small business bosses surveyed in each of these sectors agreeing that sick leave has a financial impact on business. Other sectors which said that unplanned leave caused their business to suffer significantly were hospitality (58 per cent) and retail (50 per cent).

These figures come in the wake of Bupa’s 2011 study that found over half (51 per cent) of all HR managers claim that staff sickness absence puts additional work related stress on those employees left to ‘hold the fort’. One in three (31 per cent) staff stated they had to take on extra overtime to pick up additional workload as a result of colleagues being off sick. The research was in response to the Government’s Sickness Absence Review in November which found that the way sickness absence is managed by businesses can radically alter the length of time someone is off work.

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‘Ten Percent’ Offers Hope For Others Struggling With Addiction

A joint study conducted by The Partnership at and the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse services (OASAS) indicates that nearly 24 million Americans are in recovery from some type of substance abuse.

“To some, this may not seem like a significant story,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “But for those who are in the addiction treatment field, it’s a message of hope. We tend to focus on those who need recovery and neglect the story of those who are living successful, sober lives. It should give tremendous hope to others struggling with addiction to know that nearly 24 million American adults have successfully beaten this demon. It’s testimony to the effectiveness of a top-notch addiction treatment program. “

The study notes that more males than females stated that they are in recovery. In addition, more adults, aged 35-44, report being in recovery as opposed to 18-34 year olds and those older than 55.

Drug and alcohol addiction is a problem that faces millions of Americans and those same individuals often feel hopeless in their battle. With proper, holistic drug rehab and addiction treatment, individuals can reclaim their self-dignity and begin living their lives sober once again.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center can help you gently, yet effectively, approach your loved one in a loving, caring way through professional intervention services. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has an outstanding success rate through its holistic drug rehab program. In addition, its comprehensive professional intervention services can help make the transition easier for an addict and his/her families to enter into rehab treatment.

In addition, Mountainside offers a comprehensive family care program that will give you the tools necessary to rebuild the bonds of your family to what they once were. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

Via EPR Network
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Sleep Disruption Linked to Alzheimer’s Risk

A full night of sleep is needed for good health but as a Bethesda sleep apnea dentist I know many people have sleep that is disrupted throughout the night. A new study shows that people who have disrupted sleep were more likely to be at risk for memory problems and Alzheimer’s disease.

According to study author Dr. Yo-El Ju “Disrupted sleep appears to be associated with the build-up of amyloid plaques, a hallmark marker of Alzheimer’s disease, in the brains of people without memory problems. Further research is needed to determine why this is happening and whether sleep changes may predict cognitive decline.” The study showed that people who slept soundly throughout the night were 5 times less likely to have the plaque buildup. The researchers are not sure of the direction of the relationship, whether the sleep disruption is causing the brain changes or if brain changes are disrupting sleep. More research will be needed.

Sleep can be disrupted for any number of reasons; a barking dog, insomnia, a bed partner’s loud snoring or sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is especially dangerous because it affects the sleep of the person with the disease and also disrupts the sleep of that persons bed partner. The loud snoring and gasping throughout the night are not remembered by the sleep apnea patient but the spouse can describe the entire night in great detail. If you experience loud snoring and daytime tiredness you may have obstructive sleep apnea.

Please contact Bethesda sleep medicine dentist, Dr. Bernard L. Greenbaum at 301-530-3600 to arrange for your screening for obstructive sleep apnea.

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Boston Dentists: Digital Smile Makeover Services Are Now Available at Charles River Dental Associates

Charles River Dental Associates (CRDA) will begin offering Digital Smile Makeover services to patients who are considering cosmetic surgery or who are interested in how cosmetic surgery can enhance their appearance, and specifically, their smile.

There are myriad elements that influence smile esthetics. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can easily alter many imperfections. With fast and easy digital smile makeovers, patients can actually visualize the effect of treatment so they are more comfortable and excited about moving forward with specific procedures.

This innovative new service based on SNAP technology is easy to use and allows patients to see their “before and after” results within days. Patients simply upload an image to our website Next, CRDA dental professionals analyze the mouth and consider various ways to improve it using veneers, whitening, straightening, implants, and other cosmetic treatments. Often, they will have consulted with the patient prior or will have received information along with the patients’ image download, so they have an idea what improvements are of particular interest. Within days, patients receive their digital smile evaluation via email, along with an analysis of suggested treatment options.

This new digital simulation service is part of CRDA’s commitment to offering consumers top quality dental care based on the latest technology. We believe that smile makeovers help patients feel more confident about the way they look, and can also improve their speech, oral hygiene, and overall health and well-being.

Charles River Dental Associates is a group practice offering a full range of services for the entire family based in downtown Boston. For more information, visit our website:

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Helpful Information For People Who Suffer From Incontinence

Incontinence can be described as the uncontrolled leakage of urine or faeces, and is an extremely common problem. But help is at hand. Incontinence UK is a leading UK supplier of incontinence products, incontinence pads and incontinence pants.

You’ll find a series of helpful frequently asked questions below, designed to help you gain a greater knowledge of the incontinence products available, so that when it comes to purchasing incontinence products, incontinence pads or incontinence pants of your own, you are able to make an informed decision.

Will one type of incontinence product suit all my needs?

This is not always the case, and different incontinence products, incontinence pads and incontinence pants will offer different benefits.

Some sufferers might prefer a smaller, thinner incontinence pad or incontinence pant during the day but a larger, more absorbent incontinence pad at night when their leakage could be more severe. Alternatively, some incontinence sufferers might prefer the simplicity of exchanging incontinence pads during their daily routine, but prefer the added security of incontinence pants on special occasions or long days out.

What are the benefits of disposable incontinence pads?

Disposable incontinence pads can be thrown away after usage, meaning that hygiene and convenience are great benefits. It is very easy to carry disposable incontinence products with you and change them as and when is needed. Incontinence UK supply a large range of disposable incontinence products, pads and pants; ensuring that you can find an incontinence product to suit your needs.

What are the benefits of washable incontinence products?

Over time, washable incontinence pants prove to be more economical and environmentally friendly than disposable incontinence products. With the look and feel of normal underwear, certain incontinence sufferers prefer to wear washable incontinence pants, and they can also be easier to store. It is important, however, to ensure that you have enough washable incontinence pants to suit your needs.

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Study shows U.S. National Guard Soldiers at risk of alcohol abuse

A new study conducted by Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health indicates that U.S. National Guard soldiers who have been deployed have a higher incidence of alcohol abuse when they return home.

The study, to be published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal, found a direct correlation between PTSD and alcohol abuse in U.S. National Guard soldiers who return from deployment. Research suggests that individuals with no prior history of PTSD or depression seem to have a greater incidence of a new onset of alcohol abuse after returning home. The research also suggests that, perhaps, soldiers are using alcohol as a way to self-medicate the effects of deployment.

“Previous studies have been done regarding increased alcoholism in solders,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “Until now, however, studies which show a correlation between PTSD, depression and alcohol abuse have been few and far between. There are few times in individuals’ lives that cause more stress than deployment or war. We need to make sure that our soldiers who are returning home, are given the proper support that they need to return to productive healthy lives with their families.”

If a soldier in your life has returned from deployment, and if you think that they may be struggling with the difficulties of their deployment, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center offers professional intervention services to ensure that they get the help that they need and will be able to live a happy, normal and fulfilling life with their families

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center has an outstanding success rate through its holistic drug rehab program. In addition, its comprehensive professional intervention services can help make the transition of being an addict to an individual seeking treatment, easier for families and loved ones.

In addition, Mountainside offers a comprehensive family care program that will give you the tools necessary to rebuild the bonds of your family to what they once were. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

Via EPR Network
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New e-Book: How to Avoid 7 Medicare Traps

For those turning 65 the path to Medicare enrollment is filled with bumps and traps that can end up meaning higher health care costs for retirees.’s new booklet: Getting Ready for Medicare: How to Avoid 7 Medicare Traps can help people avoid mistakes and missed deadlines when enrolling for Medicare and selecting a Medicare health plan.

Medicare terms can be confusing. finds people are often confused about how to sign up, when to sign up and then how to compare different Medicare plan choices. The new booklet is designed especially for those who are getting ready to sign up for Medicare or choosing a Medicare health plan. It identifies some of the terms, deadlines and choices that, if missed, can end up increasing the cost of health care coverage in retirement.

Some of the traps include missing Medicare enrollment dates, misunderstanding deadlines, staying on COBRA too long and failing to understand the costs of Medicare and how to compare plans to find the right Medicare plan.

The booklet can be downloaded at

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iTech partners with NexTrust

iTech, a SaaS based Healthcare billing and Practice Management System vendor announces a partnership with NexTrust, Inc., the provider of BillFlash Document Services.

iTech Workshop Private Limited (iTech), a Healthcare IT Solutions Company with focus on Medical Billing, PMS and Revenue Cycle Management Solutions for the US healthcare market, announced a partnership with NexTrust, Inc.

Some of the key aspects of this partnership are:

* iTech reselling NexTrust’s BillFlash document services

* BillFlash support for iTech’s Patient Statement format

iTech has a Subscription based Practice Management System, and Medical billing software. EMR products can be integrated by using a secure web services interface, thereby providing an integrated EMR and PMS solution. The expEDIum Medical Billing product includes v5010 support, connects to any clearinghouse selected by the vendor or the client, supports Insurance Eligibility Verifications, Patient Statements, and automated payment posting among other features.

BillFlash users can save time and money by eliminating paper handling in-house. Practices must shift from relying on insurance payments to reliance on patient payments as the patient responsibility is expected to increase to 30% of the total practice revenues according to industry reports. Dan Stead, Director Business Development, NexTrust said, “We are extremely pleased to have been selected by iTech to provide patient statement services to their customers. BillFlash provides a professional, cost-effective alternative to in-house printing by eliminating paper and increasing patient payments.”

BillFlash leads the industry in no-fee customization, design effectiveness, online management features, ease of enrollment and use, and total value.

iTech’s Business Advisor, Mr. Ramesh Shastri added that “iTech partnership with Billflash will reduce paper handling on the clinic and billing side thereby lowering costs and improving accuracy; the winners will be Practices, Billers and Patients”.

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Death From Accidental Drug Overdose Tripled In Past Decade

A report published by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that accidental drug overdose has tripled since 1990.

The most common overdoses and subsequent accidental deaths occurred through the abuse of prescription painkillers, which were responsible for nearly 15,000 deaths in 2008 – more than both heroin and cocaine combined.

In addition to accidental overdose, the misuse of painkillers was responsible for nearly one-half million emergency room visits in 2009, doubling rates from the previous five years.

“Prescription painkiller abuse is one of the most ominous drug problems facing America ,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “It affects individuals from all walks of life – from the rich and famous to the homeless. Fortunately, many states are stepping up to the plate and addressing this enormous problem in a variety of different ways. Some states have enacted Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) which helps track who receives a prescription for a controlled substance, where they receive the prescription from and where the prescription is filled. Other states are requiring increased accountability from physicians. Thankfully many states are becoming involved in treating the source of the problem.”

In nearly fifty percent of prescription painkiller deaths, there were other substances such as heroin, cocaine, and alcohol involved. The study also highlighted an alarming fact – the number of prescription painkillers that were prescribed in 2010 were enough to medicate every adult in America , around the clock for one month.

If you believe that a loved one has an issue with prescription drug abuse or any other substance abuse, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center can help you with its broad range of professional intervention services.

Mountainside’s comprehensive family care program will give you the tools necessary to rebuild the bonds of your family to what they once were. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

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Self-control impulse impaired in addicts’ brains, possibly inherited

A study, appearing in Science Mag, says that there seems to be a presence of abnormalities in the brain of addicts that regulate self-control mechanisms.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom studied brain scans of 50 pairs of siblings, one of each pair being a cocaine addict and the other with no history of substance abuse.

The study revealed that the fibers, which connect various parts of the brain, were less efficient than those found in the scans of typical individuals. These fiber connections are responsible for sending messages to an individual to “stop” a certain behavior. The inefficiency noted is directly related to how long it took before the individual responded to the “stop” signals. Interestingly, both siblings took longer to respond to the stop signals, indicating less self-control and, more importantly, indicating a possible strong hereditary connection to addiction.

“The self-control aspect of addiction is often studied,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “However, research on the correlation between self-control and heredity hasn’t been studied nearly as much. The link between impulse control and genetic influences is certainly a study whose time is coming. The important thing that we must remember is that, even if future studies indicate a direct genetic connection to the predisposition of an individual to become addicted, it doesn’t mean that the person must become an addict. Personal choice via awareness does play an important role.”

The ever-evolving field of addiction medicine may, at some point, develop a panacea for substance abuse and drug addiction. Until that time, however, effective drug rehab is a must for those addicted individuals who want to recover from the catastrophic effects of addiction.

If you believe that that a loved one has an issue with drugs or alcohol, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center can help you with its broad range of professional intervention services.

Mountainside’s comprehensive family care program will give you the tools necessary to rebuild the bonds of your family to what they once were. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

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Kim Richards Admits To Alcoholism

Much speculation encircled Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and previous child-actress Kim Richards this television season.

On the show, it was clear Ms. Richards was struggling with issues in her life. Her erratic behavior caused her fellow cast members to accuse her of using crystal meth on screen. Kim Richards, as well as her sister Kyle Richards, both vehemently denied those allegations on camera. What they didn’t initially reveal, however, was the true substance she struggled with: alcohol.

On the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Show, Kim Richards sat down one-on-one and revealed that she is an alcoholic and that, back in December 2011, she sought rehab for it.

“We’re so happy that Ms. Richards received rehab for her alcoholism,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center . “She found the strength and courage to not only admit to herself, but to the entire world, that she has a problem with alcohol. With her determination, support from her family and her fellow cast members she, like others in recovery, can continue the path of sobriety. Although it’s not an easy journey, it’s one of the most rewarding that an individual will pursue.”

In recent years, many within the entertainment industry have come forward with their stories of addiction, sharing their message of hope for others in hopes of prompting them to obtain proper substance abuse treatment.

While the entertainment industry has had increased numbers within its community seeking addiction treatment, it’s not an ailment that affects only the elite of society. If you believe that that a loved one has an issue with drugs or alcohol, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center can help you with its broad range of professional intervention services.

Mountainside’s comprehensive family care program will give you the tools necessary to rebuild the bonds of your family to what they once were. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

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Retired Brigadier General’s sobriety offers hope for soldiers

Not only did Vietnam immediately and physically affect now-retired Brigadier General Stanley Cherrie, the ghosts of the war have continued to haunt him decades later.

After having his right leg, right hand and part of his left heel mangled by stepping on a land mine in Vietnam, General Cherrie began drinking heavily, resulting in leading the life of, what he calls, a “functioning alcoholic”. He remained in the military despite his injuries and his private fight to stay sober. In 2010 his private fight became public as he collapsed in front of his fellow comrades at a gala event. Initially reluctant to be forthcoming with his struggle with alcohol, General Cherrie knew that the only way he could remain alive was to enter into alcohol rehab.

“What a story of triumph for a man who gave everything for his country,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “His story can shine as a beacon for soldiers who are currently returning home from war and facing alcohol and/or drug dependence. It shows them that if a retired General can face his alcoholism, they can too.”

The United States military recognizes that soldiers returning from wartime do, indeed, have an increased risk for alcoholism and substance abuse. Three years ago the Army created a program at a half-dozen or so bases that allows soldiers to obtain drug and alcohol rehab without being required to inform their supervisors.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center understands the struggles that soldiers and their families go through when returning home from service overseas. The unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field. Mountainside assists clients and their families from the very beginning of their journey by offering professional intervention services should they be needed.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

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Unintended effect of bath salt use

The dangers of bath salt addiction have been well-publicized over the past year; however, a new risk associated with its usage has recently come to light.

A young woman appeared at the ER presenting with symptoms of pain, rapid skin-cell deterioration on her arm as well as profuse drainage from the area. After further investigation, it was found that the young woman had contracted a flesh-eating bacteria due to bath salt injection. The flesh-eating bacteria was fast-moving and, because of the rapid growth and spread of the bacteria, she lost her arm, shoulder and collarbone.

“Many times individuals forget about the unintended consequences of substance abuse,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “When someone is injecting a drug, one of the last things on their mind is ‘I might lose my arm because of this’. In addition, once the addicted individual has gone through the critical period where they may experience an immediate consequence from their drug use, such as convulsions, seizures and coma, they certainly do not think about associated risks such as this. Injecting anything into the body without the supervision of a physician is dangerous. Individuals need to understand the full-scope of risks associated with drug use, not just the possible short-term consequences.”

Bath salt abuse is growing in popularity, particularly with the youth of America. Fortunately, lawmakers are beginning to understand the true danger of their improper usage and, as a result, many states are passing laws banning the sale and distribution of bath salts.

As a parent, teen drug use is a frightening reality to face. If you suspect that your teen is abusing bath salts or any other type of substance, Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center can assist you in reaching your son or daughter with professional intervention services.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center recognizes the struggles that addicted individuals and their families go through when battling various types of addiction. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field. Mountainside assists clients and their families from the very beginning of their journey by offering professional intervention services should they be needed.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

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Ribbon Cutting & Launch of Breathmobile® in Alameda

On Friday, January 20, 2012, the Prescott-Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc. (PJCCE), in partnership with the Alameda Boys & Girls Club and Alameda Head Start will host a special ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Alameda Boys & Girls Club, 1900 3rd Street in Alameda as it launches services of the PJCCE Breathmobile®, a 33ft pediatric mobile asthma clinic, in the City of Alameda. The press conference and ceremony will start at 10:00am and will include members of the Alameda School Board, City elected officials, Alameda Head Start representatives, Alameda County representatives, and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Light refreshments will be provided.

Event: Breathmobile ® Press Conference & Ribbon Cutting
Friday, January 20, 2012
10:00am – 10:30am
Alameda Boys & Girls Club
1900 3rd Street, Alameda

Asthma rates for children in the City of Alameda, and particularly at Alameda Point are high in the 0-5 age group. Many families do not have insurance to access regular asthma health care,” says Washington Burns, MD, Executive Director of the Breathmobile. “We are happy to be partnering with the Alameda Head Start and Alameda Boys and Girls Club.” Dr. Burns was contacted in 2011 by Daniel Javes of Alameda Head Start, after Javes concerned about asthma rates in Head Start children, had heard about the work the Breathmobile was doing at schools in Oakland. Javes contacted Dr. Burns and said that the Boys and Girls Club would be a perfect site in Alameda to see children with asthma. Javes suggested he should contact George Phillips, Executive Director of the Alameda Boys & Girls Club, which he did. “The Breathmobile fits right in with our other health care initiatives like our dental clinic.” says George Phillips, the Club’s Executive Director, “It allows us to offer convenient access to services they might not otherwise use and will help us realize our goal of instilling healthy lifestyle habits in the children of our community.”

The Breathmobile®, the first of its kind in Northern California is owned and operated by PJCCE and is a 33 ft. Winnebago RV outfitted with the latest equipment to function as a pediatric mobile asthma clinic. Inside the van, there are an intake station, a small waiting space, a testing area for vital signs including Oximetry, allergen skin testing and spirometry, and an exam room. On board are two computer systems, the first has a health risk assessment system for asthma, and a screening module for pre-diabetes, and the other system is a state of the art electronic medical records system called “AsmaTrax.” Asthma and allergy specialists on-board include Pediatric Allergists, Registered Nurses, and Respiratory Therapists. A video system is also on board to play educational videos and CDs. Services are provided in English and Spanish, and are available at no cost to children and families. The Breathmobile® will also provide services at the Matheson Head Start in Alameda Point.

The Breathmobile’s® mission is to reduce the effects of asthma among economically challenged families by providing a sustainable, accessible asthma management program that will focus on regular preventive care, thereby shifting families away from acute episodic and emergency care.

There are other Breathmobiles® operating throughout the US, including Los Angeles, Orange County, Chicago, Baltimore, University of Alabama, and Phoenix, Arizona. All of these units form a national collaborative organization linked by a computer system located at USC to study and improve the effective treatment and management of asthma. Collaborative studies of Breathmobile® units in Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and Orange counties in Southern California show a dramatic 73% reduction in Emergency Room visits and hospitalizations of asthma children being served by their Breathmobiles®. In its two years of operation, the PJC Breathmobile® has shown significant decrease in emergency room visits from 122 to 2, asthmarelated hospitalizations from 63 to 1, and school absences from 351 days to 17.

“There are so many diseases that we cannot control, but asthma is a controllable disease,“ says Dr. Burns, “By having the Breathmobile®, we can drastically reduce emergency room visits, hospitalizations, school absenteeism, reduce medical costs, and decrease morbidity and mortality of asthma by teaching patients how to control their children’s asthma. We are also increasing children’s academic performance.”

Founded in 1995, the Prescott Joseph Center for Community Enhancement, Inc. works to enhance the wellbeing of individuals and families in the West Oakland community through a broad range of wellness, education and cultural programs, and resources delivered in a safe, welcoming, respectful environment. Prescott Joseph Center partners with organizations and agencies to deliver services and referrals within the community. Located in the Prescott district, also called the Lower Bottom,” of West Oakland it is a center for community services, education, culture and development. Prescott Joseph Center for Community Enhancement has a three-fold mission to: promote the individual self-esteem of citizens in the community through education, skill training and cultural programs, thus supporting healthy families and economic self-sufficiency; promote the on-going renewal of community spirit among West Oakland residents and to organize and promote community activities that facilitate economic, social and cultural development within West Oakland community.

For more information, about the Breathmobile ® of Northern California, please contact Washington Burns, Executive Director at 510-290-1476 or You may also visit the Breathmobile® website

Via EPR Network
More Healthcare press releases Announces New Range of Orthopaedic Beds today announces a fantastic new range of orthopaedic beds available in single, double & king size frames, prices start at £179.

Over time people can develop different types of disorders and ailments that can cause sore muscles and joints and will require some type of special care and comfort. These new and improved orthopaedic beds from can help with that issue.

Owner Lee said this about their new orthopaedic beds: “Customers who need that little bit of extra help getting comfortable at night will truly love this range of orthopaedic beds. We also have a sale now on which means you can save up to £140 on selected orthopaedic divan beds.” has been on the cutting edge of contemporary and comfortable bed design for several decades. The typical price of an orthopaedic divan bed packages range between £179 and £369 for an adult double. boasts a wide range of divan beds from round beds to next day divans for under £100. Numerous designs are exclusive to, using several years of expertise to source direct from the suppliers. This permits them to cut out the middle man and offer savings as high as 40%.

To view more details on the new collection of orthopaedic beds please visit

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Demi Lovato details struggles with substance abuse

In October 2010, the teen acting and singing sensation, Demi Lovato, entered into a rehab facility for undisclosed reasons.

Although much speculation encircled Ms. Lovato’s admission, the details of her struggles were well-concealed until now.

In the February issue of Seventeen Magazine, Demi Lovato talks openly about her decision to enter into rehab and her desire to change her life and become healthy. Although under the legal drinking age, Ms. Lovato admitted to drinking heavily as well as using drugs to numb her pain. In addition to these two substance abuse struggles, Ms. Lovato also admits to struggling with bulimia.

“With these admissions, it’s clear that Ms. Lovato is working hard to get well and live life to its fullest by being sober,” begins a spokesperson for Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center. “It can be difficult to admit your struggles, particularly as a young, famous individual. We truly applaud Ms. Lovato’s courage to take personal responsibility for her actions as well as her recovery. She certainly has the right attitude, and it seems that she has the determination to continue on her journey to lifelong sobriety.”

Underage alcohol abuse and drug abuse is a growing problem for America’s youth. Opening up the lines of communication to a teen or young adult, who you may feel is becoming dependent on drugs or alcohol, can be a difficult thing for parents to do. Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center helps to ease that burden through its professional intervention services. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

The program, along with its professional addiction treatment team, have earned national recognition and resulted in Mountainside being invited to Washington by the White House to meet with the White House Drug Czar, John P. Walters, for an in-depth meeting on what makes its program so successful. These accolades did not go unnoticed within the addiction treatment field and resulted in the adoption by many throughout the country of a more holistic approach to drug addiction treatment.

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Tips For Keeping Your Sobriety In Check Through The Holidays

Throughout the holidays, the pressures of the season along with the general festive atmosphere can be reasons why those in recovery succumb to consuming alcohol. But, there are alternatives, as given in the Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center ‘s Holiday Survival Series that offers guidance on how to maintain your sobriety or help others to maintain their sobriety throughout the holiday season.

•  Stay away from situations that put your sobriety at risk. There’s an old adage that says, “If you keep going to the barber shop, you are bound to get a hair cut.” By putting yourself into an environment where there the alcohol is flowing steadily, you increase the chance of having “just one drink”. But, there’s no such thing as “just one drink”, as anyone struggling with alcoholism will tell you. Keep it simple and, if possible, avoid situations where alcohol will be served. While this may seem like an extreme measure for some, immersing yourself in the proper environment will prove to be far more beneficial to your lifelong sobriety than the few hours of celebration that you aren’t participating in.

•  As a family member or loved one, choose to just say, “no” to alcohol. If you are hosting a holiday celebration, make it a safe environment for everyone by having a no-alcohol policy.

•  Provide non-alcoholic drink alternatives. As a host or hostess you may find it impossible to have a no-alcohol policy; so, provide plenty of non-alcoholic drink alternatives for your loved one in recovery. In addition, offer your support by choosing to abstain from consuming alcohol as well.

•  Attend an Al-Anon meeting. The families or friends of a loved one struggling with alcohol addiction also need support. Attending an Al-Anon meeting can help you to gain the tools that will aid your loved one on their journey to recovery.

•  Stay sober. Make a choice to support your family member by personally staying sober throughout the holidays. Quietly let your loved one know that you admire their determination and that you are proud of their conviction. Let them know that you are there with them on their journey and that you’ll be staying sober during the celebrations as well.

Holidays can be one of the most challenging obstacles to a person in recovery, particularly those in early recovery. But, by offering loving, gentle support, you can help your loved one stay the course.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center recognizes the struggles that addicted individuals and their families go through when battling various types of addiction. Their unique individualized recovery program is recognized as one of the most comprehensive and individualized in the treatment field. Mountainside assists clients and their families from the very beginning of their journey by offering professional intervention services should they be needed.

Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center is a modern drug rehab facility that is skilled in serving a variety of clients with various addictions and in varying stages of addiction. The caring, compassionate team is made up of licensed and certified social workers and counselors who have extensive experience and specialty in the addiction treatment field. In addition, the staff includes a Nurse Practitioner, as well as a Registered Nurse, both of whom also have specializations and experience within the field of addiction treatment and alcohol rehab.

Mountainside also provides services for those individuals who come to them with dual diagnoses and require the services of a Psychiatrist to help conquer the unique challenges that dual diagnosis brings.

For the past 13 years, Mountainside has established itself as an innovator within the addiction treatment field, and the treatment modalities Mountainside utilizes are regarded as among the most cutting-edge approaches in helping individuals to get, and to remain, sober. As a result of their unique, innovative approaches to addiction treatment, Mountainside has become the model for the addiction treatment field.

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Bupa partners with the Ramblers

Bupa, the leading healthcare group, has teamed up with the Ramblers to help people live healthier lives through walking.

The Ramblers is Britain’s Walking charity, working to help everyone realise the pleasures and benefits of walking, and to enhance and protect the places where people walk, whether rural or urban.

Walking can help people to reach the recommended healthy level of physical activity of 150 minutes of moderate exercise over a week in bouts of 10 minutes or more. The many benefits of regular walking include stress reduction, protecting against a number of illnesses and boosting fitness.

Sue Moore, Marketing and Customer Development Director, Bupa Health and Wellbeing said: “We are always looking for ways to help people live healthier lives, and we know that walking is an excellent way to do that. We hope that many of our members get involved with the Ramblers and start enjoying the benefits of walking.”

Robert McKinnon, Head of Marketing, the Ramblers said: “At the Ramblers we know that walking is a great way to keep in shape. We hope that Bupa members will join us and discover the friendship, fresh air and fitness that comes with getting outside and walking.”

Bupa members will be offered a 50% discount on Ramblers membership for the month of February. Ramblers members are also entitled to a special discount on Bupa health coverand Bupa health assessments.

For more information visit

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Bupa Launches Its First Dental Insurance Product

Bupa is introducing a consumer dental insurance product for the first time, in response to high demand from customers.

Dental Cover 10 and 20 from Bupa allow customers to choose whichever dentist they want to visit. Dental Cover 10 offers customers a full refund for NHS treatment* and market-leading oral cancer cover up to £15,000 per person per year**.

Dental Cover 20 allows customers with a privately registered dentist to claim up to £150 a year of dental insurance for routine treatment such as check-ups, dental x-rays and scale and polish. For more expensive, non-cosmetic treatment such as fillings, root canals, extractions, crowns, bridgework and dentures, customers can claim up 75% of each bill, with up to £700 paid back per year. Cover also includes emergency dental treatment and treatment for dental injury***.

With no underwriting or pre-enrolment checks required****, set-up is quick and easy for the customer.

Previously Bupa dental cover was only available to individual customers as an option with the healthcare group’s adaptable health insurance product, Bupa By You.

Sue Moore, Marketing and Customer Development Director, Bupa Health & Wellbeing said: “Having listened to our customers, we have designed a product which gives people extensive cover when they visit the dentist, whether NHS or private. We know that our customers will value the peace of mind that this gives them.”

To obtain a quote, consumers can call 0800 600 500 or visit

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